I have a date

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2003
Naples, Italy
Well after much banter, I finally have a date. I'm going in on Nov. 17th for the preliminary workups and back the next day, Nov. 18th for the big Ross procedure. Dr. William Ryan will be doing it at Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

Wish me luck!

Hey Jim,
Glad to hear you have a date set. I hope you have someone that is going to keep us posted on how things go for you.
I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Soon you will be on top of the mountain looking at that downhill side.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Jim - Glad you have a date and that the ball is rolling. You know you'll have a huge group all rooting for you and worrying about you, so we hope you can find somebody to keep us all advised. Chris
I'm glad to hear it Jim. I've been biting my fingernails and sitting on potential explosives waiting to hear this piece of good news. You really have me worried with the waiting. You know we will all be here cheering you on and up. Hopefully, someone can post on your behalf while your in the hospital. :)
Good for you Jim!
Glad to hear that you are making your way closer to the "mountainside". I've been following your posts and I know this been quite a long thought process for you. Now you've got your date and a good game plan in mind so now it's just time to hurry up and wait!:D
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!:)
You will be in good hands in a good place. I am familiar with that hospital and know that you will get great care. The holiday season will have special meaning for you this year, and for your family, as you go forward with your recovery. I will be thinking of you.-
Congratulations on setting the date. It's almost like setting a wedding date. Both mean the start of a new life.

Congrats on getting your date - and so soon! You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Hi Jim

Congrats---I guess that's the best word to use---on your date. I do think that's one of the biggest hurdles to get through emotionally. I'll be wishing you the very best and putting you in my prayers.

I'm happy for you

I'm happy for you

I'm relatively new here and don't know that much about you yet except that I can see you have been waiting for a long time. I have only been waiting about three weeks and I am already tired of it. You must have a strong character and alot of patience. Congrats on finally getting a date and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to reading about a good and fast recovery for you.
Many thanks to all of you on the site. I cut the hell out of my thimb this weekend with a razor blade whlie scraping some stickers off of the glass on my RV. I think it was a sign that I should avoid Coumadin and that the Ross is for me.

I hope I'm making the right choice.

Thanks again.

Due for Ross procedure surgery on Nov. 18th.
Hurray, Jim

Hurray, Jim

This takes a big load off my mind. No more gurgling!;) I've been worried, so I'm glad they got you in so soon.

Hope you have a really nice week. May I suggest an early Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings? You just won't enjoy it at the regular time (most likely). Sorry, Mrs. Chilihead, if I started something. :rolleyes:

Go buy a comfortable recliner, make sure you have some tapes or cd's for the recovery (icu) room, some trashy tapes of tv shows or movies, and a bunch of sweet stuff (NOT candy - fruits - preferably not very acidic - sherbet, frozen grapes, popsicles, juice). And a nice little stool for the shower for the first couple of weeks. And a pillow for the hospital if you're picky (I can't sleep with too poufy pillows. I was really pleased I had my own).

And eat, drink and be merry this week.
Sending prayers and good thoughts your way, Jim. Have a speedy recovery and let us know all about it.
So, Ive beer wondering..........How long after the surgery can one expect to wait to start drinking a few cold beers?

Any advice?

Thanks for all the positive responses. I hope to be a model patient and be back in 4 weeks!

I'd say as soon as you find that your not feeling faint, dizzy, or any other anomalies that may occur unless they put a mechanical in, if they do that, you'd best wait till your Coumadin dosage gets straightened out and that could take a month or two.
But Ross, I thought the idea of drinking the beer was to get faint and dizzy! Thanks for the advice. I'm planning on a Ross procedure.

Take care,

Sorry I am posting this late. I was in Tucson for the past few days visiting my mom and met with some of the VR replacememt.com people there. What a great group!!! Congrats on your decision for the Ross procedure. I'm a little over 3 months post op and am feeling great!! I'll be thinking of you!!! Best of luck. I know you will keep us posted!