I fell again...

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:( seems like my hip was getting better than I fall again today,its the tias I think...I hurt all over,lacerated my knee and ankle and have a huge bruise on my thigh.... I really do want my tail to wag again...:(
Oh Yaps, how on earth did you do that?
I thought you were wagging your tail a little by now.

You poor pup. Please get that look after and take of yourself.
From on pup to another (((((hugs)))))
Dear Yaps,

I'm so sorry to read this.:eek:

I hope you are up and wagging by the time I come down in June, and it's not going to happen at this rate!:eek:

Please take it easy!:)
Oh No!

Oh No!

Dear Yaps, I am sorry. I hope you put ice packs on the bruises! It does help control the swelling. Sending a healing hug your way... Brian Mc
Eating puppy food DOES help! Seriously though, I am thinking of you and wishing a quick recovery so you can be up and jumping in no time at all!