I am thankful that I found this forum!!

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2005
Lebanon, Kentucky
I had OHS with valve replacement and anuyserm repaired in August 2004. I have learned more since I have found this fourm. I did not know I could ask the Surgeon or Cardiologist any questions. Whenever they told me something including surgery was being done, I just said OK and went along. I quess I was a perfect patient to them.

Now I know there were a BUNCH of questions that I should have asked somebody!!

Again thanks to all on this forum, and with what little knowledge I have about OUR issues and concerns, If I can help any of you, alll you have to do is ASK! And I will try to help!! or fine someone who can.....
Like many members, I am sorry I did not have VR.com to help me through surgery. Like many members, I am here to try and help those lucky enough to find us through the rough times. Like many members, despite being through with surgery (where is that wood? :eek: ), I have had other issues addressed (like cut fingers and coumadin, afib, eye hemorrages, etc.).

I agree with you, VR.com is a wonderful place to be. I hope I have contributed enough to make a difference in someone's time of need and searching. You all have made a profound difference in mine.
hayden said:
I had OHS with valve replacement and anuyserm repaired in August 2004. I have learned more since I have found this fourm. I did not know I could ask the Surgeon or Cardiologist any questions. Whenever they told me something including surgery was being done, I just said OK and went along. I quess I was a perfect patient to them.

Now I know there were a BUNCH of questions that I should have asked somebody!!

Again thanks to all on this forum, and with what little knowledge I have about OUR issues and concerns, If I can help any of you, alll you have to do is ASK! And I will try to help!! or fine someone who can.....

Unfortunately, I kept my eyes closed during my first years of heart related problems. Guess I figured the less I knew the less I had to worry about. Until the wife started looking over my shoulder (and other body parts :) ) did I start to learn a lot (more than I really wanted to know sometimes). Feel free to jump in anytime with the other "know it alls" here in the family and share. We've all had shared and diverse experiences that someone out there is going to face are are experiencing right now. We are all here to help, laugh, cry, and read anytime.


Watch out, that "time out" still lurkes :D .

MayGod Bless,

gadgetman said:
Watch out, that "time out" still lurkes :D .
MayGod Bless,

Don't worry, I have actually cut hand imprint depressions in my chair so I can sit on my hands without cutting off the circulation. :D :D
Hayden, I am with you. AFTER bypass surgery, I began searching to find out whaT in heck had happened to me because I didn't have a clue. I was new to computers, had a chest slash from there to here, nothing to do but try to recover - the computer was sitting here; it beckoned and by golly there was information to be had. Found this site and Dr Rich in heart disease/cardiology. Began reading and learning from that time on. It was months before I discovered I didn't really belong in VR because I didn't have a valve replaced; just some other stuff done. But it is a wonderful experience here in VR and the things we learn can apply to my situation, too. I am glad every day for this site.
When I joined this site several years ago, little did I know that the following years would be a very difficult journey for my husband and his health. I am so grateful to this site and have learned a TON of things from everyone and all the reference sources. It helped Joe and me get through the rollercoaster trips, saved our sanity, plus helped me to help him stay the course without us both getting frightened to death.

I have also learned to be proactive. Used to be a whimp, no more.

There are no support groups that could ever approach what we share here.

We are all here to help each other when the need is the greatest.
This site is empowering. For many years I viewed myself as the guinea pig when it came to my heart issues. If a doctor said I needed something done, I did it, no questions asked. I took my Coumadin and did my testing as told. Thanks to this site and it's wonderful members I know feel like I have a say and a good base of knowledge to back up my opinions - when related to my heart. :D