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Well-known member
May 29, 2002
Sarasota, Fl
We made the long trek home from Boston yesterday. It was tough and I was exhausted but better today.
So the surgery went fine with the small? complication of the nip on the artery in my leg. I havent been up to pursuing that yet but I will. I do think I would be alot farther along without that complication. I spent 4 days in ICU with little pain meds and no movement because of it! They didn't want to give me much til they figured out what they were going to do. I think they hoped it would close on its own. Instead, I have 13 staples in the groin...fun, fun, fun!
I am well into recovery. I feel alot depends on how well the pain is managed. If I let it get away from me I am in trouble. I am on mostly motrin 400 mg every 5 hours. At night I take an oxy in the middle of the night.
I am already sleeping pretty mcuh flat out. Probably cause I was like that in ICU right away. Plus I have a minimal incision.
Well, it wasn't fun , but I made it and I can feel the recovery progressing.
I have lots of questions but will try to look them up under post surgery first.
Thanks to all who were there for me.
Congratulations, Karen! Isn't the scenery wonderful on this side of the mountain?
I have probably too fond of memories of how wonderful it was to let the pain medication take over and put me to sleep in the evenings for a month or so after surgery. Enjoy your rest and naps and sleep; you've earned them and deserve them.

Welcome, welcome home. I am happy to hear the optimism in your words.

Sorry about your slight setback (although 13 staples probably doesn't feel like slight). At least it was a fixable problem.

You have learned a valuable lesson about pain pills. Just assume you will have pain that needs controlling for the first few weeks. That way you will regularly take pain meds and the pain will not get ahead of you. I understand the mind wanting the body to recover fast but it will take its time. Go with the flow and you will be fine (and feel good too :D).

Best of luck and hugs and prayers coming your way.
Welcome back to beautiful FL, Karen and we've warmed it up down here for you too! Glad to hear you made it home safely and so sorry to have read about the unfortunate episode with the artery. Enjoy your recuperation, take it slow and easy and walk when you can. I'm glad your are able to sleep at night- that helps a lot! :)
Glad to hear that you're home Karen.
Congratulations and enjoy the Florida weather.
Hey Karen,
I'm so glad you're home and on the other side. Keep us posted on your progress and I'll use your experience as a guidepost for when I go through this in May!
Glad to see you back and recovering, though your staple story is making me wince. :eek:

Did they nick that during the surgery or the catheterization? I don't quite get what they were doing there.

Anyway, you're home, and it's getting better every minute. Enjoy this time. It shouldn't be too hot yet, so it'll be pleasant once you can do some walking. (Aackkk! Staples! Nasty!) I sure hope you get to have those out soon, so they'll be behind you, too.

Best wishes,
So good to hear from you...

So good to hear from you...


It's so good to hear from you, but not about the complications. That sounds like what the gal next to me went through. I don't know if they did it to me or not. I have a patch on my right femoral artery where they inserted a tube for the heart/lung. The left side groin incision was just just a little mark and healed well, but the right side had about a four inch incision that took much longer to heal and has left a scare. I didn't even realize I had a patch on the right side until I went back and reviewed my records after hearing of your ordeal. Makes you wonder. Anyway, welcome back and have a speedy recovery. My wife and I were both checking VR daily hoping to hear from you. We were beginning to worry a bit. Keep us informed on your progress. We're here to offer anything we can.

Don't worry

Don't worry

I am still here....just not much into the computer. Because of the staples sitting isn't real comfortable.
It sounds like you had the same thing as me. I have about a four inch incision on the left groin. It was the insertion of the heart lung machine.
The cath site isn't even bruised....new for me!
I get the staples out tomorrow at my PCP. I will ask him to review the records or get them for me.
I do have lots of questions on recovery....
I am walking about four times a day up the road and back. It is amounting to about 2 miles (including around the house stuff) I can't quite figure out if this is enough or too little. I come back and rest and recover quite quickly.
My heart rate doesn't get very high. I am on Lopressor (a bout with a fib )
in the hospital. t
They don't seem to think it will return, but want the rate to stay low.
I am also taking motrin for the pain and as long as I stay ahead of it all is well. I also take tylenol on occasion. I am mostly off the oxy....unless I do something stupid. Man you learn this stuff fast.
So, all is well as it can be at this point. I am going to a friends for EAster Dinner for an hour so I better get my nap in!!
I will keep you informed...have no fear! I am here.
Good to hear from you Karen! I'm sure you will feel a lot better once those staples come out! Sounds like you are doing a lot after just getting home. Dick walked around the house for two weeks, then a mile outside, and three miles by the 6th week. He also was on Lopressor after a bout with afib in the hospital and has remained on it to keep his blood pressure down as well. He hates taking any medication, but has had no side effects. Dick was sent home with no pain killers and managed with Tylenol at night, Ben-Guay for back muscles and lots of massages.
Enjoy your dinner, don't forget to get the naps in and don't overdo- you want your recovery to be steady, but sure! :)



Sounds like you're doing fine. I'm sure those staples are a pain in the a---groin. Your mental attitude sounds great. That's a big part of the recovery.

I should have mentioned to you about hand carrying all your records from BWH. That's what I did. I requested them a few days before my discharge so they had everything waiting for me. It was handy during my stay in St. Pete before coming back home. I gave my new cardiologist in St. Pete a copy of the important stuff. Sounds like you're walking about right. I did my walking in July in St. Pete, so worked up a little sweat. I walked around our condo complex working up to 2 miles. I never went past that. Once I got home, about a month after surgery, I didn't do any more walking, just exercise bike and light (very light) dumbells, with no overhead lifting. I was back on the tennis courts by October.

Go gal!

Welcome home to Florida - weather is guaranteed to cure what ails you. YOu aren't far from the beach so go get some salt water whenever you are able. Heals many things. Can't beat that Sarasota fresh air.