Husband joining me on warfarin merry-go-round

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DebbyA Supporter
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2007
Tucson, AZ
Is this another meaning for couples therapy? Leg pain we assumed was muscle strain (see below) was finally diagnosed as a blood clot after his foot swelled last night. He's had two Lovenox shots and started on coumadin. We still have appointments ahead of us before we know whether this is medication for life or only temporary.

BACKSTORY (AND A LITTLE VENTING): Kind of rambling, but it all fits together in my mind. Last summer, two little lost girls came to our door and we spent a couple of hours playing phone tag with the four parents. The kids properly refused to get in the car and huddled inside the door only because it was around 100 degrees F outside. Two mothers in two SUV's showed up, drove away, and we never heard another word from them. This summer, two Weimeraners showed up in our yard. We bribed them with treats so we could leash them, removed cholla cactus from legs, gave them water and called the owner on their ID tags. Owner called the next day to thank us and showed up that evening with a sweet thank you card and bottles of wine. A week ago Rick passed them on his bike while they were being walked on a leash and dogs attacked him. Blood and torn flesh on his arm and an ER visit. A couple of days later his leg started to hurt (see above). We spent several hours last night in ER. The diagnosis mills grind slowly in Tucson after 9pm and even more slowly on a holiday weekend, so we had to return to ER for a sonogram this morning, repeating the whole admission triage etc, and were there all morning. Because we were feeling sorry for ourselves and because it's my birthday, we went to a nearby Mexican restaurant for lunch. When we were ready for the check, the waitstaff informed us that a man two tables away had paid for our meal and instructed them not to tell us until he was well away. They said it happens pretty often...isn't life interesting?
DebbyA;n858158 said:
...and because it's my birthday, we went to a nearby Mexican restaurant for lunch. When we were ready for the check, the waitstaff informed us that a man two tables away had paid for our meal and instructed them not to tell us until he was well away. They said it happens pretty often...isn't life interesting?

I love the good stories

happy birthday too :)
Vent away! I always feel better after I do so.

Bummer on the dog bites, ungrateful (lady dog word here....LOL!)

Glad you had a birthday surprise that made your day a little brighter. Birthday greetings from Houston.

Hope your hubby heals quickly.