Well-known member
After 5 years on Coumadin and having my sebaceous cyst lanced Friday, I wake up Sunday to find blood on my pillow and all over my EAR.
Doctor at Urgent Care Facility said there was a 'minor cut' in the ear canal. He prescribed rinsing and applying anti-biotic drops twice a day for a week but NOTHING to actually STOP the bleeding. Even with gause stuffed in the ear, it seems to continue to bleed slowly.
Is there something else I should do to treat this?
To top it off, I asked the Doc to look at my incision. He changed the dressing and the would bled freely until he applied a "pressure dressing". He suggested seeing the surgeon MONDAY instead of waiting for my scheduled followup on Thursday. JOY!
'AL Capshaw'
Doctor at Urgent Care Facility said there was a 'minor cut' in the ear canal. He prescribed rinsing and applying anti-biotic drops twice a day for a week but NOTHING to actually STOP the bleeding. Even with gause stuffed in the ear, it seems to continue to bleed slowly.
Is there something else I should do to treat this?
To top it off, I asked the Doc to look at my incision. He changed the dressing and the would bled freely until he applied a "pressure dressing". He suggested seeing the surgeon MONDAY instead of waiting for my scheduled followup on Thursday. JOY!
'AL Capshaw'