how to protect my valves?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2008
I'm Palestinian refuge ,I live in Saudi Arabia but
Hi all
I want to know how to protect my valves from any infiction or any problem that can cause anything to them.
what about flue do I have to take antibiotec with every flu what about tooth
I don't know what the things that can hurt the valves I want to know to avoid these things .
Hi Welcome to the Forum!

I get a flu shot every fall -- recommended at my age but probably a good idea for heart protection too. Also have had pneumonia shot.

At the recommendation of my cardiologist and dentist, I also take prescribed antibiotics before every dental procedure. There is some dispute now as to whether research confirms this is necessary, but I have been doing it for years.

Other than that, just following a healthy lifestyle, including heart-healthy diet, exercise, etc. Maybe others who come along will have specific suggestions.

Again, welcome...
Since flu's are usually viral you wouldnt take antibiotics for them.
You would need antibiotics for any dental procedure, or any
invasive procedure that could involve introducing microbes
into your system. Also be careful to keep any small cuts clean,
and be wary when in the hospital/doctor's office that when they
take blood or give any injection that; they use enough alcohol,
or that they do not touch the area of skin they have just cleaned
with their hands before they take your blood,etc.
These are the most common errors, the ones I can think of
Best wishes--Dina
Hi Welcome to the Forum!

I get a flu shot every fall -- recommended at my age but probably a good idea for heart protection too. Also have had pneumonia shot.

At the recommendation of my cardiologist and dentist, I also take prescribed antibiotics before every dental procedure. There is some dispute now as to whether research confirms this is necessary, but I have been doing it for years.

Other than that, just following a healthy lifestyle, including heart-healthy diet, exercise, etc. Maybe others who come along will have specific suggestions.

Again, welcome...

I agree with everything Superbob posted. Use the same judgement that you would if you didn't have the valve. I have never tried to take extraordinary precautions. There is no way to guard against all the hazards in life. Somethings you will just have to deal with if or when they occur.

Welcome to the Its nice to have someone from your part of the world.
I agree with the others too- the best advise is to be heart healthy in your everyday life, with exercise, diet that is low sodium, fat, saturated fat, high fiber, etc. I learned alot through cardiac rehab- even though I hadnt just had a heart attack like several of the other patients there- at least now I know the reality of how to avoid them- which is good advice for anyone- heart patient or not.
Best of luck!
Over-prescription of antibiotics has been the bane of the medical industry for a long time and I was one of their guinea pigs. In the 1950s when my murmur was first detected they thought it would be a good idea to put people on a preventive daily dose of penicillin. I was given a regular supply of tablets and took them twice daily for years to ward off infection. The problem was that as a kid I would forget or just ignore it at times. As soon as I skipped a couple days I would get sick. This was making the microbes penicillin resistant. Eventually penicillin became useless because folks like me had bred strains that were immune to it.

It wasn't until perhaps 1970 that they realized what they had done and had me stop. I was then sick on and off for almost a year. In 1970-71 I took off 8 weeks from work for illness, not all at once, more like one week out of every 6. Nothing serious just one nasty cold after another until my immune system regained it's own strength without the drug dependency.

I second what SuperBob has said and what others have said. Flu shot every year for me (and my family too. If they get sick, normally I will as well, so my wife and I make sure the kids and her and I get vaccinated). I get a Pneumonia shot every 5 years I believe. And other than that, I just try and stay healthy.

I don't mean to be nosey, but what is the medical system like over in Palestine?
Khanis, just make sure to get "pre-meds" or antibiotics for any dental or surgical procedure. Also have a healthy respect for the need to keep wounds clean. New tattoos and piercings have been said to be a "no-no" for valvers because of the risk of infection. Dental hygiene is also important as it's been proven to be a risk factor for heart disease, ie brush your teeth and floss.

Like others have said, I don't think it's something to worry every day about. Just keep in mind those few factors and be aware that problems are rare but it can happen. If it happens, deal with it swiftly and effectively.
Hi Khanis.

I don't have anything to add to what the others have said but just want to say Hi and Welcome. Glad you found us.
thank you all , perrypiratesdad I don't live there and I don't know much about life there .
I want to ask about another thing what if I have to do surgery small one not heart surgery what will happen with coumadin isn't danger to stop it I mean clots and if they don't stop it what about bleeding.
again thank you all for your advise
Khamis, It is usually recommended that you stop Coumadin (sodium warfarin) before surgery, and use Lovenox injections to prevent blood clots until you can resume the Coumadin without risk of your wounds bleeding. This is called "bridging". and there are bound to be many threads about it here. They may be under the Anticoagultion heading rather than "heart Talk". Brian Mc
thank you all , perrypiratesdad I don't live there and I don't know much about life there .
I want to ask about another thing what if I have to do surgery small one not heart surgery what will happen with coumadin isn't danger to stop it I mean clots and if they don't stop it what about bleeding.
again thank you all for your advise

Have you browsed the Anticoagulation Forum here? If you post your Coumadin questions, you can get the benefit of many members' experience with warfarin -- sometimes up to 40+ years. We also have a member, Al Lodwick, a pharmacist who retired in the last year after many years of managing a Coumadin clinic at a hospital in Colorado. He now presents continuing education programs on anticoagulation management for medical professionals.
thank you all yes I should ask in anticoagulation sorry .
I'm Palestinian my nationality but i don't live there i was born in saudi and i live in Saudi but Saudis don't give there nationality to any one so I didn't want to write in were your live box Saudi Arabia because I'm not Saudi we are Palestinian refugees but we don't live in refugees camps.

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