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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Lets see the high scores of the talented folk here.

It appears that it's been taken down, sorry.
I got.....

I got.....

An much for my incredible public education....another fine NH failure brought to you by an uncaring, greedy local government.....:D :eek: :p :D Harrybaby
You scored 92.98%.

... although I have researched some of these questions and not found the definite answers this test seems to know....
89.47%...not a genius, but not bad for a Kentucky high school grad huh with two years of college? We are kind of low on the totem pole in educational excellence. I tutored (me, mister 89.47) a high school graduate in reading, who couldn't adequately read at the fourth grade level.
89.47% :eek: and I'm blaming it on brain overload?:eek: ......lack of oxygen to the brain?:confused: ......flirting with the guy behind me in English class?!!:p :D
92.8. There are MANY things I can't do but language has always come easily to me (thank God something did.) I'm disappointed in myself. I expected to see some pretty high scores, since the VR crowd have always struck me as quite bright. I'm glad to be in your company.

Hey Wise,
You've got nothing to be ashamed of. There are kids all over the nation who need help learning to read; then there are those who need help in math, like I did. THere's one other disability that no one recognizes and that is being non athletic. I was always last one chosen for teams when I was in school and there were no tutors for that.

Barbara Stewart said:
Hey Wise,
You've got nothing to be ashamed of. There are kids all over the nation who need help learning to read; then there are those who need help in math, like I did. THere's one other disability that no one recognizes and that is being non athletic. I was always last one chosen for teams when I was in school and there were no tutors for that.


I probably wrote my reply wrong. I was the tutor. However, I do agree that it's nothing to be ashamed of. The man I tutored was in his thirties and had a baby daughter; he wanted to be able to read to her.

Now as far as sports, I was the last chosen as well.
91.23 for me. I suppose that's not bad, but I expected a bit better. However, in my defense, I am trilingual - English, French fluently as well as Italian which I am studying in my retirement.
You scored 94.74%.

YOUR score reflects that YOU'RE an astute observer of language. :)

THEN why didn't I do bettan THAN that? :(

THERE must be some tricky questions in THEIR test that THEY'RE using to trap us. ;)

YOU'RE right, YOUR score would have been better if you had realized that a heart patient should have a HEARTY appetite! :eek:

WHO EVER uses "WHOMEVER"??? :mad:

:D :D :D

'AL Capshaw'
AND, I thought I understood the difference between AFFECT and EFFECT. :(

The EFFECT of that question was to AFFECT my MIND! :eek: :eek:

(Did I get it right this time?) :confused: :confused: :confused:

'AL Capshaw'
I stay away from them thar Inglish tests. My mother were an Inglish teecher and i still gots nightmares from herself editing my papers.:D
I tied Sue

I tied Sue

with a 98.25, or ONE WRONG!:mad:

The one I missed was the heart/hardy appetite, and I was really debating on that one which was correct. I guess I'll just have to try "hearter".