How many weeks before going back to work?

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Question: I know every one is different. But now it's been l0 weeks and still wondering when am I going to get some energy enough to hold me up all day. Really would like some advice. Syl:mad:
Hi Sylvia,

I went 12 weeks, but could have gone back sooner. I had valve replacement surgery for an aortic disection. I did not have any other heart conditions to hinder my recovery.

Are you on any pain meds or other medication that may be causing your lack of energy?

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

No Energy

No Energy

Hi Rob. Guess that's the question, Why am I so out of energy? I thought it was the Beta-blocker, and the Dr. still does. But somehow the more I sit at home the less energy I have. When I get out of the house early in the morning and go somewhere for the day and then come home by 4:00 I really don't feel too bad.

I wonder if it's because I don't exercise enough. I walk every so often. I just can't get myself to go out walking alone. I have Nordic track and I don't even use that. But I start Rehab next week. They said l week will at least help a little. Depending on what the Surgeon says about my sternum. Maybe they will tell me I can't go back to work so soon. Talk to later. Syl:mad: :p
I had low energy too. The doc put me on b-12 sots and Iron shots. That really helped a lot. But, those iron shots hurt like everything. I ate a lot of read meat too. my hemoglobin was really low.

I bet cardiac rehab will have good ideas to help. Don't let those by-pass patients push you around!

Hi Sal

It takes a full 12 months to snap back I was told. 11 months to the day and I felt better than good. I walked around for a very long time sick and did not realize it. Anyway, my hematricuit. 'Blood Iron level' was low, always has been.

So, similar to Mara I had Iron via IV. 3-4 times. They boost it with something called epigin sp? which is an injection.

Anyway, be careful of B vitamins and B based injectables if you take Coumadin. They tried me on the 12 and 6 and my INR shot up. Then it tanked and I ended up in the hospital hooked up to the Heparin for 3 days. At the expense of a common supplement. Hard to beleive. Even more so that it was prescribed.

Keep us posted
I finally went back to work after 7 months. I thought I was ready 1-1-01 but my husband disagreed, and because we work for ourselves I ended up staying home until 4-1-01.
I was told more than once it would take up to a year or more to feel completely back to "normal". For older people even longer. I wanted to look and feel like I did a few years ago and did many things too soon because I thought I could do it. Not so! I would feel good doing it that day, but the following day I'd be hurting and would suffer through painful muscle spasms in the chest. The keloid scar was no help either and that hurt for a long time. It still does today. I just came back from vacation and I feel a pain under and around the scar. Not sure what to think of it.
I don't have the same energy every day. I expected my energy to be much higher after surgery, and have been disappointed. Some days I am just worn out and unless I get the exercise thing over with early on it doesn't happen.
I keep plugging along though. What is the alternative?

Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's Mechanical
Hi Again,

I agree with Gina. It really does take a full year before you can really say... I feel like my old self... or better in some cases! But, you should be feeling better every day. Exercise really does help get your metabolism going.

Good luck,

I'm on my 5th week post op, and I was told I can return to work at the end of week 8 part time. I too had no heart or artery issues. I've found out when I feel dragging, I do some calisthenics walk a little on the threadmill, shower, feel much better! I can not even imagine spending more time at home. A year huh? Amazing.
Back to work?

Back to work?

Hi Carbomedic, :D Good to hear there's someone out there like me. Now I won't feel alone. :) I really have to admit that I am a couch potatoe. Never thought I would say that to anyone. Boy have I come a long way. I think I am just scared that I won't be able to work at my full capasity like I did before my surgery. Guess I'll find out after April l5th. Thanks Again. Syl :cool:
After my surjury I shut my 23 year old business down and became an "at-home-dad. My wife after staying home for 23 years, became the bread winner.

She nows calls me her HASben and I call her my woMAN!

She raised the first two kids and I'm raising the last two. We will see which ones are better. LOL
Hi Sylvia:

I went back to work after 6 weeks and have been working 6 hour days 4 days a week for the past 2 weeks. I work as a paralegal so most of my work is sitting in front of a computer. Even though I didn't feel all that strong and am still struggling with the uncomfortable tightness in my chest and spasms in my back and shoulder muscles, it has been a good thing to get back to some "normalcy". I go to cardiac rehab at 3:00 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday and then again on Fridays (my normal day off from work even before surgery). This next week, I plan to be back to the 8 hour days except for leaving early on Monday and Wednesday for the rehab.

I found that staying at home left me too isolated though friends tried to stay in touch. I had too much time "home alone" with my mind which is a dangerous thing since I tend to work myself into high anxiety over all the things there are to worry about. It also just made me feel too much like an invalid and was depressing.

I have been doing cardiac rehab now for 3 weeks and it does help your energy. Exercising on those days in between is also a help.

I didn't find myself really any more tired (maybe even less) on the days I worked as opposed to those I spent at home with the monotony of doing nothing.

Going back to work may be just what you need.
Hi Syl-

Have you had any bloodwork for anemia? Joe was terribly anemic. At one point he even had to have a transfusion. This was prior to his last surgery, but the anemia continued for quite some time after his surgery. The valve repair took care of the major part of it, but he still sees a hematologist every 6 months, and will be on folic acid for the rest of his life. He was also on 3 iron pills a day. He's off those now. They didn't do much for his digestive tract, but they did help the blood get to a normal level.

Anemia can sap your strength and make you exhausted, plus it can make you feel out of it because there isn't enough oxygen in the brain. You wouldn't feel much like exercising if you were anemic.

Good luck, I hope you find the answer to the problem. It's terrible when you don't have any energy.

Nancy makes a good point about the anemia. When I was discharged from the hospital, they gave me prenatal :) vitamins because my blood counts were down.
I went back to work after six weeks, but only worked mornings, or until I felt too tired. Fortunately I could also work at home using the phone and computer.
Looking back, it took me 9-12 months before I really recovered fully. Heart surgery is truly tramatic to your body.
Fifteen months now, and I feel terrific - better than I had for years prior to my AVR, so I guess is was worth it
Finally going back to work!!

Finally going back to work!!

Marku, I just got the word from the Surgeon and Cardio.Dr. I can go back to work on April 29th. Good News. Feel so much better now. I'll continue my rehab and walking and just hope I'll be strong enough by then. What a load off my mind. Syl
Final OK to go back to Work!!

Final OK to go back to Work!!

Hi Nancy. Well good news. no anemia, chest x-ray good, wires all in place nothing loose. I can drive now. No restrictions. I will be going to rehab 3x a week and walking at home. Sounds good huh. The beta-blocker was the problem , too strong, he had me take half a pill for the next week, then half again, then stop. If I have any problems like rapid pulse at a sitting position call him right away. But no other problems now. Can't tell you what all you good advice has meant to me. Thank You. Syl

P.S. I go back to work on the April 29th, if all goes well. Good HuH????;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Oh Boy! That's just great Syl. I'm so glad they finally nailed it down.

Hope the rest of your recovery is smooth as silk.

Best wishes.
Glad you will be going to Rehab. It'll do you a world of good before you go back to work. You'll see!

Keep in touch!

Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's Mechanical
Congrats on going back to work ! It's a milestone in your recovery.

Someone on here, I think it was Rob, said to beware of your co-workers at first. they will be so glad to see you back at first, but my the end of the week will have forgotten that you just had major surgery and might expect you to be back 100%. Please remind them that you are still recovering and might get very tired very quickly. You'll see how it pans out.

I too was a couch potato, and never thought I'd admit it. Now that I can do all those things I never could....WOW!

Good Luck Syl!
Going back to work

Going back to work

Hi Mara, Thank you for your encourging words. I really do appreciate them.. I will remember your thoughts of fellow co-workers and how they will forget of my surgery. Good thing to keep in mind. Syl

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