How many surgeries?... Just curious!

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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Hi everybody, we've discussed the pros and cons of reoperations on many times on the VALVE SELECTION threads, that I can't help wondering how many of you have actually had to face it and how many times?
I've had three mitral valve replacements already and all with tissue valves. The first surgery was the worst of the lot owed to the seriousness of my condition at the time. The other two went ok in general. Now I'm in line for my fourth which should be within a couple of years since the valve is slowly calcifying again. As crazy as it may sound to some of you, I'll go tissue again and I feel comfortable with my decision.

3 here, all mechanical. Didn't have a choice with the first one but probably would have gone mechanical since I had decided I didn't want children.

Just out of curiousity, what do your doctors say about a fourth (and, I assume a fifth if you go tissue again) surgery? Are they concerned?
I personally haven't had any surgeries, but my son Justin is 17 had
Bt shunt in 88 at 10 days
Rastelli(homograft right vent-pulm artery conduit 89 @18 months
conduit cut and patched and pacemaker implant 98 (10 years old)
conduit replacement (gortex) w/ Bovine pulm valve May 05

and last summer he had a smaller unplanned surgery to remove his broken pacermaker that was in his abdomen, under his ribs and a couple non heart surgeries

I know some people don't like to hope to benefit from new technology in the future, but hopefully the next time he needs his conduit/pulm valve replaced he will get the ones grown from his own cells that they currently are working on in Boston. Since we have seen so much accomplished in the past 17 years I think it is good to think about things being easier in the future as long as you don't put all of your eggs in one basket so to speak, You need Hope and already Justin has benefitted from somethings that we hoped would be available when he needed them Lyn
Two for me. A mitral commissurotomy (repair) the first time and a mitral valve replacement about 7 years later using a St. Jude mechanical. I was able to have my children between the two OHS.
2 for me, the first being an attempted repair of my native aortic valve after the aneurysm blew. Best the surgeon could get was 3+ regurg repaired, but I had been down too long, so it was leave it at that until later. I made it 7 years and then had to have it replaced altogether.
How many?

How many?

Just 4 and with each one my post-op condition was worse- especially the last two. :(
Three for Joe, two mechanical and a leak repair. He did OK, but now probably needs a fourth for his tricuspid, and his card says no-go. It would be too dangerous for him. It might change, if Joe were to become critical. The card did leave the door open only a notch, saying it would have to be a very, very serious issue and well-proven.

The odds they quoted were up to 75 percent to the bad for a fourth surgery.
Two for Joann. When the first surgery was done in 1971, the only option was mechanical. We were told (not certain that this is fact) that once the heart has been modified for a mechanical valve, it must be replaced with a mechanical valve.

The first surgery was difficult. The second surgery was much more difficult.

We do NOT anticipate a 3rd surgery.
My hubby Gary had the Ross in 97, mechanical aorta in 00 and we are going for the third ASAP for an aortic aneurysm (Dacron graft with new valve.)
Good luck to you and please keep us posted.
I know information and the thoughts of others is what keeps me going every day.
How I feel!

How I feel!

Thank you all for your replies so far and also for sharing your experience with me. I went to see my surgeon last October, just for a chat, and asked him about my next surgery. I also mentioned that I was a member of VR and he seemed very pleased. When I showed him my then last echo, he said he can't see me needing the surgery so soon, just like my cardio had said. Then we talked about valve choice and when I told him I was considering getting another tissue valve, he agreed , but we didn't discuss it in too much detail though. I was more concerned about my health now and wanted to know his opinion on my exams.I suppose I'll have to see him again sooner or later to discuss my surgery once the time comes, and only then will I get all the answers. You see, one thing is talking about having surgery one of these days, and another, is to actually have to go and do it. What I'm trying to say is that noone knows the future and I can't precise what my situation will be like then. All I can say though is that I've always trusted my doctors and I feel confidence in my surgeon!
One question I forgot I wanted to ask you - Why tissue again? Is is the coumadin issue?
I have had to surgeries, repair and replacement on the aortic valve. This the is the experience I have and hope to never go through again. But there is never a total guarentee. But, who knows what the future holds.
It doesn't appeal to me.

It doesn't appeal to me.

I've read a lot of posts defending the use of coumadim and all that, and I do believe that for many it might not be a big deal! But I just don't feel good about having to take it forever and having to watch every little thing. I know it might sound daft, but knowing the sort of person I am, I would worry sick all the time just thinking something could go wrong. OK, I'm well aware of all the risks of a tissue valve and reoperation, but I've learned how to handle it! I also know that for some reason, I could end up having to take it anyway, just like a person who opts for a mech valve could end up needing another surgery, but since we have to make a choice, we might as well choose what we want the least. I guess that's just me!