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Well-known member
May 20, 2004
Townsend, MA
So do I have to sell the hot tub, that my wife and I enjoy so much by ourselves and with friends after surgery, if I get rid of it I would be able to place the barbeque grill in it's spot, but would rather keep the Hot Tub, can't beat those extremely cold New England nights.
From what Tobagotwo says,

From what Tobagotwo says,

. . . you might need that hot tub, Harry. Bob recommends hot baths for back pain after surgery; preferably with your spouse (read posts to Glenda about reoccuring back pain!)
If you have a hot tub, you won't have to worry about fitting two people into it. Of course, you have to develop back pain to justify! :D :D
Just kidding.

Your surgeon might tell you to avoid the hot tub for a couple of weeks until the incision is well healed, so that it doesn't re-open and get bacteria inside.

Some heart patients are told to avoid hot tubs, but I believe that is because being immersed in very hot water can raise the blood pressure as the body tries to cool the extremities. I don't think that precaution applies to valvers who don't have other circulatory issues. You may need to dial the temp down a notch or two, ask your doctor about that.
Bill's right about the incision area. Chlorine might not do it much good either, before it heals up.

A regular bath cools as you lay in it. A hot tub maintains temp. Heat over time is the variable component.

The thing that occurs to me is that I generally feel good, but drained of energy when I climb out. Early on, I would be cautious about overdoing it. I don't have any valid reason to believe that it would actually be a problem. It's just the way it strikes me.

If your cardio says no hot tub, even after the incision heals, ask your surgeon as well. My cardio told me not to fly this summer. Plenty of people on this site were on planes a week after surgery. Were they taking a risk, or is he full of beans? What I'm saying is just that there is frequently more than one valid, professional opinion of these things.

Best wishes,
Wouldn't Dare.......!

Wouldn't Dare.......!

Hey folks, I am not talking about going in the tub just after surgery, but down the road apiece. I just didn't know if anyone of you fine people have a tub and where able to use it after the fact.

I wouldn't dare go in just after surgery or until I have healed sufficiently enough.
The cabin my husband and I rent in Tennesse every year has a hot tub. There is a sign by it with rules for using it. It says no one with diabetes,heart problems,etc. should use it. We asked our doctor and he said that was for people with heart problems such as CHF,etc. My husband had his aortic valve replaced and as long as we used common sense,which anyone in a hot tub should, to feel free to use it. I realize the people who own the cabin are covering themselves from a possible lawsuit by having the sign there. We use it every year and my husband has had no problems. Of course he did not use it the 1st time we went up after his surgery.
Hi Harry and Lauren -

Hot tubs and saunas used to make me feel very ill and very weak; hot baths also. I haven't tried hot tubs again since getting the new valve several months ago. But the heat this summer isn't bothering me like it had for the last several years so I'm thinking that a hot tub won't bother me as much either.
Our friends nextdoor have a large hot tub and are very generous in inviting us over for "tub time" about once a week. I enjoy it so much. Just don't go in on a full stomach.
Hot Tub oh oh yea !

Hot Tub oh oh yea !

Keep it I have one!!

I love using our hot tub. I waited 6 weeks to be sure my incision was healed up and then climbed in. Boy did that feel GOOD!. My BP runs low so we keep the temperature down to 101 in the winter and it's at 100 now. I would not get rid of the hot tub for anything. To be honest, I never asked the Dr about using it before or after surgery. I didn't want to hear no for an answer.
Kathy H

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