Home testing at last!

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Ross, That sounds like a plan! But I have a feeling that I'll bleed no matter what size guage I use. It's either going to be a fast or a slow flow, right? Like I said the other day, if I get really bored before the machine gets here, poking my fingers will definitely be the first thing that I do. Maybe I'll even start by poking my fingers with my sewing needles. Seriously though, how sore will my fingers be when I first start doing this? And do you usually have to put a band-aid on your finger after you stick it because it won't stop oozing?
Actually with the 30ga I'm using, it's only sore for about 1/2 an hour unless I poke the wrong spot, then it can hurt a couple days. No you shouldnt need a bandaid. You usually still have to force the blood from the hole, then once your wipe it off, it generally clots right up. I've had occasions where I had to repoke because of a read error, the capillary tube didn't cooperate, or I just couldn't get enough blood from the first poke, but on all occasions, it clotted immediately while the test was in progress.
What spot?

What spot?

Ross said:
Actually with the 30ga I'm using, it's only sore for about 1/2 an hour unless I poke the wrong spot, then it can hurt a couple days. No you shouldnt need a bandaid. You usually still have to force the blood from the hole, then once your wipe it off, it generally clots right up. I've had occasions where I had to repoke because of a read error, the capillary tube didn't cooperate, or I just couldn't get enough blood from the first poke, but on all occasions, it clotted immediately while the test was in progress.

All right you guys. The nurse who just thought she'd heard it all needs to know about this "spot" you're talking about. Where is it? I'm going to stay up the rest of the night thinking of all the patients I've inflicted undue pain on due to hitting this spot that I didn't know about.....as well as developing a little anxiety before my appt at the clinic tomorrow. So, where is it?
Try to hit the side or just to the side of the meatiest part of the middle finger. If you go too high or straight into the tip, the lancet will hit the phalange and OUCH!
Hmmmm that's strange, I always hit the upper side part of my finger and it doesn't hurt. I would think going lower would hurt more, but I'll give it a try next time.

As far as guage goes, try what they give you first, and if that doesn't work, try a 12 guage shotgun. :eek: That generally will work.....

Also, if you are really daring, you can try using your toes. My wife bet me I wouldn't test on my toe once. It didn't hurt too bad, but it was a bit tough to get the drops in the little cup.
OK you all, I"m ready to roll! Hopefully, I'll hear something today from the supplier I'm working with. He said he would call every couple of days to give me updates on the paperwork between the insurance company and my cardiologist. You all have really gotten me EXCITED about sticking my fingers! And if the small gauge needles don't work, then I'll resort to the 22 gauge shotgun. I bet I'd get a really good sample with that!!!!
twinmaker said:
OK you all, I"m ready to roll! Hopefully, I'll hear something today from the supplier I'm working with. He said he would call every couple of days to give me updates on the paperwork between the insurance company and my cardiologist. You all have really gotten me EXCITED about sticking my fingers! And if the small gauge needles don't work, then I'll resort to the 22 gauge shotgun. I bet I'd get a really good sample with that!!!!
Who's the supplier you are going through?
My insurance (PHCS) gave me a list of medical equipment people in our network. The one I chose is called HomeLink. Let me know if you need telephone numbers or anything. I also have several other names but this was the first one that I called and went with them.
No... just more curious than anything. I always thought there was only one out there (QAS) as that was who I used for my first one and they were awesome.