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Beloved Member
Apr 28, 2006
Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Chris, here. THANK YOU thank you to all of you who kept me & my wife in your thoughts & prayerd during this ordeal. I'm VERY glad to be home but I'd probably still be in the hospital were it not for the tiring work of one nurse who figured out that it might be DAYS before my INR is correct, so why not send me home on self-injections of a bridging anti-coag agent, Arixtra? I had been on IV of basically the same stuff, just sitting there in the hospital and in some pain, sure, but basically I'm certainly past well enough to be home by now. But here I am, it was not an "easy" road for me but things are right on track now.

I was given a temp pacemaker at first and I think THAT caused a lot of my pain. IT was just not doing the job properly so my HR seemed "wrong" to me, and the pain meds just couldn't do anything about that discomfort. Once they put the permanent pacemaker in this past Monday, I began to feel better.

Again thanks everyone - your concern for me & my family has been very touching.

Welcome Home!!:) there is no place like it!

Relax and let the healing begin!!
Congrats on being home, Chris. We really hate to see any of our crew having a rough go in the hospital.

There's nothing that makes you feel better than getting out of the blasted hospital.

So breathe, walk and nap. You're on the right side of the mountain now!
Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

Man, I know where you're at. They kept me in too long, too, because a nurse forgot to give me coumadin in time, so they had me hanging around trying to get my inr to 2.5 to 3.5.

But the main thing is, YOU'RE HOME! It's rough the first few days, you're gonna be weak and feel helpless. BUT IT GETS BETTER EVERY DAY!

I'm 25 days post op and feeling pretty good.

Glad your ordeal is over.
SO happy to hear your are home and now on the road to recovery. Hopefully, it's all uphill for you now. Thanks for letting us know 'they let you go'.......

breathe, eat, walk, breathe, eat, walk.........

Get well soon.
So glad to know that you are home and sending our best wishes for an uneventful recovery in the days to come!
So happy your home

So happy your home

This is great news that you are home. I will continue to pray for you that your recovery at home goes well. I read that you were having some pain issues. Are you feeling better?

I'm so glad you are improved and home! Sorry your first week was so tough. You deserve a smooth 6 weeks now!

Carla, don't let him do anything but suck on his incentive spirometer, eat, walk, rest, and whatever else his health care team recommended for him. (My wife was so good at watching over me and I know you will be an equal blessing to Chris.)

So very happy to hear you are home. Please take care and make the rest of this as boring as possible.
I'm so glad your home. I hope you get a lot of rest now that your home relief of mind. Yeah! We made it!!
Hip Hip Hooray! It's about time buddy.

When you get time, highlight me on your INR situation and lets figure out what they are doing wrong if we can.
Chris. Glad you are home and that you sound like you are in one piece!! Hope the recovery goes more easily for you.

Best wishes!

Congrats Chris...
what a wonderful surprise to find you home and doing great!

This is fabulous...

I'm sure you will be sorted real soon now that youre back home...

do drop Ross a line about your INR , let him wave his majic inr wand for you too!:D and save yourself weeks of needle-pricks and fluctuating levels...
Chris - welcome home!!!!!! I think a lot of us were "living" on this forum to get word of your updates. My heart would ache to read the fear and worry in Carla's posts and we were so glad to read the ones that eventually showed signs of relief.

Take good care of yourself now. Walk, sleep, eat, breath (yes - the insentive spirometer is your 2nd best friend - Carla being the 1st)

As Ross said, when you feel up to it, give us the info on your INR journey. We might be able to help you sleuth out the issues. Don't forget we have the world's best expert (IMHO) in our member Al Lodwick.

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