High Cholesterol

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My recent Lab tests showed that my cholesterol and tryclycerides have risen. I have to admit that I have not been 'good'..eating lots of wrong things! I'm taking steps to get back on track..but my question is:

Have any of you experienced this rise and if so were you put on medication or allowed to 'behave' to have it corrected??

This is my 1st experience with these elevations..and I have not talked to my Cariologist yet..My tests are taken at my hospital that I work in..so get results right away. No more chocolate/chips/ and have gone back to low-fat things (like I'm supposed to). I went off the deep end since the holidays. I guess I thought I was young and without heart disease for a while..Grrr...shame on me!!! My Doc is gonna be upset with me.

Sorry this is so long. Thanks for any info anyone has!

Well Zipper, Mine is like David Letterman's, a safe low 600. That's not too bad, is it?



Geez Phil..LOL! I wasn't talkin' THAT high..So....what R U doin' about it ? LOL! I'm eatin Salmon til I'm SICK of it..No red meat..Grr.. Chicken, of course...Tasteless no fat cheese..Eggbeaters...And of course the fruits and some Veg's. Hate Tofu, so that's not an option!

Just don't want to take another pill...and wonder how it will affect my INR....

Now..Ya got an answer for me? !!!!

Joan *~*
Bubble Burst..lol

Bubble Burst..lol

It's fairly difficult to burst my bubble! Thanks for your input...however..

I understand that Salmon more than any other fish has the type of fish oil that is heart healthy. Dr Dean Ornish, who was on Oprah recently, has written books regarding heart disease and diet. If his theory is correct, Salmon would be one of the preferred things to include in a heart healthy diet. I have no reason or information to believe otherwise.

I'll probably end up on cholesterol lowering meds because I love to eat and fortunately weight is not a BIG issue for me, altho I still try not to "pig-out" too often! LOL!




Thanks Janie...that's the goal..to raise the HDL so the LDL gets Stripped!!!LOL!

Yes, I would not think of taking any supplement without my Doc's ok...best to avoid all the 'Natural'...hmmm... supplements (IMHO) unless they are ok'ed by Doc 1st and research for interactions have been tested! Many people are having unfavorable reactions due to lack of proper research before taking them.

In her 40's and still in her chosen profession..lol..We must do more dancing!!! LOL!


Zipper & Janie - do words contain cholesterol? I just ate mine! Thanks, both of you, for your correction. You mean I really can have tuna now? I love it but have limited my intake. Better go back and read that paper I was given. My apologies to you both and thanks for your info. How about shrimp? That's my favorite. God bless


That was sweet of you... Thank you. I think we all eat words now and then.LOL!

I believe shellfish do not offer the same benefit but are high in cholesterol! As I live on the coast of Ca. we get the Crab/Prawns right off the boats. I'm VERY bad in the season as shell fish are my favorites, too! I seem to adore everything that is bad for me! At least I can't eat while typing..lol..and I've done plenty of it today!


Joan *~*
You can't Tuna fish?

You can't Tuna fish?

Hensylee, Zip and ohters.

What about the often over looked low sodium tuna? Don't forget to get that kind if you are buying tuna in a can for tuna salad. The regular canned tuna has a huge amount of sodium.

Tuna steaks are great. Try one on the barbeque. Salmon is also very good on the BBQ. Try getting organic chicken. You probably don't need all those hormones and anitibiotics in mass produced chicken. Who knows what that has been doing to your INR!

Dr. Andrew Weil said in his Optimum Health Book that eating salmon, aspargus and brown rice is, like, the perfect meal.

Zipper, tofu ain't that bad. Try getting some ice cream sandwich things called Tofootie Cuties and you will see how delicious tofu can really be. I bet you'd never know they were tofu if I just handed you one to eat. Tofu can be yuky if not prepared correctly or if you buy inferior grades of tofu. We have a chinees restaurant called PF Chang's and they make a great curried tofu with vegetables, you'd never know it was tofu!

Talk to Perry about his experince with red rice yeast and how he lowered his cholesterol! It might work for you, too!


Hi Mara,

Thanks for the info and encouragement I think my problem is that I don't know how to cook Tofu, and I've cooked so many years it's a struggle to turn over a new leaf (TREE..actually..LOL!)

I will give some serious thought to Tofu products..no guarantees tho..grin..One of my sons is a vegetarian and the other is semi. I failed miserably on a couple of Tofu recipes, so think that turned me off.

I do like Tuna and Salmon(buy it fresh) and actually bought some of those frozen 'burgers'(non Meat) They weren't bad..BUT I so love mayonaise..I left it off...Grrr. The no-fat cheese has NO taste..Oh well...lol..I'll keep working on it. Thanks again

Joan *~*
Tofu on!

Tofu on!

Hi Joan,

Tofu-products are actually pretty good! I have a favourite brand of soy based icecream! Slightly melted it tastes great!! Here we have many products called quorn that are made up from mushroom proteine. Tastes pretty good but I prefer the other soy-products to it. Or I go veggie altogether.
My latest cholesterol panel was a wee high (an immunosupression problem!) so we've been eating a bundle of fish. Unfortunately fatty fish (like salmon) has dioxin, mercury and other not so healthy substances stored in their fatty layer so the dietician adviced against women in a fertile age eating fatty fish more than twice a week :rolleyes:

I hope the levels stabilise!

All my very best,

/jessica :D
I have a tofu cookbook somewhere around here. I love it but DH absolutely hates it. So I don't get to cook with it much.

But I'll look up some recipes and post them on the recipe forum.
High cholesterol???

High cholesterol???

This is a short report on the cholesterol scam that is being run in this country. It's been taken out of the newsletter named "ALTERNATIVES" written by Dr. David G. Williams.

Next time you have your cholesterol checked don't be surprised if your doctor says: "it's too high". __ even if it was fine at your last check-up. Government officials have changed the cholesterol guidelines. As a result 24 million more Americans will be told they need to go on dangerous cholesterol lowering drugs.
I believe that cholesterol is not our enemy but that Atherosclerosis is the true cause of heart attacks and heart disease.
Far from being the bad guy cholesterol is absolutely essential to your body. You couldn't survive without it! 80% of the cholesterol floating through your bloodstream is produced by your liver. Cholesterol breaks down the fats in your diet and helps your body to digest them. A high cholesterol reading is a warning signal, like the oil light in your car. It's a warning that something is making your liver pump too much cholesterol. Taking the drugs is akin to disconnecting the warning light instead of fixing the trouble. Sooner or later your engine will be seriously damaged.
The REAL VILLAIN is whatever is causing cholesterol to clump together into these plaques. And that something is TOO MUCH of the wrong oils and fats in your diet. This is the hearts worst enemy. This rancid fats and cholesterol in your blood makes it flow thick and slow (doctors call this "sludging") So it's easy for this fatty stuf to get deposited in those tiny cracks. This is how a clot begins. Over time these fat deposits grow larger. At some point the body lays down calcium on top of tem, making plaque. This is hardening of the arteries ___ the REAL cause of a heart attack.
Food manufacturers are using the cholesterol scare to confuse and trick you. They want you to believe that just because their products contain "no cholesterol" that they are good for you. They aren't!!!
Polyunsaturated oils from corn, soybean, palm and coconut oils are just as bad for you, and you will find them in many of our prepared, and packageds foods.
As you will probably know many are producs containing vegetable oils that have been "hydrogenated" This process changes the melting points of these oils so they stay solid, even in your bloodstream, plus you are not able to taste it when those oils become rancid. That is exactly why they are so popular in cookies, crackers and so many other packaged foods. But ingesting rancid, oxidized fat is the worst thing you can do for your heart. This is the secret cause of why there's so much heart disease in our country these days. Unfortunately, hydrogenation is here to stay. Plans are being made to hydrogenate "Omega-3 fish oils and offer it to the public as "HEART HEALTHY" cholesterol free margerine and shortening. Don't fall for this scam.
The issue is not how to lower your cholesterol, the real questions are: "How can I halt the oxidation of my choleserol.

There was a lot more, but it's too long. But stay away from those highly advertised drugs like "lipitor" and others. They will damage your liver and can cause irreversable damage your heart.

I thought this was very interesting.

Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's Mechanical
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Sounds a litttle too promising if you ask me Janie.

If that statment is accurate. Dr. Doolittle is in the money.;)

Wonder if Zazzy has heard of this practice?
I tried red yeast rice (is that right) and it didn't help me at all. So dr put me back on Lipitor and I am not going to mess with it again. I use olive oil in small quantities. Also use tofu at times. I made a good chicken salad, mixing part tofu with chicken, and meatloaf, mixing part tofu. The tofu picks up the flavors of what it's added to and is right tasty. I Was once in a hospital operated by Seventh Day Adventists and they served no meats at all, but we had very tasty meals every day - spaghetti/meat balls, meatloaf, etc. Think they use soy products very much in their recipes. Had a neighbor of that faith and she had a cookbook and a catalog to order products from. All healthy, seemingly.

On the Larry King program about hearts , one of the cardiologists said we would all be better off without meat. Sure is good, tho.
high cholesterol

high cholesterol

Hi Joan,
I was on the Dr. Dean Ornish diet when my cholesterol was about 301. I followed it almost to the letter and after 6 mos got it down to 200. It is not an easy diet to stick with. I was a vegetarian to start with and his diet is totally vegetarian. The only dairy you can eat is non-fat, only the whites of eggs, no meat, fowl or fish, no cooking oils - only sprays, no Sugar!!!, no nuts or avocados. Alcohol is very limited. He only recently added fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements to the diet. He also believes in exercise, relaxation techniques and group therapy. We have an Ornish club here and I used to go to the meetings. I lost 25 lbs and felt great - then I went back to some of my old habits and the cholesterol went up to 269 and the weight is back on. My dr is pushing me to start on chol lowering drugs and I'm fighting it. When I had an angiogram before my avr surgery I was told that my arteries are as clean as a babies, but that was almost 5 yrs ago and she says a lot can happen in that amount of time. I was reading about niacin supplements and just heard a cardiologist locally speak about its benefits. You need to have a dr who knows how to prescribe it as you have to take a few thousand mg a day and it does cause flushing of the skin in the beginning. It can also cause liver damage like the statins but that damage is reversible once you go off of the niacin - but I understand that that doesn't happen too often. I also started taking a soy protein drink called Revival they have a website with all kinds of information about it. I still drink it - my last chol was 239 and that was about 4 months after starting to drink the Revival. Good luck to you.
Queenie here..LOL

Queenie here..LOL

Hi Sharon and Janie,

While I have respect for Dean Ornish's ideas, I know I could never manage to follow his orders! LOL! You are both fortunate to have clear arteries!

I've avoided any meds so far...Niacin is a bit scary. I think my Doc will put me on Lipitor, if needed, as that is what he had my husband take. In the meantime, I'm dying for a steak..I'm with you Janie...it's my preferred protein!!!

Sharon..Is the soy Revival loaded with sodium ? I know from my Mom drinking dietary supplements that some are quite high in sodium.

Honestly...there seems to be something wrong about everything we like to eat or do!!! I guess I'm just an indulgent type..LOL! I am trying to be good, tho...Grrrr.

The tofu thing might help, if I learn how!!! So for now..I'll go fix the ol' eggbeaters, I guess...Hmmmm...sounds like nobody will come to my house for dinner..ROLOL!

Thank you both for your response...We all learn from each other..it is a huge help! Misery loves company..that's me..Queen Misery...grin/chuckle! I'm so hungry....I need a zipper for my mouth!

Til next time,

Take care and TRY to be good..LOL!

Daughter got a book for me and one for herself. I was visiting her Thanksgiving 2000 and she managed to cook a meal without cholesterol filled foods and all were traditional Thanksgiving fare. The book is:LOW-FAT, LOW-CHOLESTEROL COOKBOOK by Scott M GrundyMD, PhD & Mary Winston, EdD, RD and has American Heart Assn logo on it. Has some really good recipes in it. You can get it in paperback for $15. US, $21 Canada.
Cookin' good!

Cookin' good!

Thank you for that excellent referrence! I will check that out. What a great resource this site is!!!!

Joan *~*
revival protein drink

revival protein drink

Hi Joan,
Here's what the package says:
Calories: 130
Total Fat: 2.5g
Saturated Fat: 1g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Total Carbs: 7g
Dietary Fiber: 2g
Sugars: 1g
Protein: 20g
Calcium: 500mg
Phosphorus: 400 mg
Sodium: 290mg
Potassium: 410 mg
Iron: 3mg

I buy the unsweetened chocolate. They will send you a sample if you'd like to try it. Go to www.revivalhealth.com They have lots of info and testimonials on the site. It's well worth a look-see. Good luck.