hi ,im home :)

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hi everybody ....it seems long time after i left you but now im here again ....thank god .
first of all im sorry i didnt have access to net in the hospital and my dear diego who got news from my friend here , thought he should put only my first message here :)
anyway today is exactly 10 days after my surgery . i cannot say i feel great but after another painful hours tonight , im better now . my surgery took about 7 hours ...they could repair my mitral valve but aortic one was replaced with a biologic valve .
unfortunately recovery process is slow . oh god im spending awful time ....pain is unbearable sometimes ..and strangely pain killlers dont have good effect on me . 3 days in ICU i was the only one always moaning and worse than it , nurses didnt believe my pain they said morphine will make u calm but really it didnt . PT is low and most of the time i have fever but in such a condition i asked them let me leave the hospital caz it was not bearable for me after 10days staying there . they agreed caz they are in touch with me and they believe my brother and sister can control it .
the biggest problem is sleeping at nights caz i cant turn and i have badly backage now .
and last news for today : i did an echocardiography and doctor said the surgery has been exceleeeeeeent she just insisted me to eat and drink enough not wasting doctors effort ...very bad appetite ..but am trying .

i feel very happy to communicate with you again . sorry am tired now ....hope i can write and read about you more ....
i would like to thank all of you again .
best wishes

We've all been worrying about you. So glad to hear you are through surgery and recovering, even though the road has been bumpy. Sending prayers that your pain will subside and the road will get smoother.

All best wishes,
Have been wondering about you!! So glad that you checked in!
Sorry to hear about the pain problems, praying that will subside now that you are home!
Eating and drinking are VERY important!! I became dehydrated and it was not a pretty sight!!
Try to keep food/good drinks going as best you can.
Welcome back and please keep us posted!!

Hope the pain will ease and I'm sure you'll soon be on your way to a good recovery.
Solmaz, we've been so concerned. It's wonderful that you're home. I'm sure things will improve rapidly now that you don't have people coming at you with needles all the time.

Sleeping is a problem for many after this surgery. Experiment with a lot of pillows to prop you at an angle rather than lying flat on your back. You might even do better sleeping in a chair or on a couch so you can be somewhat upright.

Have someone massage your shoulders and back three time a day to help the pain from the way they pull your arms back during surgery.

Most of us find that almost all foods taste like dirt for a few weeks after surgery. Try to find what tastes not so bad - probably fruit and fruit drinks. All of a sudden other things will begin to taste better - when the chemicals get out of your system from the anesthetic.

Anyway, our prayers were anwered and you're home. And things will get better. We're thinking of you.
Solmaz we've been very worried about you so it's great to know your home!

Your appetite is going to be poor for a few weeks, so eat whatever tastes good to you, which isn't going to be much. Sleep when you can, Breath Deep when you can and take lots of walks. You will get there. It just takes lots of time. ;)
Hi Solmaz-

So glad to hear from you. You're home!! That's great news. All of the things you have mentioned are things that happen to most right after surgery, not being able to sleep, being uncomfortable, the back pain, the overall pain and the lack of appetite.

I've helped my husband through way too many surgeries, and he's been where you are many times. Be patient, things will get better, I promise.

It takes a long time to have a good night's sleep. I think Joe slept sitting up on the sofa for at least a couple of months. His appetite didn't return for a couple of weeks. Most people say food tastes like dirt. So eat whatever tastes good to you. Don't worry right now about eating healthy. You need calories to heal well, so just eat what you can and as much as you can. Lots of people say ice pops taste good.

The back and shoulder pain can be helped sometimes with gentle massage.

Make sure you are breathing deeply to open up your lungs, That's very important. It is painful to do, but has to be done.

You may find that you are sad or depressed or moody. This is an effect of all the meds they have given you. It usually goes away soon.

Here's a tip for you. If you have to sneeze after this surgery, you will find it to be very, very painful. So, if you feel a sneeze coming on, take your finger and press it hard just under your nose until the urge to sneeze goes away.

Also, most US hospitals give their heart surgery people a small pillow to hold to their chests when getting up from a chair, or any time when moving around is painful. It does help to compress that area with a pillow. So if they didn't give you one, ask a relative to help you find one to use. That little pillow can become your new best friend.

So, congratulations on a successful surgery. Each day will get a little better. And walk as much as you can and breathe deeply.
Welcome home, Solmaz! Like they say, home is truly where the "heart" is. No pun intended there, but you will surely recover faster at your home than anywhere else!

Glad you're able to drop us some lines on how you're fairing. Hang in there! The pain will be there for a little while, but it will subside. My family will be saying a prayer for you tonight!

Take care,

Congrats! The pain will subside, and you'll be up and running around in no time. Good for you!
We were worried about you and are so very happy to hear you are home and things are going relatively well. I hope you are able to get past the pain. That will help your appetite and the activity you need to recover.
Take care and let us know how we can help.
I'm so glad to know that all is well. I hope you can think of something that sounds good to eat. I ordered a jalepeno pizza delivery at 10:00 this morning:D that is the only thing that has sounded good all week!
Good Luck and God bless,
Glad to finally hear from you

Glad to finally hear from you

So glad to hear you are home. Try to drink fluid and eat whatever you can. Try sleeping in a comfortable chair if you can't sleep in a bed. Each day should get easier. Keep in touch so we know how you are doing. Feel better soon.
Welcome home Solmaz! I'm so happy to see your post. I can't add anything to all the good advice that was given. Things will get better.

I'm very happy to read that the echocardiogram after surgery is showing much success.
Welcome Home, Somaz! Good work! You did it!!

I'm sorry that you've had a rough start, but I'm sure as the days go by you will find that core of strength to call upon and you will be smiling at every ray of sunshine and every bird who tweets and you will recover and be better than ever!

Thanks for thinking of us......we have certainly been thinking of you! :D

Salam Solmaz!

I was looking forward to an update from you! I am very happy that you are doing well, and each day I hope you feel better, and better!


oh, what a nice surprise this morning to find you are back with us. We have really been concerned and wondering how you are. Everybody kept saying 'where is Solmaz'.

None of us can sleep well for a time but eventually you will find you are sleeping better and the pain is less. It's going to take you a while to get over this soreness, but all of us can assure you that it will happen.

Your back may be sore because of the position of your body during the actual surgery. Many complain of sore back and shoulders.

Hope you start seeing some results - and that you will continue to be with us so that we can encourage you along in your recovery. Best wishes - and prayers.