Hi All.....Just Thought I Would Post

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
And let you all know that I have not been on much lately as I have had the flu and then a cold, and now I am dealing with kidney issues again, and I am still very frustrated with the medical practice in my area and so I have been working to get my records gathered to go down to Mass General Hospital in Boston and Hopefully get some answers on the heart and the kidneys.

I am really disgusted right now because I saw my urologist who told me he was concerned about my passing so much blood in my urine, and that it was a kidney issue, and he, even though he told me it's not cancer from a urologist stand point, is still concerned about the lump on my kidney.

I am praying that I can start school again on January 12th and I am really looking forward to it as I am itching to get my degree, and to some degree feel pressured and under the gun simply because of my never ending health problems.

Anywho, I just wanted to fill you all in on what's been happening and let you know I am still around, I just haven't felt like myself much lately, and with the power being out from this dreaded ice storm, I have really been dragging because I haven't been able to use my CPAP machine for my Sleep Apnea. Go figure.

I hope everyone is doing terrific and staying as healthy as possible. Hugs, Harrybaby:D
Good to hear from you Harry. I hope you get some answers at Mass General and I hope you are feeling better soon and can enjoy the Holidays.
Thanks for checking in Harry. I hope 2009 brings some answers for you and some solutions! God bless you.
Harry!! Hello!!

It is always good to get updates from you. Please stay strong!!

If you are worried about starting school again, maybe you could use this time at home to call the school, let them know about your medical predicament and see if they have any suggestions for you. Right now there are so many people under so many kinds of pressures and uncertainties, these school offices field a lot of calls and have all kinds of helpful information. It could be that some of what you need to do could all be done online or with private conferences with a professor. Please call and see if they have any helpful advice. That will bolster your mood, too!! We want you to get that degree!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D

Sending positive thoughts your way! Hope your medical issues can be brought under better control.

Hugs to you!!

Hi Harry ~ It was wonderful to hear from you, as i wonder how you're doing and keep you in my prayers. I hope you get some resolutions to your health problems in Boston.

I hope that 2009 brings you much better health and that you are able to get your degree.

Happy Holidays!

Hi Harry,good to see your posting and sorry for all the added

stressesities in your life.(no such word but i use it alot in our life here);)

Always in my prayers!!!

zipper2 (DEB)
As my mom always said, it's always darkest before the dawn. I can't help but think it is the same with your situation. Things are dark and gloomy for you now, but good fortune is waiting for you just around the corner.:)
Hang in there . . . you have alot of support from many friends.:)

I knew you were also a part of the terrible ice storm. It was some ordeal, wasn't it? It hit me too. Glad you are OK!
OH Yes Ross.....We Lost Power...Which Is REALLY DANGEROUS For Me...

OH Yes Ross.....We Lost Power...Which Is REALLY DANGEROUS For Me...

On another note, you mean you haven't lost power and other things due to the ice storms?

Because I am on a CPAP machine for Severe Sleep Apnea (I stop breathing 200+ times an hour) I am not supposed to go even one night without my machine on, which means I need to have power....We were without power for 18 hours, and the only reason we got it back that quickly was because I called the Electric company and explained my medical issue with them and they busted their tails to get the power back on. I did have to go one night without the machine and I am still paying for it...It's causing my CHF to act up horrible. Day before yesterday, I felt like I was being suffocated all day long, and yesterday I had a bad case of indigestion and chest pain all day....and today, I am totally wiped out.....:eek::eek::eek:
Hi Harry,
I have a co-worker who uses a CPAP when car-camping in the mountains without power. He uses a 12-Volt deep cycle battery connected to a 12-V to 110-V inverter that you can buy from Radio Shack. A full charge on the battery will run the CPAP for about 3 nights. Check with a fishing buddy that has a trolling motor for a good source for the batteries. But you also need a 12-V battery charger and have the 12-V charged before a storm. He has also run his CPAP from a little Honda 110-V generator. They are very quiet and run forever (several nights) with only a little gas. He uses a long extension cord to keep the fumes at bay.

OK, I can see this is getting complicated but if the CPAP is that critical it might be worth the trouble.

Good luck-and Stay warm.
Thanks For The Tip Lionheart...

Thanks For The Tip Lionheart...

I just got a new CPAP machine as my other one was getting old, and unfortunately, I can't use the same battery equipment, so I am buying what I need piece by piece as my insurance won't cover the inverter, and I was told NOT to go to Radioshack because their adapter would fry this particular machine, so I am ordering it through the Respiratory Equipment place....piece by piece...it's the only way I can afford it....but then I will get the battery and then the charger and I will hopefully be all set....My brother's condo association won't allow us to have a generator as it "looks bad" and is loud, and it would "ruin their reputation"....I think I may have to check with the ADA on this one, but until I can, I have to do the best I can.:eek:
Yea.......I think the ADA may have something to say about that. Gee, what will this do for our reputation? Or should someone live?:eek: Best of luck to you.
worked with a woman who had the same type of kidney issues. She had to have a kidney biopsy to diagnose her CA. if at any point you are not comfortable with your doc. get another opinion please .

I have had the flu

Ugh. I was JUST diagnosed with a mild case of the flu yesterday (Monday). I had a checkup with my Primary Care Doctor scheduled anyway for a follow-up, but had a fever Monday morning. It was gone by the time I got there in the afternoon, but he asked if I had been achy. I answered in the affirmative. He asked if I thought it was the flu, and I said no ... I didn't feel debilitated at all. But, he suggested the test anyway ... just in case. And the results came back positive for flu. Wonderful. I'm on TamiFlu now. I hope to be better by Christmas Day so I can hold my new nephew!!!!!

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"It's a pudding made of figs ... and bacon" ... Gonzo to Miss Piggy/John Denver and Muppets ... 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas'