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Brian J

Hi Everyone,
I posted 5 months ago when my Aortic valve was replaced. Things are moving along and I feel better now then I did before the surgery. Walking about 1 hour a day and back to work except I want to play more than work . Since the surgery I look at life completely different . I don't sweet the small or big stuff anymore and now know that the world can function pretty well without me.
I am still on 50mg of attenolol , 30mg of nifedipine and 75mg of plavix a day to slow me down. The Dr. said he wants the blood preasure and the heart rate down with the new plumbing. The Irregular heartbeats are getting less and less as time goes on. They were bad in the beginning and now maybe I notice some 4 or 5 x a day and they only last a few beats and then go back to normal. The only thing that really bothers me is that my feet seem to get puffy and or red during the day when I'm sitting, the Dr. said it is Edema from the Nifedipine (blood preassure) but It was happening since the surgery and I was on Lisinopril back then. Has this happen to anyone else? Does it go away? Anyway, Take care and Peace.
Brian J.
Well hello Brian - nice to see you again. Missed you. Glad you are doing well.

Sorry about the swelling. Thought BP meds had a diuretic in them to rid the fluid. I think most anyone who sits for long periods of time get some swelling. Do you get up often and take a brief walk.
Try it and see if it works. God bless
Hi Brian,

I am on Atenolol, a Beta Blocker which lowers the BP and slows the heart rate, and I am on Coumadin. I have not experienced any swelling of the feet. Hope someone else here can help.

Glad to hear that you are doing so well after your surgery. I hope that it continues..

Hi Brian-

Which of your doctors did you speak with about the foot swelling? Was it your cardiologist?

If it were my husband, I would be seeking another opinion about that because foot swelling with heart problems should always be evaluated carefully, especially with the redness.

Please continue to pursue it with another doctor, just for your own peace of mind.

Be well.
Rob, you mention being on a beta blocker, Atenolol. I've read that beta blockers may slow metabolism down a bit. Is that true? If it is, have you had any problems with your fitness related goals or staying lean at all? I'm gearing up for a Ross procedure the first week of April and just wondering what I may be getting into should I have to take a beta blocker.



I am on Lopressor and Avapro - one of which is a beta blocker, I forget which. I have never had trouble with swelling feet since surgery. I would have my doctor check it out. I had to readjust my exercise limits since surgery as I went with max heart beat and now I just don't get that high. My doctor said to raise my heart rate about 20 -30 bpm...but now that I resting heart rate is in the 60's and 70's and my bp is down in the 100-teens, he may take me off the meds I hope...I see him next month. Good luck and take care.
Beta Blockers and Metabolism to Chris

Beta Blockers and Metabolism to Chris

Hi Chris,

It is true that beta blockers lower your metabolism because they slow your heart rate. If your heart rate is slower, your body is not working as hard, and thus burning less calories.

Solution: Lower your food intake to adjust.

As far as it effecting me personally. I weigh the same now as I did prior to surgery, and have for the last almost 2yrs. I have noticed some shift from muscle to fat. However, I am also restricted to not lifting more than 45 lbs at the gym. I cannot bulkup like I used to because of my restrictions. I stay toned, and still well defined, but.. lost muscle mass. Hey, I am 52.. not looking to compete in any shows... so.. I figure that as long as I still have good definition, and stay tones with what I have.. I am satisfied.

Muscle requires calories to maintain itself. You can actually burn calories when not working out if you have muscle. Since I don't have as much mucsle mass as before.. I am not burning calories like I used to.. I enjoyed the fact that I was losing weight while I was not working out.. just because I had good muscle. I only had 7.8% body fat. I have compensated by reducing / adjusting my food intake. MY problem is... being Irish and Scotish... I like my beer and whiskey.. hehehehe... I think my largest calorie comsumption are the empty calories in beer.

If I was not restricted as to the amount of weight I could use in my workouts.. I feel that I could get back to where I was before.

Ben Smith is also a weight lifter.. he has similar concerns...and he had the Ross Procedure. He is also on a Beta Blocker.. Lopressor.

You may want to ask his opinion also.

Hope this helps some.

(Still looking good enouigh for a speedo... lol)
Thanks Rob for the info. I understand everything but this "eat less" concept. Umm...

I know I'll be in for a few adjustments. On the positive side, a new valve will perhaps mean I'll be able to do cardio better than I've been able to do it recently, so hopefully things will balance out. It would be great to be presciption free down the road, but I'll take what I can get.

Hi Ron,

The ..er..... "Eat Less" concept simply means... have smaller portions of what you eat. Lower the intake, that way the body only uses what it needs, and there is no surplus calories that would get turned into fat cells.

hi brian!
i'm glad to hear you're doing well. about your swelling in the legs...my dad had avr and had a a st.jude's put in 2 1/2 yrs ago. he is an avid golfer and stays fit (he's 68). his ankles, however, have been swollen since his surgery and initially his dr's said it was his medication. they swell up more when he walks around as opposed to when he elevates his legs. i still worry that it may be something the dr's are missing, but he feels well (thank God) and won't get another opinion (until his cardio_who is a friend of his_ retires, hopefully this year!).
i agree with everyone here in their suggestion to seek a second opinion. if it's nothing, well then you will walk away feeling that much better and more confident in your dr.
please let us know what happens and how you do.
good luck and feel better with those swollen ankles!
Thanks so far for all your help and concern. I will call my dr. tomorrow and see if we can work out this little problem. Also I agree with Rob about the portions of food. I'm 45yo and around 185 lbs but I am gaining weight a little at a time since the surgury and eating less then before . My heart is beating around 60 bpm not the 90bpm before the operation. As long as I can remenber my heart always would beat fast and hard now I can't even feel it when I put my hand on my chest. My heart must be so happy now.
Brian J.
Brian J

Brian J

Just a little suggestion question. What about your salt intake? You should lower the salt intake ot be off completely. You could be retaining water with salt as a coulpret. Check with the doctor to be sure it just meds or could be salt intake. Are you using salt subs. I try but hard to change habits. But am cutting back when I need to. Keep hanging in there.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Thanks I will watch my diet and salt intake more closely. I saw my Dr. yesterday and he took me off the calcium channel blocker and put me back on lisinapril. He said calcium blockers cause edema.
I hope he's right.
Brian J

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