Hey, MarkU

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2002
Hey, Mark U - when is your triathlon? I know you've been training since the one you did earlier this year. Let us know how you're doing!
Thanks for asking about my triathlon training.
My father was diagnosed with renal cell (kidney) cancer about nine months ago and died two weeks ago. During the last month or so I moved in with my folks to help care for him at night.
Other than getting in a couple of short runs every week, my training went by the wayside for a couple of months. (also why I have not been posting here very much).
I started to train again over the past week. Did a hard 25 mile bike ride yesterday (I've been motivated by watching the Tour de France and Lance Armstrong).
I would like to do another sprint tri before the end of the summer, but I need at least a good month of training to get ready.
My diet has been horrible lately too and I need to lose at least ten pounds or so.
I did join a local "tri" club sponsored by a local bike shop that is the local hangout for triathletes. The other members have been very helpful and encouraging.
Thanks again for asking. Hope you are having a happy 4th of July.

I'm so sorry to hear about your father's illness and death.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I know from personal experience what an emotionally draining time it is for the whole family.

Congratulations on getting back into your training mode. Good luck in any upcoming challenges!
Mark, I've missed your postings. I just figured you were busy and out running some where. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Mark - Sorry to hear about your dad. Sounds like he had a rough go at the end. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
Just decided today that my next race will be the Siesta Key sprint tri on Oct 3rd. Gives me about ten weeks to get ready. Did 10 miles on my bike before dinner tonight...definitely have been inspired by watching the Tour de France for the past week...
It's amazing what watching an event like the Tour de France can do for your motivation.
I'm waiting for the Olympics so I can follow the swimmers. I've learned from past Olympics that my motivation to swim increases 100% with the advent of the games.


About time we need a picture of you..How about one in a Speedo sp? LOL Bonnie
Here's the Speedo!

Here's the Speedo!


Granbonny said:
About time we need a picture of you..How about one in a Speedo sp? LOL Bonnie
Since I'm still in my right mind, I'm posting a picture of my Speedo. Not me, just my Speedo! :D
It really is my bathing suit; I spent big bucks on it and usually I don't. It's a waste of money since the chlorine eats them up in 8-10 weeks.
Mark, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Glad you got to spend some time with him before he passed. Best of luck to you as you prepare for your next big race.