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Happy to hear all is relatively well. I wish you continued good recovery and, I am sure, it will be much easier in the VI.

Take care, have fun, and remember to breathe.
great news,Joe!!! Hope you go home soon.Welcome to the other side:)


So happy that you are doing so well. Keep up the smooth recovery. My big question is-how is your family;parents, etc. They are under a very different stress than you are but I am sure they are thrilled that you are doing so well.
Be nice to the nurses, please. Glad you like the spirometer-I did too. We are a small club.
Take care.

Hi Joe, congratulations!
You are an inspiration to me - 3 valves wow! Keep on thinking positive!
All the best, Margaret
Yeah really, three valves can you believe it? Oh well, they're nothing I can do about it now although I was shocked (as was Jaggers) that my Ross Surgeon eight years ago thought it would be okay to put a bicuspid pulmonary valve in the aortic position.

So my recovery is going relatively well (knock on wood). I've been walking alot -- 18 laps around the ward yesterday that equals one mile and twelve more this morning. I've also had a bit of a fever in the evenings so that's when I've been most vigilant about the spirometer. My docs and nurses tell me that walking and spirometer-ing are the quickest way to get out of here so that's what I'm doing! I'm not pushing myself too hard, don't worry though.

All my chesttubes are out and I'm left with one IV in my left arm -- my crit is a bit low so Jaggers has me getting another unit of blood actually right now.

Other than that, my parents have been great and the docs and nurses here have been wonderful! I've been trying to let them know how much I appreciate how great they've been.

Should be getting out of here on Sunday. I'll post again when I get more time.
Glad to hear that things are going so smoothly and hoping to see you post your dismissal on Sunday. I'm sure the nurses and docs appreciate your thankfulness and as far as your parents are concerened- well, they are your parents- how could they be anything but great!:D
I couldn't believe what I was reading when Nita posted that the original Ross was done using a Bicuspid Pulmonary valve this is just incredible. :mad: A Bicuspid Pulmonary valve occurs in about 1% of patients with a Bicuspid Aortic valve and is considered a contradiction to a Ross. It looks like you have at least been operated on this time by someone that knows what they are doing. By the way was the original Ross surgeon experienced in these technically demanding operations or was he just learning and not very well at that. I am glad things are going well and hope it continues to. :)
Keep The Goood News Coming!

Keep The Goood News Coming!

Joe, you sound great considering what you've just been through. Hope things continue to go well, and that you're out Sunday! Keep up the walking, but don't overdo it. All the best, Brian
3 valves - you're practically bionic! ;) Really, though, it sounds like your recovery is going great so far. I'm so glad that you are recovering well and I hope it continues to be as uneventful as my recovery has been. (I'm 4 1/2 weeks post now.)

Good luck and keep up the walking and spirometer-ing!
Just want to chime in with the others and say that I'm glad you're doing so well. You have a very good attitude, which will help probably help in your recovery. Three valves! I can't imagine the surprise....some would still be reeling from that shock, I'm sure.
Congratulations, Joe!
I'm glad everything went well, although I'm wondering why you had to have three valves repaired and which ones needed repair. Did Jaggers do your original Ross? I almost scheduled my surgery with him, but ended up going with Dr. Kon in Winston Salem. I'm sure for younger folks like you (Man, I sound like an old fart!), he's the man. I'm assuming he put a mechanical AV in and I think this is the right choice for someone in their twenties. Dr. Jaggers would have done the same for me, after trying to repair my ross-PV (which I still have, Dr. Kon was able to repair it along with my aortic root).
Take it easy and don't overdo it...
Hey Marco,

Congrats on Dr. Kon being able to repair your PV and your AR -- I can't say I'm not jealous. :) Dr. Jaggers was awesome for me, but it certainly sounds like Kon was the best choice for you.

Dr. Jaggers did not do my original ross -- it was done by a doc at Jackson Memorial in Miami 8 years ago. Jaggers thought he was going to just have to replace the AR, repair the AV and then get out of there. Originally he said that he'd take a look at the PV, but thought it would be fine.

Once he got in there -- sounds like plans changed pretty quick. Upon dissecting my aorta Jaggers found out that my previous Ross surgeon has put a bi-cuspid PV in the aortic position -- meaning Jaggers couldn't fix it. He ended up replacing it with a St. Jude clicker.

On the PV, it has calcified to the point where the opening was only about 1cm across so he decided to replace that too, this one with a porcine valve.

That was supposed to be it, but he also noticed that there was a hole in one of the flaps of my mitral valve (something I didn't know ANYTHING about) He ended up just sewing up the hole and said that it could have been caused by an old infection (which he doubts though) or a knick from a scalpel during my last surgery.

The whole thing is a bummer, but I'm not going to dwell on it, I'm just happy to have the whole surgery over with.
