
Valve Replacement Forums

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hi, I just wanted to say hello to all of you.i live in London at the mo, and was diagnosed with aortic insufficiency when i was 7 months pregnant... She's a great 5 and a half year old and i guess, I'm finally coming to terms with the trauma of being told that I might die when pregnant. (What a wimp eh?)I had an avr when my daughter was 1 and a half. i think its hard to come to terms with the prospect of death at any age but especially when you are reasonably 'young' , feel strong, and are about to give birth!
there i've opened up my heart to y'all....This seems like a very caring and informative forum,
so opening up would never be a problem, I look forward to chatting with you.
love Debs
Hey Deb - glad to see you. Come on in and stay around. We have need of folks like you who've come over the mountaintop (that means had your surgery) and you can give your experiences to others who approach that awesome mountain, such as Jan who is scheduled for Nov 7 surgery. Welcome! God bless
Hello Deborah

Hello Deborah

Welcome to OUR site and now that includes you. We are a great bunch of folks here from all walks of life, all ages with a commonality that gives us all a sense of caring and concern for our fellow members.

If you haven't already, I suggest you read some of our stories. And if you have, then you know you are not alone, but one of a select group of wonderful people.

People here respond, so if yours is a situation that may be specific to one or several of us, you'll get some solid opinions, advice and comments. feel free to ask away.
Welcome Deb

Welcome Deb

Hi Deb-

You've found a wonderful site. Everyone here "gets it" as far as understanding your problems. You'll gain strength and information here and you might just be able to help someone else who is going through what you have already gone through.

Best wishes and a big welcome!
Hi Deb... Welcome!

I was dxed with cardiomyopathy 12 years ago. One thing that I have learned is that heart disease is an equal opportunity destroyer! Age makes no difference whatsoever!

Glad that you found us.... this is a very caring, supportive group.

Take care,

Welcome aboard! You will be so glad you found us, as we are glad you did. This is a fantastic site! Every one is informitive, supportive and caring. This site is full of experience, concerns and information. You can open your heart up to us anytime you want, as we all have. Glad you're here! Take care!
Hi Deb,

Welcome to the site. Cruise around and get familiar with all the options. Ask any questions that you may have. Folks here are warm and caring and will gladly help answer your concerns.

Looking forward to hearing from you on the boards...



Hi Deb, I to was pregnant with my son (Now 4) when my valve started to go on the blink. I had known I had known I had Aortic Valve insufficiency for several yrs though . I had it from birth but wasn't diagnosed completely till in my twenties. Now I am 42. My son was almost 2 when I had my valve replaced with St Judes Mech valve. recovery was hard on me for I suffered much depression and my iron levels were terribly low and I was having female trouble at the same time so I couldn't get my iron to stay up. But after a year I went in for a hysterectomy and then by gosh things started to look even brighter. I don't know whether you have any other kids but i also have a daughter who is 9 and was almost 7 when I went in for surgery. I had lots of fears and anxiety thats for sure. recovery was not a picnic for me with two small kids in the house (a small house I may add) I did not get a lot of rest thats for sure. I still don't. my kids totally poop me out thats for sure. But in the other hand they give me strength. Nice ti hear of others who were pretty much the sam age as I when i had my surgery. Hope you are doing as well as I am . thank goodness for this wonderful place to stop in and chat with our valve brothers and sisters huh?
Welcome Deb

Welcome Deb

I understand your feelings of hearing the news of extream condition when a very young person.
I am 14 months post-op and am 28. Two children and a loving wife.

Our site is full of caring folks that you can open up to...about any subject. Again, Welcome

God Bless,

Welcome, come on in, Deb. Lots of wonderful folks here, with a huge range of experiences. Looks like some similar stuff has already popped up. We never know what life will deal us, but you will see a bunch of survivors here!! Join us!!
Ben Smith

Ben Smith

Are you doing any cardio? I am a runner and weightlifter and I am undergoing aortic root reconstruction Jan. 8th-my valve is fine -my root is dialated at 4.7cm due to trauma-car accident- I am 47 years old- veteran and father of 4 and I am pretty scared-but I get a lot of postive feedback on this site-looking for a boost in energy-buy a juicer I swear by them -you have more energy-heal faster etc.--their are recipes according to what you-still eat balanced meals though------
Re: Hello

Hey Debs:

We all welcome you to this fantastic, wonderful, great, surperb group. We all hope you decide to become one of us and share your feelings just as they are for we're all here to listen, comment, share experiences, and help.

You'll be amazed at the support you have. Never worry about what you say for we all do understand and, if we don't, we don't mind asking.

God bless you in your health and in life.



Thankyou all for your warm welcome.I recognise the shock of realising that one has a health problem at any age!, I am very glad to be in a forum that is so full of life and experience.
I think the interesting thing for me, in finding out about my aortic valve prob was that it made me aware of mortality...I hadn't thought on that before!
Then after coming through surgery relatively easily, I became aware of just how many people face illness both chronic and terminal, and how they survive and surmount their problems and live their lives in amazing ways.
After surgery I was so grateful for the dilligence of surgeons, and the routine exceptional care of nurses;
However all this wonder didn't help when I was feeling blue, and scared about haviing another op in the 'thankfully' distant future.
A few years on more of my 'younger' friends have had to face health problems,and I realise that my youth was blessed with few.I begin to feel lucky.

I remember a report on the internet that made me deeply grateful to those surgeons,nurses and the place where I , in having these heart problems, am lucky enough to live.The report was about a young boy in India with aortic valve disease, who dragged himself miles to a hospital,but by then was too weak to undergo surgery;
That made me weep, then made me glad to be here!
Deb - I think just about all of us can echo your latest post. Isn't it amazing how much we always took for granted and said of others who were suffering "I am so sorry about your condition" but couldn't truly relate. Then it was US and we have walked in those shoes and come to realize how precious life really is. It is so good that you have learned this one so early in your young life as it will stay with you for all of it. God bless
Hi, Deborah, and welcome - I'm new here myself. I had my AVR last July. We lived , as ex-pats, near London (in Virginia Water in Surrey) in the early 80's and enjoyed it very much!

Take care. Renee


You have found a good place to vent as well as get information. I have a story here myself. I was born with Heart murmur, A defective aortic valve. Had it repaired at age eight, 1973. And just a few weeks ago, had aortic valve replacment, with a St Jude's valve. I feel so much better and have more energy at age 36. I am proud of you coming here. You will not be laking for information here. Of what we don't know, we will find the answer for you. This is a great place. Thanks and welcome aboard.

Aortic valve replacement
St Jude's valve