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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2008
UK, Derbyshire
Hi everyone, just wanted to stop by to see how everyone is and to say sorry I've not been around much. I'm writing full-time now so I don't seem to get a lot of spare time but I've missed everyone on here so I intend to start dropping in more regularly again!

Let me know how you're all doing :)

Hi Lynn...how is the writing going?Is this for BB or a new project?...I got side-tracked and havent been back to see your BB blog for awhile...good to hear you haven't forgotten us.
What am I to do with you? I get you caught up on the news and then you disappear again. :)

Maybe Flirty Gerty is just playing with your affections Ross?? Reel em in reel em out ;) :D

Glad to see you back Lynn. :) Was only wondering about your disappearance the other day, pleased it's down to good work, not bad health.
Hi Lynn, good to hear from you!
Hope all is well--I'm ok except for a little insomnia--obviously!
(it's 5am here)

My best--Dina:)
'lo again

'lo again

Hi all, thanks so much for taking the time to reply and I know I've been a bad toad not visiting more often but that's all gonna change now :) It's good to hear from so many friends on here again!

Thanks for asking what I'm doing - basically, I've been writing all manner of things for sites and print copy and I'm now starting up my own tv site which I'm hoping in a year or so will have lots of revenue from ads :) If you feel like it, come on over and say hi, it's www.thetvjunkie.co.uk

So what's new with you guys? Please do let me know all your news... again - sorry Ross :eek:
