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Update On Sheila

Update On Sheila

Hi All,

I talked to Sheila today and she is plugging along. She is still very tired and weak. She is frustrated with her INR not being in range and is ready to fire her cardio.

She asked about several folks she knew had surgery at the same time (especially you Sandy:) ). She just has not felt like posting and is frustrated with her progress.

Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Sorry for the challenges. Continued prayers for more healing - for a steady INR - and for good health.
Steadying the INR is like a juggling act. It gets too high, you adjust it, then it goes too low, you adjust it, then it runs high again. It takes time, often weeks, to get the dosage right and then have it settle down into a fairly constant range. I've been on coumadin for 15 years now and it still happens a couple times a year. It will continue to happen depending on what you eat and the time of year and god knows what else. But if that's her only complaint, say a little prayer of thanks.

Y'know, I once read a news item about a guy who was suing his doctors because his valve ticking was so terribly annoying. I had to wonder, what if it stopped clicking? I listen to mine and each click is quite reassuring. Yup, it's still going, I'm still alive. Nice job doc.
Thanks Cooker. I was wondering about her. Will continue to keep her in my prayers.
Slow progess is soooooooo frustrating, but keep the faith! You are going to be ok. It just takes some time. I'll be saying prayers for you and hope that faster improvement is forthcoming.
Take care!