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Yes,its me Yaps...woof?
Well we are in my daughters garage, enclosed into a cute lil apartment.
I have my John and my Solomon, so I am ok.
As you all know John has had pulmonary hypertension, cardiomyopathy,etc. for years.
When he had to stop working last dec, I started the SSD process.
Well he has ssd,first ck will be here on July 3rd.,took 5 months on the nose.
House went on auction earlier this month, have no further info on this.
I am praying all my buddies here are feeling fine,please forgive the lack of communication..I was in a true blue I give up mode..still am to a degree,but both my John and my Solomon need me to hang on a while...:eek: love the pup
Hon I wish you weren't so damn quiet all the time. If we'd of known more sooner, we may have, maybe not, been able to help a whole lot more. That's not important now. What is important is today and beyond. Good to hear from you. :)
The Pack

The Pack

Yaps said:
Yes,its me Yaps...woof?
Well we are in my daughters garage, enclosed into a cute lil apartment.
I have my John and my Solomon, so I am ok.
As you all know John has had pulmonary hypertension, cardiomyopathy,etc. for years.
When he had to stop working last dec, I started the SSD process.
Well he has ssd,first ck will be here on July 3rd.,took 5 months on the nose.
House went on auction earlier this month, have no further info on this.
I am praying all my buddies here are feeling fine,please forgive the lack of communication..I was in a true blue I give up mode..still am to a degree,but both my John and my Solomon need me to hang on a while...:eek: love the pup
Is always most excited by the safe return of a long time member!:)
Yaps!!!! Glad To Hear From You Sweetie!!!

Yaps!!!! Glad To Hear From You Sweetie!!!

This sure has been a tough year for alot of us, and I know it's been h#$L for you, but I am sure glad that your hanging in there.....It seems as if I have had a heart attack somewhere in the past, a silent one, so I didn't know it, but I guess that's the way life goes...I haven't been on as much as I have in the past either, as I lost my grandmother in March to a Brain Tumor, so things have been difficult up my way as well, so I know the heartache that alot of us have gone through over this past year or so...

Ross is right, I guess all we can do is think about the future and pray for a better one. I hope you and your husband get to feeling better and I am sooooo sorry about the way things have gone for you...Big (((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) from Harrybaby:) :) :D :D :) :)

Good to see you posting. Sometimes simplifing our lives can be the most healing thing and, hopefully, you will find that to be the case. I pray that everything starts to be beautiful again and the light shines on you and your family.
Hi Yaps

Good to hear from you and glad everything is ok. Glad, too, that you're settled in to your own apartment at your daughter's home.....everyone needs their own space.

Just keep on keepin' on , girl. It will get better.....and remember, you have the two who love you most right by your side.

I missed you.

Hi Yaps,
Good to hear from you and I'm glad that you are settled near your dearest and that finally the SSD will be forthcoming. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Hi Yaps!

It's great to know that John will be getting his first check any day now!:)

I know you hate losing your home; perhaps this will work out in a positive way that no one could ever foresee. I sure hope so.

Please keep posting; it gets lonely around here without you.:(
oh, my, look who is here! It's Yaps and we are all so glad to hear from you. I was just browsing yesterday and came across your name and wondered how things are going. It sounds like you have settled down some and that's a big step. Good for you, getting the SSD going. Please do keep checking in.

Good to see you posting again!

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.lego.HO.model.MCs.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone" ... Fort Minor ... 'Where'd You Go?'
Missed you

Missed you

Dear Yaps, So glad to hear from you! You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things will finally settle down a bit, and that you will find comfort in your new space. Know that we care about you. You are a wonderful example of how one with very little materially, still manages to contribute so much! My love to you, Brian
(((((( Yaps and loved ones))))))

It looks like I am not the only one who had a rough year. I am sure that the SSD will help. If it took 5 months to get approved, I hope you get the back time from the time you applied.
I am sending positive thoughts your way.