Heart Talk and anxiety

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Active member
Jul 25, 2016
Buffalo, New York, Erie
Yesterday I found out that I have Bicuspid Aortic Valve. I had open heart surgery in 1975,
for Coarctation of the Aorta. I always knew I had a heart murmur. Nothing was never said to me about
my valve. Until now.
Since March. I been going through a lot. So much I gave myself an anxiety attack. I had the heart flutters the crying. I finally went to my primary doctor. Gave me some medication to help me right now.
My primary doctor explains to me about my heart valve. He took his time with me, and explain a lot to me. When the heart doctor talked to me all I heard was surgery on the heart, my world went blank. That God, my husband was with me.
I have done a lot of research on the heart valve, where it came a little over whelming to me. Even bought Adam Pick Valve book to read.
As my heart doctor said my valve door is half way open. In January I will have another echo gram done. Which will be six months. Plus, my primary doctor is also watching me.
AS I read it here, I am in the waiting room.
I have a surgeon line up and the hospital, when the time comes. I did my homework on this, talked to doctors and check out the website.
Plus, I really have to listen to my body now, in case of any changes.
I guess I needed to vent.
Thank You
Hi Marie!

My name is Trina and I had Mitral Valve Replacement and Tricuspid Repair on May 3,2016.

I want to make you feel welcome to this forum.
I was once in your shoes scared out of my mind.
My valve was actually closed when they opened me up and I was hardly getting any oxygen...but now I'm much better.

My advice to you is listen to your heart,if something doesn't feel right call 911.I know you have appointments already.

Feel free to ask questions.
Hi Marie and welcome. I'm sorry for the new diagnosis and how much hearing about the stenosis frightened you. I'm a high-anxiety person as well, and I know how hard it makes things.

I trust your physicians will follow your case closely and advise you as time goes on.

I hope writing here will help you feel less alone.
Hi Trina we have the same case mechanical valve replacement and tricuspid valve repair , mine was done last April 2016 my question is how is you chest is it heavy? Mine is so heavy and radiates the pain to my shoulders going to my back and shoulder blades . I just wanna ask if this is normal or am I the oonly one who suffer like this or is there something wrong with me pls comment im so depressed . Thank you

Hi how are you doing my friend?

My chest does that from time to time,lately my ribs have been hurting which I've learned to deal with.
My dad had bypass in 2007,so I knew from what he experienced what will happen..but I was serious.

Do you also get vibrations...like there's a party going on in your chest?

Welcome to the forum we are all here for you.
Everything is normal ,Cynthia.Think of all the stuff your body went through the during surgery.Its healing like it should and the pain is part of it.
It's okay to have a moment of sadness but don't stay there to long.
Yes , they were times its rattling my body and shaking my head , there are times its quiet the doctor said its the heart beat before i can hear the click but now i cant hear it anymore im also worried coz im afib , good to hear what i feel is normal
Hi Trina

Are you back to work ? My doctor wants me to go back to work i can sense he wants me to forget what im feeling if im working i will get busy ,but i told him i can't because of the heaviness on the chest , and my insurance company is so strict i have to submit all the lab works , medical reports every 3 weeks everytime i extended my leave.
Sorry you got that news, Marie, but glad it was caught. Keep in mind that this is a problem that can be fixed, unlike a terminal disease. That's the thinking that helped reduce my anxiety after my diagnosis May 2015. Keep us posted.

The rattling and shaking also happens to me from time to time.I have to remind myself that my body went through a lot and it's healing.

I work from home so I can start back anytime I want.

Again,this is a wonderful forum to be on with great support system.