Heart rate- high- in hospital now

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
My friend David had a mitral valve repair on Tuesday and had endocarditis. He was about to go home yesterday, when his heart rate shot up over 140 with low blood pressure. He had been on metropol (along with antibiotics, pain meds, etc.). They gave him more saline IV and blood pressure became normal, but they decided on Amiodarone as bolus last night. They also said he would probably stay on Amiodarone for 3 months. His heart rate is still over about 143 after about 12 hours, it has been going up and down. Does anyone know how long it takes to get the heart rate lowered with Amiodarone? They have also been talking about possibly needing to shock his heart, and he is back in CCU (but he was also told he needed to have anaesthesia and could not eat for 6 hours and they fed him again this morning). I am confused and not currently at the hospital, but any info would be helpful.

Thanks, Betsy
Hi Betsy. Amiodarone is actually for rhythm problems. I have a feeling he may be in atrial fibrillation, which often happens after heart surgery. With A-Fib, not only does the heartbeat become very fast, but it also becomes irregular. That might also explain why they want to shock the heart back to normal rhythm. You might ask the doctors if that is what David has.
Thanks, Adrienne. Yes, that is what David has. I am just wondering how long it usually takes to get the heart rate and beat regular with Amiodarone. When do they start to worry if it is not coming down and getting regular with Amiodarone and what can they do then?

Thanks, Betsy
It depends on the person. There is a member here, Ruth, who had A-Fib some time after surgery. They tried Amiodarone for a while, but she finally had to have cardioversion (have her heart shocked). That worked.

I had A-Fib before surgery (because my left atrium had become so dilated). To make a long story short, after going to ER, I was cardioverted and then put on Amiodarone (and other meds) until I had the surgery (about 7 weeks later). I stayed on a low dose of Amiodarone for 5 weeks after the surgery just to make sure it didn't come back (I had a left MAZE procedure, but I guess they still wanted to just make sure).
Hi Betsy. Why don't you do a search here on cardioversion. I think many members have gone through it and you might be able to get some quick info.

Best wishes to your friend. It's a long road for many. Help him to be patient.

Thanks, everyone. Today they told me his heart rate had been up to 170 yesterday and was hovering around 140 most of the time. Looks like his heart is coming down around the high 120's now and his blood pressure is coming back up a bit. Yes they did mention cardioversion but said it wouldn't happen right now, unless the Amiodarone didn't help.

Good advice, Marguerite, have been trying to help him just sit back for the ride, but he thinks if he could get home and rest, he could help with the process. True, but he is exactly where he needs to be right now...otherwise I would be bringing him back to the hospital for the 3rd time in a month!

Good news, David's heart is back in sinus rhythm and the rate is down to 80. He got lots of rest today and that seemed to help. He will be on the Amiadarone for the next 3 months, along with coumadin for 3 months and whatever else they send him home with. Looks like he may go home tomorrow. Thanks for all the support!

So glad to read this Betsy and I hope David has smooth sailing from here on.
Great news about your friend!!!

Betsy...who is taking care of you!!!???? Get some rest yourself please!

;) Marguerite
Thanks! I've gone to bed at 8pm all weekend and taking naps in the day, too!
all the support here has been so helpful!
