Heart cath over, 1 week to surgery

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
Hi all - I had my heart cath on Friday. Had to be there at 6:00am and since we live an hour away, left the house at 5:00am - got home at 6:00 pm! Very long day. They didn't have my referral - despite the fact that I called the doc's office on Monday to make sure! This is the 3rd time I've had problems with referrals with this office - I don't get it. So, I didn't get back there till about 8:30 - after that everything went smooth. I wasn't totally knocked out, but kept snoozing - at first the nurse told me I looked "too alert" and increased something in the IV. The worst part was the pain from the pressure, but even that wasn't terrible. They "plugged" me too and then I had to lay on my back for 4-5 hours. I tend to have back issues and that night I woke up in the middle of the night and my back was killing me. My leg/groin was fine. I don't remember feeling anything in my heart/chest - just the pressure on my groin. I had 4 male nurses! Not a female to be seen. One told me that the male nurses tend to go for the specialities. They were all very nice and even joked about me having a male nurse when I had to use the bedpan (this after being shaved by him!). All humility went out the window! I was able to get my pre-op chest xray and ultrasound of the arteries in my neck, so hopefully am all set to go for next Monday, the 22nd. I also was given some stuff to wash with and the bactoban for my nose.

I have a ton of friends/family praying for me, and have alot of confidence in the doctor, so I think I'm in good hands. Just bought the book and tape "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster" by Peggy Huddleston. Just started to read it - it all about being positive, etc. Anyone else read it? After surgery were you guys able to read in the hospital? Or will I be too doped up for that? I just bought myself a MP3 player and put some relaxing music on it. I have a feeling this week is gonna drag!
I had a hard time concentrating to read the first few weeks so I listened to music or watched TV. I could read magazines (mostly the pictures and captions.

Best wishes next week.
You're going to do great, donnamarie! Those male nurses are nice, aren't they!:D

Stay positive, clear your mind and it will all go smoothly. Nice, relxing meditative music, the ocean, loons on a lake, etc. helps. Of course so does chocolate. LOL.

You're in my thoughts.


Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

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PeggyM said:
You're going to do great, donnamarie! Those male nurses are nice, aren't they!:D

Stay positive, clear your mind and it will all go smoothly. Nice, relxing meditative music, the ocean, loons on a lake, etc. helps. Of course so does chocolate. LOL.

You're in my thoughts.

Thanks, Peggy - and everyone else! Once I got over the humiliation, I realized that the male nurses were all very nice and doing the humiliting things were just part of their job! LOL I found an old CD of instrumental music with birds and ocean and all that stuff. It's called the Classics - it's from 1992 - I don't even remember having a cd player back then! It's perfect though.
6 days to go, but who's counting!
Our surgeries are scheduled for the same day. I'll keep you in my prayers for a successful surgery. Maybe we can compair recovery notes in a few weeks :eek:.
JAJ99, age 45
Mitral Valve Repair scheduled October 22, 2007 due to severe regurgitation
Dr. Hartzell Schaff, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Looks like the 22nd is a popular day for surgery,must be a good day for it. lets compare success stories later
Good luck and a speedy recovery
JAJ99 said:
Our surgeries are scheduled for the same day. I'll keep you in my prayers for a successful surgery. Maybe we can compair recovery notes in a few weeks :eek:.
JAJ99, age 45
Mitral Valve Repair scheduled October 22, 2007 due to severe regurgitation
Dr. Hartzell Schaff, Mayo Clinic, Rochester

I'll definately keep you in my prayers too! I belong to a bible study (Thursday nights) and I can't tell you how calm it's helped me become.
Can't wait to compare notes.!
kman said:
Looks like the 22nd is a popular day for surgery,must be a good day for it. lets compare success stories later
Good luck and a speedy recovery

Kman - good luck to you - I'll have you in my prayers too! I too have a bicuspid valve that needs replaced. How are you ( and JAJ99 you too) holding up? I truthfully wish it were over! Listening to those cd's has helped me relax a little.
donnamarie said:
Kman - good luck to you - I'll have you in my prayers too! I too have a bicuspid valve that needs replaced. How are you ( and JAJ99 you too) holding up? I truthfully wish it were over! Listening to those cd's has helped me relax a little.
Donna and JAL99,
Holding up pretty well as long as I dont think about monday.
I have been listening to a cd too, its called "preparing for successfull surgery", it was given to me by a friend at stanford, it is a little on the new age psyco babble side but Im from the bay area so Im used to that stuff, UC Davis has done some studies and have determined that relaxation and positive affirmation tapes, cds, whatever have a possitive effect on surgery outcomes, so why not? Im a little busy right now but I would be happy to make a copy and send it to anyone about to have surgery just send me an E mail.
So stay positive were going to be better off next week than we are today
Donna and Kman,
Hope you are doing well as we prepare for the big day. I'm doing surprisingly well this week. I guess my trip to Florida with friends really relaxed me. I've been busy getting my house and gardens prepared for winter. So with that, and being a Mom to my 13 and 11 year olds, I have a lot to do to keep my mind occupied. I wish you both a successful surgery and easy recovery :D .
JAJ99, age 45
Mitral Valve Repair scheduled October 22, 2007 due to severe regurgitation
Dr. Hartzell Schaff, Mayo Clinic, Rochester
kman said:
Donna and JAL99,
Holding up pretty well as long as I dont think about monday.
I have been listening to a cd too, its called "preparing for successfull surgery", it was given to me by a friend at stanford, it is a little on the new age psyco babble side but Im from the bay area so Im used to that stuff, UC Davis has done some studies and have determined that relaxation and positive affirmation tapes, cds, whatever have a possitive effect on surgery outcomes, so why not? Im a little busy right now but I would be happy to make a copy and send it to anyone about to have surgery just send me an E mail.
So stay positive were going to be better off next week than we are today

Yeah, I read about studies like that too and figured why not? The book I have goes a little far, I think, in telling you to write down affirmations and give them to the anesthesiologist to say during your surgery. I just can't imagine asking someone to do that. I think my belief in my surgeon and in
myself healing will be good enough.
Yesterday was my birthday, and my girlfriends had me over for dinner (hubby had to work late - first time in ages!) and they gave me a toy stuffed pig and a heart necklace. The pig is adorable - snores, it's ear wiggles - it's a riot. They said they had to get something to do with a pig since I'll have "pig parts" in me after Monday. It worked - I literally laughed out loud!
4 more days...
JAJ99 said:
Donna and Kman,
Hope you are doing well as we prepare for the big day. I'm doing surprisingly well this week. I guess my trip to Florida with friends really relaxed me. I've been busy getting my house and gardens prepared for winter. So with that, and being a Mom to my 13 and 11 year olds, I have a lot to do to keep my mind occupied. I wish you both a successful surgery and easy recovery :D .
JAJ99, age 45
Mitral Valve Repair scheduled October 22, 2007 due to severe regurgitation
Dr. Hartzell Schaff, Mayo Clinic, Rochester

Jean - I'm doing alright - my birthday yesterday was nice and kept my mind off things for one night at least. That's great that you got a little vacation in first! I'm trying to get a bunch of piles of paperwork in order before I go in. My husband likes to do the outside stuff. I hate the paperwork, so of course, it's piled up. I only have 1 child left at home - a 16 yo boy that is determined to drive me crazy! LOL My other 3 sons are all on their own more or less - one married and lives not too far, one doing an internship in an college athletic dept in Florida, and one in college about an hour from me. My Florida son is coming home for a week after my surgery, so I am thrilled to spend some time with him. He likes to cook too! :)
Did I say 4 days to go? :eek: