Heart cath and TTE ON FRIDAY

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Hello Everyone ~

I am new to VR and new to heart problems. About a month ago I was sent by my family dr to have an echo, which revealed I need a mitral valve repair/replacement. I have selected and seen a cardiologist whom has scheduled a TEE and L&R Cardiac Cath (I have those done on Friday the 27th). My nerves have taken over and my wheels are spinning out of control, I don't know what to believe. I hear horror stories from folks that have had the CC about how painful it is, but my cardio dr says not to worry that I won't remember a thing. He is doing my TEE (with total sedation) and the CC will follow right after.

So I guess I am asking for HELP ~ PRAYERS ~ REASSURANCE ~ GUIDANCE.... just anything to help ease my mind.

Thanks in advance ~ Rob
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Hi Robert and Welcome to VR.com.

Did you have the cath and TEE yesterday (Friday) or are they scheduled for next Friday? If it is any comfort to you, I personally found those tests very easy. I had no pain, no post procedure discomfort and was able to go about my business the next morning.

This is very supportive group with some very knowledgable people. Please feel free to ask all your questions. We all had many when we started this OHS journey.

I'm coming up to one year anniversary from my second OHS which was mitral valve replacement with bovine valve implanted.
Thanks for the info! You are the first response and one with "experience" in MVR...
I've had three L/R catheterizations, and they aren't bad. Some dislike the amount of time you spend flat on your back a few hours afterwards, but I didn't mind it.
I have not had a TEE other than the one performed during my replacement, but if you're completely sedated, you should do fine.
Let us know the results after you have the tests, and in the meantime, welcome to a group of people who know exactly what you're experiencing.
Rob, had both a tee and heart cath a couple of weeks ago.Heart cath was no problem at all.On the tee, if you're going to be totally sedated I would tell them to skip the gargling steps before hand.I had no trouble with the test but they had me gagging trying to gargle the junk before hand.
Hi Rob. I had a TEE on Jan 2 and it wasn't too bad. I was barely sedated too. Worst part was the doctor spraying the stuff down my throat and sticking a tongue depressor down my throat to test my gag reflex, but during the procedure itself I barely felt the device.

I had my L/R cath just yesterday and it was even less painful than the TEE. They gave me a dose of versed but it didn't do much of anything -- I was fully awake through it all. Worst part was them wiping that cold iodine stuff on my groin, and having to lie in bed for 4 hrs. Today I'm bruised and a little sore but otherwise I feel fine. The TEE left me with a sore throat for a few days too, but no big deal.
I would believe your doctor. I had both of those things with sedation. I slept through the TEE, and I drifted in and out during the cath. (They sometimes ask you questions during the cath, and I remember talking to them.) I didn't have any pain during the cath. The only pain during either of them was when they first put the numbing agent into my vein for the cath, and I don't remember it as being bad pain, just burning.

The only bad stories I've heard about either procedure is from people who were not sedated much. It sounds like you will be OUT.
I've had 6 cath's in my life. The last one was without any of the "good stuff" until after it was over (this is not the usual case, but I was having an EP study done at the same time so it allowed them to induce rhythms easier without me being drugged up). The only pain I've ever had with them is the brief stinging where they numb your groin to insert the cath and after a while some discomfort in my back from having to lie still for so long. It really isn't a big deal, you'll be fine.

Hi Rob,think i've had 4 tees or 5 since all my valve experiences
worry is waste of time and hard on you.
i'm sure you will do just fine and the cath too.
my 1st tee i was fully sedated,remember nothing cept a bit of spray
on my throat. Other 3 or so i,ve been awake and sedated slightly
Just remember it's a test and the end of it has an end,not something
that takes all week,it's over in no time.
Wishing you the best with all of it,glad your here at v.r. and keep us

zipper2 (DEB)
Welcome Rob,
There are some cath horror stories, but most people seem to find they worried far too much. You won't necessarily have to lie on your back afterward if your doctor uses a plug, as many do. When I was being sedated, the nurse told me I should have a nice buzz like I'd just had a cocktail. I told her I don't usually drink lying down, but would like another cocktail. I got it.
In just a week, you'll be able to post reassurance here;).

Maybe it is different and difficult for some, I don't know. What I DO know is that I had a cardiac cath on 22 Dec. I was awake through it all, watched the monitor, asked questions, and responded to directions. I really didn't feel any pain. The two worst parts were getting shaved close to the family jewels and a burning sensation that wasn't all that bad at some point during the procedure when they injected "something" into the IV. Overall it was not a bad experience and I am a BIG chicken!

As for the TEE, I had that done on 24 December and again it was no real big deal. For that one they did dope me up pretty good. Although they told me I was awake and responding to whatever they told me, I do not remember much about it other than at one point a dull ache somewhere down my throat.

Hope this helps. I wish you all the best!

Hi Rob and welcome to the zoo:D ... I have never had a TEE but the cath was a piece of cake for me .... I was slightly sedated and aware of every thing going on ... the only discomfort was from the 110 pound cutie nurse doing a hand stand on my groin area to stop any bleeding:D... You will do fine.:)
Hi Rob and WELCOME! I had both tests. I did not have trouble with either of those tests. Absolutely no pain and don't remember either one of them. Best of luck to you.
Hi Rob...adding you to my prayers. I cancelled my TEE twice because I was so scared! Turned out is was absolutely nothing. I gargled and they sprayed...no problem.then they added the "dozing juice"....I told the cardio a heart cath was the test I never intended to have in my ENTIRE life ...well, of course I had it the next week. I kept waiting for the "sleepy juice" but none was added. They told me I would be in the test lab for less than an hour. I could see the clock and kept mentally counting down the time. It was fine. I did have a "plug" so my flat on my back time was very limited. Oh, the nurse told me that the TEE is just like the Upper GI that many people have to dx stomach problems...only the camera does not go down as far...had not heard that before. Keep us posted on your progress.
Rob, Welcome aboard! I never had a Tee, and my cath was so long ago, I'm sure the lab has been redone or torn down. The vast majority have no trouble with these things. Let us know how it goes. Brian