Heard of these for heart health?

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Sir Reel

Has anyone heard or read anything (or had your doctor prescribe them) about using the following supplements for heart:

CoQ-10 ST
Magnesium Lactate
Linum B6
While I know that CoQ10 has some excellent benefits for the heart I seem to recall someone saying that it doesn't always play well with beta blockers----Bob? I think that it is used with caution with Coumadin/warfarin but that was just off a bottle I had here at home :rolleyes:
I know there has been lots written here about the CoQ10. Perhaps if you run a search on it (the search button is just above in the site menu bar) the interesting information (oftentimes from BobH... Tobagotwo) will emerge for you.

Please always check with your cardiologist or pharmacist before starting something which may interfere with what you are taking, or with what your doctors are trying to accomplish for you.

I take 60 mg of CoQ10 as well as a very low dose of Metoprolol (beta blocker). My cardiologist once said that CoQ10 seems to be good for the heart long term. I have read articles that say it is not proven, but I take it anyway.