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Anne K Sippit

Just found this place and thank you all. Just got a date to have this done and the reality is hitting me like a brick wall. June 18 for the heart catheterization and June 19 for the MV repair/replacement.
Welcome Anne,

If you get a chance - we would love to know a bit more about your situation. Also, please feel free to ask questions, vent or whatever you feel you might need.
I'm glad you found us before you make the journey!
I've put you on our surgical calendar, and I hope that you settle in and make yourself at home with our VR family.
Hi Anne, welcome to the site! You'll find it really helpful and encouraging..I'm scheduled for surgery for AVR on June 18th....angiogram on the 17th and surgery the next day..we will do just great and once we have fully recovered we'll have a better quality of life! Looking forward to that!!:)
Hi Anne and Welcome. Happy you found us know in time to ask questions and let us help you along.

This is an amazing community of kind, knowledgable, sharing people and it is a treasure on the net IMO Certainly helped me leading up to and after my surgery. I have learned so much here and hope we can help you.
Welcome to the family Ann.
No question is too dumb, silly or otherwise so ask away.
Lord knows I've asked my share of dumb questions and they all have been answered, so please don't be shy.
Welcome Anne, glad you found your way here.

Your feelings are quite normal, the waiting part is tough.

I wish you all the best for a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery.

Glad to see you, new person

Glad to see you, new person

We are here and we are here to give you guidance, if that is what you want, or help if that is what you need. Please tell us more about you and give us some suggestions on how we can help you befor your surgery and after.

Many of us have been here since 2001. There are experiences and suggestions here that might make your surgery and the time prior easier. THis is the place to ask questions.

Hope to see you again, here, soon.

Kind regards,
Welcome aboard this crazy train! :D I don't have my date with destiny yet, but this gang has REALLY helped me out. Great group of people!
Hi Anne and welcome! Best wishes and prayers for a successful surgery and complication free recovery.
Hello, Anne. Welcome to our goofy little family. We are glad to have you here and there are plenty of friendly folks who will be glad to talk about their experiences, offer advice, or just listen. Best wishes....
Hi Anne, welcome. Best of luck with surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery.
More on my situation

More on my situation

Wow? thanks for all the support. This place is amazing and the more I am here the more I am appreciative of the group.

My situation is this:

About 5 years ago I learned I had a murmur ? had an echo and nothing more happened. We moved north and began a new job and didn?t think much more about it. Then last month mid April I go in for my physical (not having had one for 3 years) the family doctor said I should probably get a new baseline on the heart ? ?let?s go ahead and get a new baseline?

Ok. I have a new echo done and it comes back with a moderate to severe ? closer to the severe side regurgitation and I get advised to meet with a cardiologist. Ok. I meet with the cardio-man and he suggests we get a better picture of the mitral valve and I went in for the TEE and a consultation with a surgeon. Whoa?.! What?.?

I have the TEE explained ? key words ? flail, posterior, leaflet, mitral valve, severe, regurgitation. Valve repair preferred over replacement.

Ok. But just in case what?s your choice of valve if we get in there and find we can?t repair it (5% chance) ? mechanical (I?m 54). 95% chance the repair can be done.

This has all transpired in 5 weeks. I am asymptomatic and can dance up a storm and I walk the walking trail. No swelling or nothing.

It does explain some of the coughing and wheezing though.

Now? for the concerns?

I am a 24/7 caretaker for my spouse (Severe stroke 13 years ago ? aphasia and right side paralysis). The worry is not about me ? it is for the care I will not be able to give. I would like to hear about others with this situation. I do have in-laws and relatives on call and will use them. Also, being in a small town I have a great support system (church, county health, public transport, service clubs etc etc.) I will use all of them. I can also walk to the grocery store, post office, senior center, two cafes, the park and hardware store.

Secondly is confidentiality.

Small town buzz?. I have only told my immediate family and the nurse at work. So far the only information out on the grapevine is the date when I start short term disability. That alone has started a whole slew of people to start fishing for more information. I did inform one of my service clubs that I would not be able to represent them due to a short term disability. Any advice on keeping the rumor buzzards from swooping in and asking to be the first one that knows the juicy details? My plan is to consult with my pastor a few days before the event and be placed on the prayer list and give him the details. By that time I will be heading up to the clinic.

That?s about it. I am trying to get as much of the heavy grocery items stocked up (cat litter, detergent, juice, soda, propane, etc.). All other advice is certainly welcome.

With sufficient recovery time, you ought to be able to return to the caretaking. (My wife, too, suffered a stroke 12 years ago, and while not as serious as your husband's evidently, I do have extra responsibilities to shoulder.) But I would definitely lean on family and friends for a while. Shouldn't do any heavy lifting til have had time to properly heal -- check with your cardio on that.

As far as confidentiality, is that a personal preference or is it related to some consequence you think you might suffer if the community knew? I told one and all about my impending surgery. We're all different about our preferences in that regard, but even with an expectation of privacy, I would think it would be hard to keep the word from getting around. Certainly there is no stigma involved, though a few may ask stupid questions or make stupid comments. My approach is that I am proud to have been through this, and am happy to show my scar who anyone who wants to see. :D

Best wishes to you....

As far as valve choice if a repair is a no-go, go to Valve Selection first and read the excellent writings of Tobagotwo for a balanced discussion of pros and cons of various choices. Then you'll find plenty of opinions and info here.