Have to start bridging

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
May 7, 2009
Green Springs, ohio
I have a medical procedure tuesday morning. My doc has me starting to bridge friday morning with my last dose of coumadin taken on wednesday night. Figure that I will probably have to bridge for atleast 5 days. She has me getting an inr done the day before and then 2 days after the procedure. Hopefully it won't take me long to get back up to 2.0. Can anyone with experience bridging chime in and give me an idea of how long after a procedure it took to get back up to 2.0. Thanks for any insight in advance.
Jackie..I don't have any experience in this yet but I will at the end of next month. From what I've read here on the forum and from my initial OHS experience...it takes longer to bring an INR up than it does for it to fall. Think about your initial surgery and Anti-coag. I remember going to the surgeon's office every 3 days for 2 weeks while the tried to get my INR up.
After reading up on the procedure - it sounds like your doctor is being extremely cautious on the bleeding aspect. The 2 articles I read said there was little bleeding associated with the procedure. But then it also may depend on how large an area they are excising. Even so - stopping Coumadin for a procedure (such as this kind) 6 days later, seems a bit too cautious - considering the Coumadin will be out of your system in 3 days once you stop. But it is what it is. If you have problems with bleeding after the procedure, it will be the Lovenox that is responsible. Don't let them blame Coumadin.

And good luck! Doesn't sound like one of those things that you can't wait to do!! :rolleyes:
Begin Lovenox when your INR hits 2.0. Continue the Lovenox as instructed, usually up to 12 hours before surgery. If you have problems with your kidneys and clearing, 18 hours before surgery. Lovenox is dissipated in the urine.

After surgery and when the bleeding is confirmed under control, they should restart your Coumadin that evening and Lovenox until your INR hits 2.0 again.

As for how long it will take to get back in range, 3 to 5 days, barring anything else that may hinder INR rise.
Thanks everyone for the info. So busy at work today I never got a chance to check on is and yes karalyn this definitely something that I really don't want to have to do. But then it is better than to end up with cancer which if this hadn't been found when it was might have happened in the near future. So I can deal with some discomfort if it means it was caught in time.

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