Has anyone had a 2nd mitral valve REPAIR (re-repair)?

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Active member
Nov 22, 2010
Summit, New Jersey
Hi all. Today I learned I've got moderate regurg again, after an MV repair in 2010 using the daVinci robot at the Cleveland Clinic. It had been after a long period of moderate to severe regurgitation plus a round of endocarditis that I opted for Cleveland and was eligible for repair. At the time it went very well and recovery was excellent. I've been fine and went at least the last 2 years with an annual cardio visit but no echo. Until this week. I'm 49 now and will have to watch over the coming year to see if the valve is stable or degenerating. Fortunately, i presently have no symptoms.
Naturally, if they could repair again that would be great and I've heard that's sometimes possible. Otherwise I'm likely looking at replacement in my 50s. My cardio is prudent and would like to delay such talk, especially given the developments with catheter-based replacements coming down the pike. In any case, I was just wondering if anyone had experience with re-repairs?
Still on mitral repair #1 (for mod-severe stenosis via valvuloplasty) going on year 13. I had that "stable or degenerating?" thing in Jan 2013 and it turned out to be stable at the new level, so I'm back to yearly echoes. My cardiologist has said for sure replacement next time, but I'm not entirely sure if a surgeon would agree (he is an interventional cardiologist and HE definitely can't use the same technique over again as it doesn't work on regurgitation). I'm guessing still no surgical repair though, because I have rheumatic heart disease and the tissues are very scarred and would very likely crud up again.

I've had moderate regurg since right after my procedure 13 years ago. I hope it goes well for you and stays stable where it is for a good long while.
Thank you to both who responded. It is encouraging to hear that some regurg can happen regardless and not mean much. We'll see. I've also asked my cardio to send the echo back to Cleveland with a note to ask about the "warranty" on my repair. He was slightly amused.
Thank you to both who responded. It is encouraging to hear that some regurg can happen regardless and not mean much. We'll see. I've also asked my cardio to send the echo back to Cleveland with a note to ask about the "warranty" on my repair. He was slightly amused. Best of luck to you both, also.
Hello John,

I had robotic MV repair in 2009 at age 47. Going on year 6, I'm at mild regurgitation. I'm told that even with any surgery to fix this, there's a good likelyhood of some continuing regurg. I think the idea that after surgery one's regurg going and staying at none is not very likely. That's why we get checked every year until forever. Interestingly, I had endocarditis last year. :)