Happy Valve Day to Me!

Valve Replacement Forums

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:D WOW! A whole year. Can't believe it! It's been a long road back (probably should have had this done when I was younger).

All seems to be well - no real problems, doctors are happy, lost 12 pounds in the process, walking about 3 miles every day (using the malls - it was 104 today in Dallas), pills are easy to manage, still testing once a week (I LOOOOVE home monitoring), my little valve is still valving (or whatever it does in there), and everyone here has been so supportive.

Much thanks to you all!:)

Have a wonderful day!

Have a wonderful day!

Congratulations on your one year anniversary. Awesome!:)
Welcome to that one-year milestone. May you have many, many, many more.
Way to go, JimBob! Happy First Anniversary! Best wishes for many more.

(Mall walking sounds good. Did some yesterday myself. Even my yellow lab, who usually nags me into walking her before dark, knows it's too darned hot right now to walk outdoors.)

Happy anniversary!!! Ain't life grand??? :) And home monitoring really is a godsend.

I agree on the heat -- it's dreadfully hot. If it helped any, I'd drive out toward Mineral Wells to Cool, Texas -- but I'm afraid that Cool is hotter than Hell -- Hell, Michigan, that is.
It was 109 yesterday in Aledo.
Happy Valve Day
Thanks for posting

Thanks for posting

Congratulations on achieving the one-year milestone and being an inspiration to all of us who are walking in your footsteps!

Here's to many, many more!