Happy thanksgiving everyone..

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
Springfield, MO
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving and safe travel!!! We all have so much to be thankful for!

Traveling to Oklahoma to see my fam! I am very excited!!!:D
Despite all the things that have happened that I'm not the least bit thankful for, I am Thankful for many others, all of you being one of them!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. :)
A poem I wanted to share w/you................

Everyday Thanksgiving
Even though I clutch my blanket and growl
when the alarm rings, thank you, Lord,
that I can hear.
There are many who are deaf.

Even though I keep my eyes closed
against the morning light as long as possible,
thank you, Lord, that I can see.
Many are blind.

Even though I huddle in my bed
and put off rising, thank you Lord,
that I have the strength to rise.
There are many who are bedridden.

Even though the first hour of my day is hectic,
when socks are lost, toast is burned
and tempers are short, my children are so loud,
thank you, Lord, for my family.
There are many who are lonely.

Even though our breakfast table
never looks like the pictures in magazines
and the menu is at times unbalanced,
thank you, Lord, for the food we have.
There are many who are hungry.

Even though the routine of my job
is often monotonous, thank you, Lord,
for the opportunity to work.
There are many who have no job.

Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate
from day to day and wish my circumstances
were not so modest,
thank you, Lord, for life.

Now thanks be to God,
which always causeth us to triumph in Christ

Happy Thanksgiving to all! :)
Our family has many things to be thankful far this year. My successfull AVR is a big one and my DIL was in a bad accident and she didn't get hurt. Some guy ran a red light and hit her on the right side and flipped her van. The van ended up on it's top but she crawled out.

I want to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. I am also very thankful for all of you.

Thanksgiving day tomorrow will be my aortic valve's 8th anniversary!!!!!!!. 8 years ago during Thanksgiving dinner, my surgery was 4 days away and I was preoccupied with potential outcomes, good and bad.

This Thanksgiving, I'll celebrate with a morning jog, neighborly touch football game, feast with friends, football on the TV (go Cowboys and Aggies), and a long soak in the hot tub.

Many thanks to my friends here in VR.com.
I've been a little less frequent in here lately, but think of you often and remember the inspiration you've been since I discovered you 5 years ago. Hoping y'all have a great day and many more to come.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to everyone in the U.S. and elsewhere, even though they have probably already celebrated Thanksgiving Day in their own country.

John & I will drive early tomorrow morning to my youngest sister's home at Lake Bob Sandlin in East Texas. Looking forward to being at her lake home, going out on the boat dock to see ducks flying back, thankful that they weren't born turkeys. ;)
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here ~ may all of you and your families have a wonderful day!

I am also very thankful for all of you!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone..

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone..

I know I haven't been on much lately, but I haven't been feeling all that well as my depression has been acting up and I feel like I am in a real funk right now, but I did want to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all and I will be back to posting and reading as soon as I am feeling a bit better.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Harry!!

The holidays can be "funkified" if you know what I mean!!! I was feeling a little bit of it too. Then all of a sudden some Christmas lights started popping up in our neighborhood....shamefully early. But you know, it made me feel better! I love color. I love sparkle.

What do you love? Look around for it! Maybe a quick conversation with your beloved niece (am I right? I know there are new babies in your family somewehre), or renting a movie like Planes, Trains and Automobiles, or Spaceballs (okay I'm really reaching with those silly suggestions). Something to just lift you up abit.

You're such a big sweetie! I hope you get to feeling better soon.



Happy thanksgiving all,and Happy Birthday to those Ive missed while comp was down,Love the Pup
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone...we are all truly blessed as we have all been given another chance. I too have suffered some depression after surgery,,now with the added grief over my deceased son during the holidays,I have given in to medicinal help. Its tiring being strong. I vow to up my fun factor,,,went to see Bolt in 3D,,my b/f and I were the only grown ups without kids but it didnt seem to bother him at all.