Had kids screened for BAV

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2005
Alberta, Canada
Just thought I would let you know that my kids were screened for BAV and thankfully none of them have one. All three of them have good strong hearts with no abnormalities. EKG and echo studies all normal. So thats one less thing I have to worry about. The cardiologist did say that if I were her patient she would have me on ACE inhibitors and perhaps even a beta blocker. She would also schedule me for a MRI asap and told me to demand it of my cardiologist. So I will. Too bad she is a pediatric cardiologist. As for my health, have good days and bad, not much to report, still waiting for something to happen.

That's great news! One less big thing to worry about in your family.
Great news about the kids.............

Great news about the kids.............

I know that is a load off of your mind. Good luck on chastising your card. Keep us posted. Many hugs. J.
Thanks for sharing this positive information. You and your family are overdue for some good news! Let's hope this is the beginning of more good news to come. Our drs. were not shy to prescribe ACE inhibitors or an MRA. Next echo is in March after a year on Lisinopril, and we're hoping to see the LV dimensions holding steady or even reversed.
Hi Char. Sorry I missed this a few days ago! That is most excellent about your children, I know you are relieved by that. I recently got a copy of the echo report from my daughter's screeening (the one I paid cash for :eek: ) and while the cardio was kind enough to read it gratis for me, and file the report, she called and spoke to my daughter last summer,not to me. My daughter (18) didn't really listen (not understanding half of what she said, probably) so I only knew that the echo was normal. Well, that was enough for me. But then I get the report and the cardio closes her summary by recommending that my daughter be treated prophylactically each time she goes to the dentist!! :confused: Our PCP looked it over and said not to worry about it, but I'll have to ask the cardio about it eventually. Darn! Sure wish I could read those echos better!! We have no idea what made her say that!!

Another thing. When I spoke to the surgeon last monday, I asked him his opinion of the heritability of BAV. He said that his understanding is that while it is certainly possible for it to be inherited, and in fact it does run in some families quite prominently, the likelihood is not substantial enough to make it high risk. He used a term which I promptly forgot, but meant that it was definitely a tendency, but not a sure thing by any stretch. So that is why they wait for the murmur. Not good enough for me. I want to know for sure, as you did.

So. Good for you for pursuing that and now you can rest peacefully at night (at least until they are teenagers!!:D or maybe they already are, I've forgotten!)

Incidently, I love my beta blocker. I had PVC's that were out of control. I didn't even realize that that's what a palpitation was. Once it had a name, they drove me nuts and got worse. Now (knock on wood) they are gone, gone, gone. My valve is in worse shape, so I'm starting to huff and puff abit more, but the complete exhaustion that wreaked havoc on my day to day from those palpitations is gone. You should keep at it with your cardiologist until you have some relief from whatever is bothering you.

All right then. Keep us posted!

GREAT NEWS Char! more kids escape the BAVD gene!

I was having puter troubles and when I went to post my first reply it zoomed off into cyber-space...lol...dont you hate that!

The relief is obvious by the tone of your post...i was equally relieved to have had my boys screened even though we got a couple of BAVers out of it...

marguerite....I am with you.dont settle waiting for a murmur to appear GET ASSERTIVE...I posted the boys report a while back,,,bot all bav's have murmurs...Infact my youngest boy has no murmur but a nice BAV!

I read more about "murmurs" and their partners in crime "clicks" ;) ...these sounds can indicate with "careful auscultation" (sp?) a peek into what the diagnoses will most likely be as these things cause characteristic sounds.
Aussigal said:
GREAT NEWS Char! more kids escape the BAVD gene!

I was having puter troubles and when I went to post my first reply it zoomed off into cyber-space...lol...dont you hate that!

The relief is obvious by the tone of your post...i was equally relieved to have had my boys screened even though we got a couple of BAVers out of it...

marguerite....I am with you.dont settle waiting for a murmur to appear GET ASSERTIVE...I posted the boys report a while back,,,bot all bav's have murmurs...Infact my youngest boy has no murmur but a nice BAV!

I read more about "murmurs" and their partners in crime "clicks" ;) ...these sounds can indicate with "careful auscultation" (sp?) a peek into what the diagnoses will most likely be as these things cause characteristic sounds.


It's funny that you talk about "clicks". because the pediatric cardiologist made a point in having her med student listen to my 14 year old daughter's heart. Apparently all of her valves click shut in unison. One then the other then the other. She said that her heart was quite musical, but she also re-assured me that its nothing to worry about. I am grateful that none of my children have BAV or any other heart abnormalities. I have already lost one child to congenital heart defects I couldn't stand it if another one had to go to the cath lab or under the knife because of the shitty gene pool they came from. At the moment thats one less thing I have to worry about.

Sorry to hear that 2 of yours got the BAV but at least they found out while they are young and perhaps they won't partake in silly things that could ultimately damage their valves prematurely like smoking, drugs and such. Just so you know, I plan to have a long talk with my current cardiologist sometime in the near future regarding a MRI and going on beta blockers to control my BP and my arrhythmias. Theres gotta be something out there that will make me feel better, my fatigue and the chest pain I experience on a daily basis now is really taking its toll on me. Maybe my own "Annie" is trying to say something to me.

Maybe a trip down under is just the ticket. I could use a few weeks in the sun. I think these Canadian winters are just too much for me now. Not enough sunshine in the day. I go to work in the dark and go home in the dark. Literally I hardly ever see the light of day.

Char :cool: