Got goals?

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2002
Hello all -

I'm curious - who is working toward some specific, challenging goals? For instance, Hosacktom training for a marathon, Mark Wagner looking to rack up 2400 post-op running miles, I think I recall Tom was planning another mountain climb.

Who else is on a mission? I love reading about that stuff!
I'm planning to do my second triathlon in July. The first one I did in February gave me a good baseline on how I need to focus my training. The worst part by far was the transition from the bike to the run, so that's one of the specific things I'm working on. That and working to maintain an even swimming pace in order to avoid going out too fast like I did last time and struggling at the end.
I really enjoy the cross-training aspect of triathlons - it really keeps things from getting stale or boring. I'm also fortunate to have the support of several experienced local triathletes for training advice and encouragement.


Tha Annual Pikes Peak Challenge is in September, benefitting the Brain Injury Association of Colorado and Think First. It will be my first mountain hike to the top of a 14'er. 13 miles and 7,000 feet elevation (all up). We get to take a bus down! :)

Dallas White Rock Marathon is in December.

My other major goal is to turn fifty. ;)
hosacktom said:
My other major goal is to turn fifty. ;)

I turned 50 last year - my doctor says my St. Jude valve should last 30 years, so I'm planning on making it at least until 80!

I think its great you guys are setting and acheiving goals. Mine is a little more modest. I'm planning to participate in a three mile jog/walkathon this summer to benefit the heart assn. Doesn't sound like much, but before surgery, I could barely make it accross Walmart. Keep up the good work.
My Goals

My Goals

My goals are to keep on walking. Maybe someday I will walk for the heart association and diabetes association. Till then, I still have to keep working on the walking and losing more weight. I hope to get to 150 pounds by the end of the year, if not sooner. I am at 205 right now. Take care and keep up with the goals. They are reachable.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
My goal is to lose about 50lbs and get back into my old clothes again...or even a bikini! :D

I know it's not some great big event, but it's going to mean a whole lot to me.
Bunny_Rabbit said:
My goal is to lose about 50lbs and get back into my old clothes again...or even a bikini! :D

*raises eyebrow*

Oooo....bikini! Summer is a comin' ;).


As for _my_ goals, I'm afraid mine aren't as "active" as some of the ones posted above; tho, considering our recent thread about sex, it might be...I don't know.

* get my "baby girls" cleaned and ready for the summer cruisin' season
* plan my trips (Bowling Green KY for the MC Nationals; Nashville/Jackson TN; Pennsylvania for the family reunion; Michigan for Woodward Dream Cruise, Denver/Utah/Oklahoma/Texas/Wichita around the reunion in October)
* find "love". No, I'm not lookin', because I'm told you find when you are not looking. But, well, some nudges or setups would be
* fine a new job
* work no some long-awaited projects around the house
* work again on my writing

Of course, I'm sure there are more....

Cort, "Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm w/pig valve & pacemaker
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB =
"Mr MC"'s Family...& train & models =
RIP = '76, Parents' [my] MC ... '88 MC LS ... '00 "mc" LS
Spotting MCs =
MC's Future =
I have a few in no particular order:

Get back to traveling with my job.

Get my golf game back to where it was about 5 years ago (2 handicap).

That thing Cort was talking about would be nice if it happened to happen. :D

Just enjoy life with my fixed ticker and not feel tired all the time.

Got any details on the Pike's Peak challenge? Is it run? walk? run/walk? Do you have a link to the organization that is sponsoring it?

And I share your goal to make it 50 this year. A few weeks ago, that goal would have been unlikely to have been met. Now, I think I'll make it!

Thanks so much for the link. The hike looks like a lot of fun, and for a great cause, too! Now that's inspiration and motivation. I wonder if we could put a VR survivors team together? :confused:
Last edited: group for the PPC!!!! group for the PPC!!!!

That would be really fun!

In the mean time, I wanna learn to write like Cort....

*raises eyebrow* How about some classes, Mr. Cort?? :cool: Lemme give it a try....

*mumbles to self* That crazy BIll's gonna give us all a bad name.....

......... admitting to "persistent pumpheadedness... or old age creeping up"!

*shakes head in disbelief*
To attend a VR.Reunion

To attend a VR.Reunion

Before I get too old..and yall will have to wheel me around in my wheelchair..and bring me a Miller-Lite :D :D :D My daughter and her hubby are all set to adopt 2 children from Russia... :D :D :D Depends on how fast the paperwork goes, their flying to Russia to see the children..Coming home..and then going back for them a few weeks later. Maybe around Oct. and I would miss the Co. reunion.........Nashville, Tenn. sounds great for a VR. reunion..LOTS of East coast members around there. :D :D :D Bonnie
My goal is to get back to where I was prior to my surgery last August. I play a lot of softball in the summer and I can't wait to get back on the field. However, I made a big mistake over the weekend....

I have been working out with weights, treadmill and bike consistently since December. Although I have worked my way back to about 75% of my pre-surgery levels, I'm still taking it slow and not trying to push myself too hard. I felt great with no problems until Sunday.

Saturday, I went to our local batting cages and hit about 100 pitches. I felt great, no pain, it was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed myself. Sunday afternoon my entire ribcage and chest area was became tight and started to ache. I've been downing Tylenols to help with the pain. I'm just now starting to feel a little better, however whenever I take deep breaths and my lungs expand, my ribs hurt. Proof again, that I overdid it! :(

Good luck with your softball endeavors. My Dad's team is gearing up for another eventful season, too ;).


That, my dear, is my trademark :). You'll have to pay a fee to use it...LOL!


That "thing" would so be nice. make it more frustrating (a tad, anyway), 3 friends told me in separate conversations over the weekend that it's about time that I start searching in earnest for someone...that I deserve to find someone special and *ahem* get some action finally...LOL! Each of the 3 did _not_ know anyone else had said anything to me.... *sighs* I'm not "worried", per se....still....those comments didn't help...LOL. Aye...irony rocks ;)
Oh Tom,

You'd better believe that I've still got my skinny clothes in my closet...and gosh darn it, they're gonna fit again one day! Even if I'm 70 years old, I'm going to fit into my old mini skirts! haha yeah. :D
Well, as of now my goal is to finally get my husband through his knee operation (it was supposed to be in January, BEFORE my surgery! but he's still waiting for a date) -- and then to go to Northern New Mexico in late August.

This year we'll be in Santa Fe coincidentally with Indian Market, which I've never been to (I'm sure that iit will be hot, crowded and chaotic but very interesting). Usually we do a lot of hiking when we go to New Mexico but this year, I don't know, what with the new knee replacement -- not to mention the August heat.

Later on in the year, or early in 2005, we're hoping to get over to Europe again, either France or Italy or preferably both. Dreaming of a couple of weeks in Venice .... This week, just to get myself in the right frame of mind, I'm starting Italian lessons again. (For the umpteenth time! My pattern is, I get myself to the point where I can have a reasonably intelligent conversation, and then I go rusty for lack of anyone to have a conversation with.)
My goals...... hmmmmmmm.....

Well I'd love to be able to do things again - like walking up stairs, dancing, "canoodling", etc.... without stopping to catch my breath every 2 minutes. :(

However, once I get that sorted out, I'm looking to launch my own copywriting business and to get stuck into those books that have been sitting on the back burner for far too long now!!

I'd also like to get into some sort of counselling - maybe for troubled youths (..I've got plenty of experience to draw from!!..) and continue with my world travels and languages - I have 5 that I'd like to master: Swedish, French, Italian, German & Indonesian. At this stage I only speak smatterings of the first 3 - I can order beer and cake, so I guess that's the important stuff :D :D

Hej Da, Aurevoir, Ciao...
Anna : )