Got echo results....

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Okay, here's what my impersonable Doc said.

Valve still leaks like crazy (duh). It isn't worse than last time, but he thinks that by his measure my LV is getting bigger.

He gave me a prescrip for an ACE inhibitor, only 5 mg per day, and told me to come back in 2 wks to get a blood test done.

Then he told me to come back in 2 months to see how the drug is working.

I also will get another echo in 6 months to see if the LV is getting worse or not.

Again, I feel fine and he said that that was good.

I'm going to get another doc to give me his opinion and see if they coincide....

Looks like I might be on the surgery path....

I have read most of your posts and I noticed that you seem to be very nervous about your condition. What do your stats say? What is the size of your ventricle, aortic root and most importantly what is your ejection fraction %. That is probably the most important number. You could live with regurg. for a long time but remember that the echo is not the most precise measurement to determine how bad your regurg. is. I had a cardiac catherization done 2 weeks ago and my regurg. was worse then they thought. The best test is the TEE but they usually do that be4 surgery.
If you have any doubt about how your cardio is treating you then you should get a second opinion. Remember doctors are not Gods. They PRACTICE medicine. I saw my cardio, the cardio at the hospital that did my cather., and three surgeons. Four of the five said I should have my surgery within one month and the fifth (surgeon) said to do another echo in 6 months and he would review it then. It was his opinion that I may not need surgery for another 2 to 3 years.
Nobody knows for sure exactly how you heart is until they open you up so if you have doubts about your cardio then you should make a appointment with someone else. You have nothing to lose.

Mine was opposite of Rich's. The TEE showed moderate regurg where the catheterization, echo and gamma images all showed severe.

If your ventricle is enlarging, you don't want to be waiting to awfully long to have something done. Mine got dangerously close to inoperable before it was repaired. I'm still paying the price for it too.
That's the thing, my Dr has never told me a percentage or anything. He almost seems to put me in the dark.

I asked him about a Ross procedure. He really didn't have much to say about it. Said he's not real familiar with it.

I'm gonna get another opinion and see what that dr says...

I ask lots of questions when I'm there but he doesn't like to talk.

I need to see a Dr that actually wants to inform me of what is going on..

Ross, that sucks. Now I'm more worried, maybe I need to get to another Dr. fast!!! I hope this guys knows what he's doing...

Call your cardio's office tomorrow and demand that they give you a copy of your echo results. They will probably tell you that they have to type it up. Tell them no problem, just type it up tan then have them fax it to you on Monday. Every cardio has to type up a echo report so ask them for it. The echo report will show all of your measurements and percentages. You can then post them on the site and let the forum give their opinion.

Don't sweat it, you are probably ok.

Kevin, Good luck and yes I agree, you need to see another cardiologist. I just found out my LV is also enlarged and somewhat damaged and is scheduled for mitral valve replacement surgery at Duke on Jan 3,, this is 1 1/2 years after my mitral valve was repaired. My lekage is apparently worse at exercise therefore I cant do any exercise (not even walking) until after surgery.

Good luck and keep us informed. We really care!
Hi Kevin!
I'm glad you are getting a second opinion. It took me three opinions until I found a doctor who would listen to me and take the time to thoroughly answer my questions. The third doctor is also the one who found out exactly what was going on. I had an ascending aortic dissection and anuerysm repair with a mechanical aortic valve replacement. Keep pushing until you get the answers you deserve. Good Luck and Take Care!
hey Kevin

your cardioligist must be one of those mail-order degree guys. Take notice Richie!
I couldn't believe it , that he didn't know what a ross procedure was.
I had a meeting with a cardiac surgeon that lasted for 1 hr. and 15 min. and he answered all my questions, was patient, explained in detail, and calmed any apprehension I had.
If I were in your shoes, would I see someone else? Absolutely!
You've been given some good advice in these posts. Heed it! we are on your side.:)
I agree with the others...go with another opinion AND, listen to your body!!! I'm going to Mayo for my 3rd opinion, mainly because I know I just don't feel "right".

By the way...regarding E/F....where would that be on the cath results? Is it called something else or does it say "ejection fraction"? None of the doctors ever have mentioned it, but since it's been a topic here, I'd like to know what mine is....

I went through a few cardiologists, but along the way built an ongoing file of echo and cath reports, and got video tape copies of all my tests. I recommend to anyone with advanced valve disease to do the same, so that you're readily portable to another doctor or hospital.

My experience with Dr. hopping:

First guy tells me my valve leaks pretty badly, that I'll probably need surgery some day, maybe in 10-20 years. That prompted several questions from me...but he just told me to wait until symptoms prevented me from riding my bike, then he'd worry about it...then he threw me out because he was very important and busy.

Determined to find another doc, I requested a copy of my echo report and video. While waiting for my appt w/ the new guy, I compared my condition and echo values with those in the American College of Cardiology guidelines ( My $0.02 home diagnosis was that I needed surgery NOW...and that waiting for symptoms was waiting too long.

Next guy similarly said he didn't think it was time. I pulled out a highlighted copy of the ACC guidelines and asked him to reconcile the guidelines w/ his opinion...he looked bewildered like a deer caught in headlinghts..."Next!"

I finally landed with a guy who actually knew management protocol and surgery indications, and was willing to talk to me (but I even had a second opinion on his opinion at the Cleveland Clinic, because by then I was getting skeptical). Finally convinced that I landed with a guy who cared and who knew what he was doing, we kept close tabs on my condition over the next two years (turns out I did have some time before surgery, but nowhere near the 10-20 years that the first guy said I had. ) When it was finally "time," he referred me to a surgeon. That guy told me my valve was not repairable, that I'd definitely need an artificial. Time for another opinion. I Fed-ex'd a copy of my most recent echo and cath report/video to a mitral valve specialist at the Cleveland Clinic. The CC surgeon called back 2 days later...said he could repair the valve and that his nurse practitioner was ready to schedule surgery for me.

End of story is that my valve was successfully repaired in Jan 02, and I'm free of coplications and drugs (except a daily baby aspirin).

It's unfortunate, but you can't solely rely on Dr. credentials and take what they say at face value. My advice: if your cardiologist is too busy or disinterested to communicate with you, find another one. Corroborate what they tell you with another source (specialist or reference material). Don't be afraid to fire somebody you don't have confidence in.
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