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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2002
Just got back from Tyce's 4 mo visit at the cardio. Everything looks good and he's starting to wean him off the amiodarone. From 200 mg to 100 mg. for 2 weeks every day and then 100 mg. every other day for two more weeks. Along with that he's decided to introduce a baby aspirin 3 times a week......He said Tyce's ekg looks fabulous and even if he does go back into afib, he's already anticoagulanted, so it's not a big deal. (So HE says!!) Apparently the aspirin has something to do with the platelets and keeps the valve even cleaner....or something like that. I'm just glad he's going off the sure scares me!!! It especially scared me when our eye dr. saw deposits in Tyce's retinas, and the pulmonary man wanted to do a pulmonary test as a basis when he found out about the amiodarone.....let's just hope he doesn't go back into afib...... Though I'd update everyone. Our next apppointment is January when they'll do an echo.......May we ALL stay well!!!

Great news, Evelyn. You already know my fears about amiodarone and btw my bro's opthalmologist also saw it in my bro's eyes, too - he mentioned it before bro even told him about it. Aspirin is good - I read some studies that they think aspirin can help stave off alzheimer's (but it should be taken at night). You know, if they brought aspirin to the market as a new drug today, it would be SO expensive nobody could afford it!!

You and Tyce keep on keepin on. God bless
hi evelyn!
joey is also in the process of coming off the amio. he has also come down from 200 to 100 mg and plans to do this for about 3-4 wks. and then progressively wean off.
i pray that tyce stays out of afib, i can totally relate, that is my biggest worry with joey too. please let me know how tyce is doing as time goes by, i'm curious.
wishing you all the best. be well, sylvia

Glad to hear the good news about Tyce. I also had good news yesterday.

I had my appointment with my cardiologist. He did an EKG and what he called a baseline Echo on me. Apparently all is OK with me as he said I have no restrictions, other than boxing, down hill skiing and football, and to see him in a year. My EF is now 50% versus 45% prior to surgery. He indicated that the EF should improve over time.

One thing the Doctor did say was that when using coumadin, one should not use generics if you can help it. The issue he said has to do with the quality of the batch and the degree to which the generic brands can deviate from the ?gold? standard. This he implied can cause possible fluctuations in the dosage. He said that if I did stay with generics that I should stay with the same manufacturer each time.

Evelyn and Walter-

Double good news.

I'm so glad Tyce is coming off Amiodarone. It sounds as if it did it's job. Hopefully the afib will stay away.

Walter- Congratulations on an excellent report. The fact that the doc is scheduling you for next year is a very good sign.

It's so nice to hear that people are doing well.
Evelyn, when I think about your first few posts on these forums and what has transpired since then, well, your like a whole new person. Is Tyce the same way?
Hi All

Walter....great news. I'm so very happy for you. Keep up that walking and you can drop the football and boxing practice!!! (Ha Ha) Tyce's cardio gave him a weight restriction of 40 lb, but still no jerking---I say 20, maybe 25....after all, I'm getting used to lifting the water bottles now.

I'm so glad he's coming off the amio.....and Sylvia, I know exactly where you're coming from about the afib. The cardio's don't think it's a big deal, but I certainly do! I certainly will keep you posted.

Rossman, boy are you right. I was truly a total basket case, wasn't I??? I don't know what I would have done if you guys weren't here. You are all like a lifeline for me. I pray everyone here stays healthy for many more years to come. I truly do love you are all my angels, and I mean that. You have given me so much strength in dealing with this that the drs and nurses never could, and I think that's because you are there, in the trenches, dealing with it realistically. I look at Nancy, and marvel at her strength, Henslyee's wonderful calmness and sense of humor, Bonnie's cute, upbeat attitude and everyone else on this list and thank God for you all. Rossman, you will always be very special to me--I love your screwball attitude and I missed you so very much when you were gone for your "vacation." I'm so glad you're home again.

Got to go....have already been out for a run with the 4 leggeds in the farm fields. We all, including Tyce, had a great walk. Now it's out shopping and errands. Chat later. Evelyn
Nancy? She's plain armor plated and armed to the teeth with info.
Very respected by myself, I might add. ;)
Hi Johnny.....Yep, they sure have. It's so nice when we're ALL doing well. I know you are, too, as is Walter, Bill, Jimeskimo, Scottie, and everyone else. What drugs do they have you on???? Tyce is now on coreg, zestril, coumadin, amiodarone....but coming aspirin 3 times a week, and a variety of vitamins. I've just started him on 400 mg. magnesium so we'll see how he does with that.

Good News Ev

Good News Ev

Glad to hear Tyce's visit to Cardio was good..Keep walking..I am babysitting my fat King Charles Spaniel this weekend while daughter and hubby celebrate their 5th Ann. I meant to say my fat Grand-Dog..He's a huffing and puffing..Good for him. He loves coming to the Mountains for his weekends with us...Have to be careful with him tho. He jumped off sofa about 2 years ago and injured his spine. Cost daughter $2,000..boy do we love our animals.:) :) ......Walter..You keep on improving too. I turned down an offer of Coumadin a week ago when they were out of 5mg, Warfarin..told her no thank you..Give me my Warfarin in 2 1/2 tablets and I will double them. Didn't want to shake the Apple Tree...Always make sure it's by Barr...Are you comfortable not seeing your Cardiologist for a whole year?My 6 month echo was good.Made my PCP tell me about it last Friday when I saw him. Saw it laying on top of my folder. He said it was a perfect echo...However, My Card. wants to see me again in 6 months. Don't know why. We only say Hello and Goodbye.:D :D Bonnie

I have, what you might call, a close knit medical family here in Lincoln which is very fortunate, at least for me. Turns out my cardiologist?s doctor is also my doctor, it?s like everybody knows everybody in this town, must be a Midwest Nebraska thing cause this sure was not the case when I lived in New York. Anyway I was somewhat surprised by the fact that he did not, or should I say, he saw no need to see me for a year based on what he saw of my Echo and EKG. He reviewed the tests right after they took them. He did say that if I felt a need to see him, just to call.

I do see my regular doctor every two weeks for Pro-Time and every six months as a rule for a general check-up plus he is the one that found my ?heart? problem in the first place. I am very fortunate that he is a very through doctor, nothing slips his attention, and I can assure you.

So I do feel confident and keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks for the concern.



when I was a very small child in Alabama, I met some children from Valentine, Nebraska..They told me they had a thing called a T.V....and they watched Howdy Doody.. Boy, was I impressed. ... Walter, I, too, love living in a small rural area. Saw a jacket at a small Department store..Wanted it so badly for my Granson for Xmas. 2 Days later, I had a call from Saleslady. She had found one at another store...They shipped it down and I picked it up today. Correct size. Where else in America:) :) :) I hate Malls...Our Country store still lets customers sign for goods and pay later.:D :D :D Only problem with living in really small towns..have to drive down to larger towns for doctors.:mad: :mad: Bonnie
Hey Evelyn, great news! Kevin should be home early next week, so that's my good news. I am going to be happy just to be able to cuddle with him on those cold fall nights! Aspirin is a good drug no matter what people might say about it. I am on 325MG BID of aspirin. Just to tell everybody what meds I am on...50 mg of metoprolol in the morning, and 25 mg of metoprolol at bedtime, 250 mg of penicillin VK BID, and the aspirin. I am glad to be alive, and I have Kevin's return home to look forward to. I wish I could actually meet you and Tyce. You have been so supportive and nice to me since my hubby has been gone. Are you going to the 2003 reunion? I am going to try! WEll, better let you go, and I am so glad Tyce is doing well!
Hi Joy.....So glad Kevin is coming home soon and not going away for quite a bit!!! You can get through the next week with bells on!! We are planning on going to the reunion next year, but not if it's the end of Sept. We have our Springer Spaniel National in St. Louis the end of Sept. Any other time is good for us, though, as long as we know ahead of time to arrange our dog sitter. I would love to meet you, too. Actually, I'd love to meet everyone on this list!!! Hopefully, next year.

Evelyn - Everything sounds good for Tyce. My own experience was that my heart went back to normal rhythm after one month on Amiodarone. Similar to Tyce, it took a while to get off the Amiodarone, then off the coumadin. Anyway, no problems in the last 18 months. Good luck to you and Tyce.
Thanks, Bill. I'm just hoping he stays in NSR. He only had the one episode of afib prior to the surgery, and then once post surgery. Our cardio thinks he's definitely better than 50/50 because of the size of the chambers--they're back to normal, so he's pretty encouraged. This morning was his first 100 instead of 200, so we've got about a month to go on the weaning process. Our cardio says it stays in the system for a month or so, but I've heard lots longer. Thanks for the good luck wish.


I'm glad to hear that everything is going well for Tyce. I hope the weaning process goes smoothy and he has no further problems.

It must have been a relief for both of you to get good news during the visit with the cardiologist. Good luck with the echo in January!

Ron K
Hi Ron

Yes, it was great news. He's already had 3 echos since the surgery in June. Luckily, they've all shown that all is well. I'm hoping he can get off the amio with no problems---time will tell.

BTW, I wrote Nicole a message but haven't heard as yet from her regarding the east coast reunion. How close to Somerville, NJ are you??? We're going down there for an dog eye clinic the end of November---maybe we could meet for breakfast??? I know our appointment is about 9 and we'll be done by 10ish. That way you could meet the WHOLE family.
