Going a little crazy...

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
So I had my heart cath on Monday, and they still don't have my INR in range! I have to stay in the hospital til at least tomorrow (Sat), and I'm going slightly stir crazy! At least I have my laptop here, and work, books, magazines, movies, tv, but still... just had to share my frustrations!

Is this abnormal for an INR to take so long to get back into range? I was on 5mg/day prior to my cath, they had me hold it for 2 days before the procedure... when they took my INR the day of my procedure, it was at 1.4. Every day it's gone up .2 (starting my 5mg dose back up Mon night). Last night it didn't go up at all, so it's only at 1.8. They want me at 2.0 min before they'll release me. The cardiologist who's been following me here at the hospital is upping my dose to 5mg... 7.5mg on M/W/F (I'll change it when I get home to a consistent daily dose, I wasn't going to debate that while we were here, since he's not my regular cardiologist). But even that increase probably isn't going to show by tomorrow - I just hope *some* increase will!

Any ideas? Should I have my husband sneak in a margarita tonight or what??! :) (I haven't been going heavy on leafy greens or anything at all - maybe had one salad, some broccoli, etc - but nothing major on any given day that I've been here).

Thanks for listening!
They making you drink Carnation instant breakfasts, boost or ensure? You should be there by tomorrow. If not, stop eating anything green until you are.
Nope, none of that. They do have me on a multi-vitamin and I had them check this morning to see if there was any vitamin K in it, but there isn't (so they say). I'm just on my heparin IV. They did add something yesterday for some nausea I was having, but that's it (not sure what it was or anything).
If they snuck some vit k in somewhere, that is why it's taking so long. You should be good to go by tomorrow I would think.
Kerri,i agree with Ross stay away from the leafy greens
at least on me brings down my inr,they bridged me too
for my cath but least they allowed me to do my own
testing and coumadin and as result i took coumadin at
an earlier time once from 6pm usual to 11am this helped to
but they bridged to the last minute of my departure from
the hospital,removed iv ten min before i left.you should be fine
tomorrow adding a prayer for you now.

zipper2 (DEB)
Thanks for the posts so far... just thought I'd share that my morning INR hasn't changed again. This is 3 days in a row at 1.8.... I could cry! I hate wasting an entire week in here, and now it looks like it might be all weekend unless the dr is generous when he does his rounds this morning. I just don't understand why the dose that's been working for me all of a sudden isn't. And we probably won't see the increase he gave me until Monday or so.

At least if I'm stuck here today I can watch football all day, but wow this place is getting old! :) I just want to go home and see my pets...

Ok thanks for listening, again!
Sorry Kerri, it should be at least 2.0 by now. If I were your Doc, I'd send you home anyhow, but with an increased dose and check you again in 3 days.
After my OHS I spent 16 days in hospital getting my INR "perfect". Since I didn't know anything about it, I was fine with it. Now that I know how to dose myself, I would be really annoyed at staying in for so long. But, better safe than sorry.
(can someone sneak you in a little dose of Coumadin?)
I'm thinking a little dose of a margarita would be awesome! :) I do have my mediset with me, so I just took a 1/2 of one of my own coumadin pills, and I'll smuggle out the 1/2 they throw in tonight. I also haven't taken my multivitamin because I don't trust it - and it's not marked, so I can't check it myself. I'm starting to rebel. :) I do normally take warfarin, a different brand, and they're giving me coumadin - the doc mentioned that might be part of it depending on the manufacturer. He did keep me here til tomorrow. I got extremely crabby/teary for a while, but I'm better now. Just so frustrating, especially when you don't know what's keeping your INR from going up, when it's been on track for a while, now.

Thanks again, everyone!
I know it sucks. I sat there on Heparin having blood draws every 3 hours and I was not at all happy. I told my Cardiologist to start me out on 7.5 and keep going until I hit 2.0. He got worried because my INR jumped up immediately in 2 days but it got me off the damn heparin. I told him just get me up off and out and I'd take care of the rest. Glad he listens to me, no one else there would.

Sorry you're in "prison." Hard to go through having a different person overseeing your anticoagulation management when you've been pretty stable. Things are out of your hands for a little while.

Good idea to bring a secret stash of warfarin with you!
Ohhhh Kerri
Know how you feel it's frustrating i know
went through it recently myself from the bridging
crap and nothing moved it cept my smuggle attempts
then they let at my own coumadin.
I hope your attemps help and eventually be home for
your pets.....It sucks and hospitals aren't my thing either.:rolleyes:

zipper2 (DEB)
INR Levels and Food!

INR Levels and Food!


I use this sight a lot! and there is some more you need to watch your green stuff. But is amazing what you can eat. I have to take 10mg a day to keep mine at what they want it to be of 3.0-3.5 I like it around 2.7. Sometimes I think they just want it to thin. A nurse told me about this web page and there is another one called Dr Vitamin K. Good luck they will not let you leave till it is above 2.0 or more.. Been there done the wait game.:D I am new here and already like it, we all have the same problems! :mad: Take Care!

I use this sight a lot! and there is some more you need to watch your green stuff. But is amazing what you can eat. I have to take 10mg a day to keep mine at what they want it to be of 3.0-3.5 I like it around 2.7. Sometimes I think they just want it to thin. A nurse told me about this web page and there is another one called Dr Vitamin K. Good luck they will not let you leave till it is above 2.0 or more.. Been there done the wait game.:D I am new here and already like it, we all have the same problems! :mad: Take Care!

terodac throw those vit k charts out of the window. When it comes to Coumadin, dose the diet you eat, don't diet the dose your on. Nobody I know here watches their green stuff! You shouldn't be either. Eat as many green vegetables as you normally would, do not deprive yourself or spare yourself because of some stupid chart telling you something. Your new at it, but when you get frustrated enough, you'll see what we mean. ;)

If your nurse is telling you this, she is propagating myth or old school thinking and it's not right. It makes me wonder what other nonsense they've taught you.

You don't want to binge on something high in vit k, but for all else, eat normal semi consistent amounts and you'll be fine.
Just got my INR results for this morning and it's a 2.5! Yay, I get to go home today!!! I'm so excited... I can't wait to have this darn IV out of my arm, and no more patches all over my skin... dragging my IV pole with me wherever I go... :)

Last night I did pull a muscle right near one of my cath sites (groin/thigh area) when I sat down at dinner - go figure. I'm trying to rest it as much as I can. They checked the cath site and everything was fine - no swelling or bruising, but there was a pop and I could feel the muscle kinda moving when I walked. It's still hurting this morning - just have to walk slow and can't lift my leg up in front of me, but can to the side and back. Probably will just have to sweat that one out - anyone else have anything like that happen post cath? I did do a lot of walking and stretching yesterday, maybe I overdid it.

Thanks again everyone for helping keep me sane through this, knowing I'm not the only one who's gone through it!
Kerri :)
Also if your range is 3.0 to 3.5 then you ought to aim for slightly OVER 3.0, aim to be over the base line, not under. My range is 3.0 to 4.0 and mostly I am in my range and have no problems so if you were just over 3.0 that is perfect.
Oh good news Kerri.....finally home sweet home
Yup i heard thatpop sound too and (OUCH)
take it easy,don't overdo,still it was the 22nd
of sept when they let me out and now even
it,s raining here today and caused some discomfort
with weather change and i'm still feeling my soreness
oct.5th today,but i over did on yard work yesterday
by planting tulips.....my own fault
take it easy,enjoy the pets and rest and enjoy being home:)

zipper2 (DEB)

I use this sight a lot! and there is some more you need to watch your green stuff. But is amazing what you can eat. I have to take 10mg a day to keep mine at what they want it to be of 3.0-3.5 I like it around 2.7. Sometimes I think they just want it to thin. A nurse told me about this web page and there is another one called Dr Vitamin K. Good luck they will not let you leave till it is above 2.0 or more.. Been there done the wait game.:D I am new here and already like it, we all have the same problems! :mad: Take Care!

I agree with Ross.
Those lists are interesting reading, but ... forget them!

Eat what you like; your dosage of warfarin will be adjusted to achieve a certain INR range, based on your diet, other meds, exercise level, etc.

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