Getting nervous

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Jan 3 is the big day and its coming sooner than I think. Theres so much to do to prepare being away for that time. I guess Im getting nervous. I think I will do fine but theres always that nagging fear. I will be having a mitral valve replacement by Dr Glower at Duke University Medical. Any advise?
You will do fine. It is normal to be nervous but that will be gone before you are wheeled into the operating room. Recovery in the ICU wil not be as bad as you may imagine. You probably will not feel much discomfort other than all the tubes going in and out of your body. It will be a relief as they gradually remove the tubes. Pain will not be a problem, and if it is you will have medication for it. I do not recall needing much of it, although the nurses may recomend it to enable you to sleep more easily.

After home from the hospital you will not be out of commision long, although you will be told to take it easy for a few months.
It's tough, but try to relax as best you can.
You don't need additional stress and the holidays, depending on whether you celebrate them or not, can add considerable weight to your shoulders.

Be gentle on yourself. You are entering into something that is serious and you owe yourself a little me time.

Don't take the garbage out. Let someone else make breakfast. Get someone to rub your feet.

These are the important things.

There is nothing you can do to prepare aside from taking good care of yourself emotionally, physically and mentally.

If you have any technical questions about what happens the day of or what to expect afterwards, please post them. Often our fear comes from the unknown and it can help you to deal with this if you find out more.

Some people prefer not to know.

We all deal with it in our own way.

Just remember that you are not on your own. There are many here who will help and support you however we can.

It's normal to be nervous, but it's easier when you have help.
As the others have said before me and many that will follow, the hardest part is the waiting. Once the day comes it will be over and done with before you know it. Try to take it easy and just know that it will be for the better. It's nice that you found the site before your surgery because there is a lot of information you can find out here if you would like. We're all here for you.
You have choosen a wonderful surgeon. He did my aortic valve replacement. There are two others in this group that have used him. One was from out of state, and came because of his cradentials. Try and relaxe, duke will take good care of you. Remember to not fight the breathing tube in ICU. Once it is all over you will find that it is not as bad as you thought. NOt a walk in the park, but not so bad eather. Have you made plans for your trip home? You will need someone with you, for a while. What about a lounge chair? Laying in bed will not be to comfortable for some time. Duke will give you a heart shaped pillow, remember to use it. Coughing and sneezing will be killers. Remember all of us on this list that have made it through this. I'll say a prayer for you, and be looking forward to hearing of you successful surgery. martha


Waiting is the hardest part, but if I'm not mistaken, you've been through this before, so you know all of the good/bad you are going to face.
They scheduled my Mitral valve replacement the following week after my cardiac cath, which wasn't enough time, but towards the end of the week I was glad I didn't have all that extra time to worry, I was busy with list of things to do, phone calls (well wishes) from family and friends,, PATs and filing for disability

Best wishes for a successful surgery and recovery,

Hi Alicia!
The waiting is definately the toughest part. Everything will go just fine. Just take a deep breath and tell yourself this surgery is for the best and you will be even better when it's over. Believe me, once it is over, you will realize that the anxiety is much worse than the surgery. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It's hard, but try to relax and enjoy the holidays.

Take Care!
Wow all of you have been so supportive! I cant believe Martha had surgery by Dr Glower at Duke as well as 2 others. Thats awesome.

I developed a severe rash/welps all over my legs and thighs due to the antibiotic the doctor put me on. Now Im on Pednisone and cortisone creams. Im itching like mad. He said nerves could also play a part. Im trying not to stress over the surgery. I have been thru heart surgery before so I know what to expect and I think the thing I remember most was fighting the breathing tube and Im dreading that. But I will make it with the grace of God. Thanks for all the support.
You know that you have the worlds best people praying and thinking about you. I never get along with the vent tube. Me and that darn machine hate each other equally. It's my prayer for you that it is taken out before you have a chance to be fully awake. ;)
Hi Alicia

Hi Alicia

I must be one of the few who do not remember tubes, ect..I was out going down the hall towards the operating room and woke up the next afternoon in a pretty private room. No tubes. No pain..Just lots of friendly nurses....Must have had some good stuff:D :D Enjoy Xmas with the family...Eat some good food. cause it's not going to taste good after surgery:p :p :p You will be FINE...Hope Lisa is doing good ...Let us hear and e-mail me if you want to chat....My Hubby calls me the Mouth of the South (No comment Ross) Bonnie

While pre-op nerves is a common issue, it sounds like you have an extra reason for concern based on your bad experience with the breathing tube last time. That's got to make it more difficult. Here's hoping they can get the tube out before you "wake" in the ICU. Like Bonnie, I was furtunate that way. May this be your turn.

I think good support from family and friends is the best help in dealing with pre-op nerves. I see you're getting some of that here. I hope it's helping.

All the best to you. Happly Holidays.

-- roy --
Angel, you're NOT alone....

Angel, you're NOT alone....

You most probably feel nervous because you think you're on your own, (even though you've got family and friends around you) that no one can provide 'the type of help/support' that you need.


What a powerful message! What a wonderful promise!

Prayers ALSO pack a powerful punch (ask me about it!) and you've got a battalion out here praying for YOU.

I felt miserable before my December 10th surgery, not because I didn't 'know' about above FACTS but because I couldn't find the 'driving force' to 'hammer' such into my mind and body (which I have now discovered).

So it was ONLY PRAYERS (all my friends in this board and my family's) that PULLED me through this difficult episode in my life.

PLUS the Lord God, king of kings that 'carried' me to the other side of the hurdle.

Blanche, one of our beloved members replied as follows to my supplication:

You hang in there and get the treatment you need. You have a whole lot of folks here who care about you. In an earlier post you asked, "Has anyone read 'Footprints?" At this point I only see one set." You see, you really are not alone in this. We know why you only see one set now.

Footprints in the Sand (Written by Mary Stevenson)

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonged to him and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it. "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you saw only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you."

Keeping you in my prayers,

Angel, you'll do PERFECT!

You know it, we know it and God promises it will be so!

Relax and put your faith in him.

We'all are praying for you.
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I think I have told this to everyone here, but I was so nervous the morning before my surgery that I actually stuck a hershey kiss in my mouth and started to eat it. Then I realized what I was doing and spit it out. WEird, huh? THe worst part is the wait. I am having oral surgery tomorrow, and am very nervous to see how long it takes me to wake up. Probably about 6 hours. When I started to wake up, I couldn't move, and I had that tube stuck down my throat so I was freaking out. I hope they don't do that to you. YOu just have to relax and breath. That's my advise. Well, Take it easy!
I can't add much to what the others have already said....just wanted to let you know you're in my prayers!
Tough time right now, Alicia - we all remember those pre-days. No matter what you do, where you go, how you think, the upcoming is always on the edge of your mind if not in the forefront. We all know this and we are here just for you - to let you know that we went there and we came back like you will. Keep the faith. From the old gospel song: "Caint nobody go there for you, you gotta walk it by yourself" except that there are so many of us out here holding your hand to help you along the way. It won't be that far to climb so hang in. God bless
Relaxation and guided imagery

Relaxation and guided imagery

Before my surgery I had posted a question about using guided imagery and relaxation tapes to prepare for surgery. If you can go back and find the thread people suggested some good sources. I ultimately got a book, "Prepare for Surgery: Heal Faster" by Peggy Huddleston which provides some instruction, I aslo bought two tapes/CDS, one with instruction and one instrumental. I found these methods to be very helpful before during and after surgery to relax my mind, body and reduce pain (although I still reccomend as much pain killers as you need!).
Good luck. Let me know if you have any questions about any of this if you are unfamiliar with meditation or relaxation techniques.

Wow, the support Im getting here is incredible! You guys are all such awesome people. Im so glad I found this site! I had to call my surgeon this morning to let them know I was put on a 5 day course of Prednasone due to a reaction to Doxcycline. They said it will probably not postpone the surgery, but they will run it by the surgeon in case he decides to postpone it. I really hope not, Im reasy to get it over with. Thanks again for all the support, its appreciated very much.

Hugs, Alicia:)
Alicia, Would you feel better if they scheduled you for say March 3 instead of Jan 3?? We will all be with you thru the entire operation if only in our thoughts and prayers. You really are never alone but you knew that didn't you?? Concentrate on the family, friends, and the holidays and leave the thoughts & concerns of the surgery until Jan 2. Dave
Hi Alicia
I don't get here to this site to often..and I just saw your post. I had my AVR at Duke in Sept2001 by Dr Glower.I have a St Jude Toronto Stentless Porcine Valve. Believe me I was the most frightened person around before surgery. The people on this Forum are wonderful and I don't think that I could have made it through without them.Dr Glower was very communicative and open to what ever ideas that you might have..and believe me I gave him a lot of input!Please feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help you in any way that I can.I am not real good about posting and am computer illiterate..but I am good on the phone.I'm sur that I can give you a lot of insight as to what to expect at Duke. Also My cardios are the same group as yours, Dr. Bayshore, Harrison etc.They are excellent..and their spepcialties are Valve you already know. My email address is [email protected] I will be around throughout the Christmas feel free to contact meand I will give you my home phone number.
Wishing you much luck and try and relax a bit..if you can..The surgery was much easier than I thought it would be..this coming from someone..who won't even go to the dentist!
Joan Seide:D


You dear have been in my thoughts and prayers daily. Your big day is coming up soon and I know want you to know that I will KEEP you in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending out good vibes and much love and I will continue to do so. I will also be praying for complete healing, body, soul and mind and I will believe that God will give that to you. Please keep a positive attitude.