Getting Medical Records?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
I've read hear many times that it is suggested we get copies of all our medical records and hold onto them.

I wonder how to go about doing that. I can't imagine asking my cardio's office for copies of everything as I'm sure they'll ask why I want them. I wouldn't know how to answer. I'm really happy with my cardio and have no desire to go elsewhere for treatment.

Wouldn't it make for tension in our relationship for me to be gathering records?
If you are uncomfortable telling them you simply want copies, you could always tell them you want to make sure there is a duplicate set "just in case." Unless they can assure you they have duplicates offsite (which they won't), you can merely imply that you want to be sure there will be another set in case of an emergency. After all, doctor's offices can have fires and thefts just like any other business, building, or home.
Many Medical Records Are Lost Every Year!

Many Medical Records Are Lost Every Year!

When I was first diagnosed, I tried to get some records from past doctors. One had retired and my records vanished, and the other's hospital had closed, and all records were lost. After my surgery, I asked for copies, but met with major resistence from the Deaconess Hospital. I gave in. Again some of the records were lost. Just a few years ago I asked my current PCP to review some of the records from my surgery. He wasn't able to get them even though he works in the same hospital! I had to make many calls, fill out forms, and wait three months to get the records to my doctor! My surgeon has retired, and my xrays put on microfilm, the originals thrown out, and the copies buried in some archive that the records department can't place! I was told I'd have to buy any available copies now! DEMAND THEM! It is your right!!! Your life may depend on it! Brian
medical records

medical records

I ask for copies of my tests. I spend winter months down south and tell the doctors that I want to have a copy for the tests with me in case of emergency. Today it is easier to get your records (they belong to you) and if they ask, you may want to tell them that you want to have copies to take with you when you go on vacation in case you need to see a doctor or have an emergency

It all depends on the type of relationship you have with your doctors as to whether or not it would involve tension between you....


That said...I have it on my "to do list" (actually, it's been there for a while) to get copies of my medical records. Sadly, I asked my various doctors about this when I was unemployed in the month of May...and the staggering cost of getting my records (from my PCP and cardiologist) kept me from doing so at the time. But, depending on how much I get back on taxes (if any, this year), I may use that to pay the cost of getting the records.... We'll see....

Sorry this wasn't more helpful :(.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
My cardio is part of a group. It is a large office. They have a records department. All you do is call and ask for "records, please". Then you just say, I would like copies of my echo report mailed to my home. The tests were performed on such and such a date. If you haven't signed a release form they'll mail you one first. Then they'll just mail you whatever you request. THAT INFORMATION BELONGS TO YOU!! It's good to have it. For all the reasons already mentioned. Just do it. It will not affect your relationship at all. It's like an itemized receipt for work done.

Just ask for your test results to start. Mine always have the brief cardio report at the end. They are very interesting reading, and if you ever want to show them to anyone else, you have them.

We have a home fax and it is wonderfully easy to get information back and forth to doctors.

Good luck. Go do it!!

:D Marguerite
I used to have trouble but not since Hipaa went into law. They don't bat an eye now, they hand them over. Some places charge your for them and it's legal to do so, but not excessively.
Thank you everyone for your comments.

I don't know why this is making me so 'queasy' to ask. I know I have a right to them and they are mine to have if I wish. The only records I have are a copy of my surgeon's report and a copy of my last EKG.

We travel quite often and cruise a lot. On one of our recent cruises, we were talking w/ one of the ship's nurses. She knew I'd had OHS and a MI and specifically asked if I travel with a copy of me EKG. When I told her no, she advised me to get and bring it with me when we go to the ships. She said if I were to go to the Infirmary for anything (even if not directly heart related), there is the possibility/probability they'd do an EKG because of my history. If they see such a 'irregular' EKG and don't know what 'my normal' is, they could medivac me off the ship in whatever port ----for my own good, of course. :rolleyes:

My cardio's office agreed I should be traveling with the EKG. On the spot, they made and gave me a copy.

So....this seems to be my own uneasiness about asking for all my tests etc and risking possible defensiveness in an office I'm very happy with.

I think maybe if I use our travel as my 'reason' for wanting them, I might get up the gumption.

Thank you for this wonderful community. I have learned so much here and have never 'met' a nicer, more giving and caring group of people.

Hope you all have Happy Holidays and the best of good health and happiness in the New Year.
Please get over the quesies. You need them for your own good. They just might come in handy someday or for a loved one in a crisis situation.
Medical Records

Medical Records

We are having a terrible time getting a hold of Nathan's cardiac catheterization note from June 05, at the University of MN. It was a tough cath, and after signing all of the necessary paperwork, no operative/dictated note could be found. No measurements, no report. The surgeons and cardiologists from the Mayo contacted medical records and the cath lab themselves, and it was found to be "lost in electronics". At this point they went ahead with the surgery without it, not wanting to put Nathan through another one. I am unclear on how things can be "lost in electronics", but we are still trying to get some kind of report. We are hoping a face to face visit with the records dept may turn up something.

As a patient, you have every right for your records. Don't worry for a second about tensions.
I'm the same way ... both my PCP and my cardiologist have mentioned that they need the request in writing. Oddly, both of them have indicated they charge for them.

Maybe if I mention all of my road trips...he he heh.
I make aponit of asking nicely if I could have a copy for my own records please...

I have never been charged or GP/PCP even offers to copy anything he gets relevant to me also.
They're YOUR medical records

They're YOUR medical records

I do have some expertise in this as I work in a hospital.
Before my heart valve problem was discovered I was afraid to ask for my records.
Once I started to research the variety of options available for AVR, I decided to study the topic intensely. I asked for every reading of my echoes so I could take them to various cardios and heart surgeons to ask questions about timing and best procedure given my age and health condition.
THEY ARE YOUR RECORDS. I simply as the MD or drs. office for a copy.
I had a really hard time in 03 when I was going to NYC for a consult and Dr. Stelzer asked for a copy of my echo tape. The Boston hospital with the tape said they were "too busy" to copy it despite many weeks notice.
The day before the appointment I called the Cardiac Testing Department at the Boston hospital and said I am driving to NYC tomorrow, passing through Boston and I am not leaving Boston till I have that tape in my hands. And I got it.
I am no longer shy at all about asking a doc for anything or about anything, I am polite but strident.
I have all my echoe reports on file as well as my operative report.
It is important to keep your operative report if you are like me and will need tissue replacement surgery in 20 years or so.
Today you just need to sign a HIPAA release.
The advances in technology are making things much easier. All of the imaging (x-rays, etc) in our hospital go right on the internet for consults with doctors outside the hospital. We even have a digital Echocardiogram (first in the state) so the days of VHS echo tapes will be a distant memory soon and should be accessible from the internet.
I obtained the report of my valve replacement from my hospital with no problem at all. The girl in medical records does this as a matter of routine. I did have to make the request in writing on a form they provided.

No charge.
I have to put it in writing also, usually I have to send the request to the medical records dept.. I know alot of Hospitals will send the copies for free to other docs , but charge by the page for you to have your own set. Cort, if that is the case, do you know of any doctors, that would let you send the records to them and then give them to you? That's how I get Justin's records from the hospitals that we use that charge, actually now that I'm thinking of it, we use 3 hospitals and they all charge for the patients to have them.
Thank you everyone.

This is so silly that I've been giving myself such anxiety about getting my records that pertain to me. I feel so uncomfortable asking my doctors for them. Totally beats me why???

I plan to suck it up and ask for them.

Thanks for your help.
Sending you out some "ASSERTIVE" thoughts :rolleyes: ..

Gotta be assertive when it comes to this...and yeah suck up that shyness and reluctance and jsut ask...its not wrong to have your records and you have paid for the procedures.

I have my echo on a DVD it makes it really easy for me or anyone to look at., they "burnt" it for me then and there while they did the echo ..on one of those lil 200 buck portable DVD players you get anywhere nowadays!:eek: .
This thread has spurred me to get on the ball and get my records! I've been thinking about it for a while now and just haven't done anything about it. I definitely think it's a good idea and have requested records in the past for other medical issues. It's not hard, I've just been such the procrastinator lately. I just found out a while back that my surgeon is no longer around here and when I asked her office where she went, they said they didn't know. That kind of makes me nervous about my records. I'm going to get on the phone tomorrow to start the process!!

We all really should have a copy of our records, we're "special patients", not just your average patients!;)

Well...I used to know someone who might've done that for me, but after today's events [my current PCP threatened to not approve time off work if I did not go see a cardiologist tomorrow regarding approval for the gallbladder removal surgery ... my cardiologist is out of town and they wanted me to see one of her associates...that, of course, do not know me], looks like I may have to find a new PCP....

I will be getting the records from the nurses at my former that's a step in the right direction. But, now, I have to get my records from my cardiologist (out of town until about January 5...the nurses I spoke with today said I had to go through medical records...and they charge) and my current PCP....Aye.

*shakes head*

Never ever easy :(.
Cort, I am sorry everything is being so tough for you right now, it really doesn't seem fair. :( do you or your parents have any friends that are docs? the one I have Justin's records sent to, isn't even his doc, just a friend of mine for the past wow 20 years.
Good luck w/ the doctor and I hope they can do something to stop all the pain you have been in. I've had a few medical problems lately, not as bad as yours but I know how frustrating it can be just waiting for answers, lyn