GEckley Update

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Last night I bent over to pick up the baby and the pain was o bad I had to leave the baby in the crib. I tosed and turned in bed last night and once in a while the pain was an 8 on a scale of 1 -10. So when I went in for my INR today I asked my cardio about the pain. He checked me out and thinks I stretched or tore some scar tisue in my abs. The pain was centered right over one of my drain tube scars. He sent me to the hospital for a stat sono. I had no fluid or scars built up. BUT........ They found my gall bladder was full of muddy type fluid. So now I have to monitor this. It gets dpressinf that every time I go in some doctor finds anothr problem. Sometime I wonder if I will evr bcome normal again.
Last night I bent over to pick up the baby and the pain was o bad I had to leave the baby in the crib. I tosed and turned in bed last night and once in a while the pain was an 8 on a scale of 1 -10. So when I went in for my INR today I asked my cardio about the pain. He checked me out and thinks I stretched or tore some scar tisue in my abs. The pain was centered right over one of my drain tube scars. He sent me to the hospital for a stat sono. I had no fluid or scars built up. BUT........ They found my gall bladder was full of muddy type fluid. So now I have to monitor this. It gets dpressinf that every time I go in some doctor finds anothr problem. Sometime I wonder if I will evr bcome normal again.

Think POSITIVE Ghon !

It's WAY Better that they find a problem and FIX IT,
than NOT to find the problem... you get the idea...

Yeah, I know, Bumps in the Road to Recovery aren't Fun.
Just keep focusing on the Goal of being Down the Road and Recovered. You WILL get there, in spite of all the bumps.

Chin up Old Chap!

'Al Capshaw'
Sometime I wonder if I will evr bcome normal again.

I know exactly how you feel. Even though I generally had what would be considered an easy recovery, I did develop an infection at about 6 weeks out and just felt like it was never going to get better. After that, I had several months of feeling great and even though more recently I have been having alot of rhythm issues, I refuse to give up and will just keep pushing forward. I have faith that we will all get "there" someday.

Thanks for the support guys. I won't give up I have too many people in this world I haven't pised off yet. It just gets a little depressing and I need to vent to someone who has been there.
I won't give up I have too many people in this world I haven't pised off yet.

LOL! Plus ... you have a Route 66 Drive to attend, too ;).

Yep...saw your note on that thread. It'd be VERY COOL if you could join us, even for a small part of it, in your '68 Pontiac LeMans convertible ;). You could have the car transported to Elgin....we could work something out for ya.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Blast = 01/17/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Maybe I'll drive so far they'll all lose track" ... Dolly Parton ... 'Hard Candy Christmas'
Had my post op today. It was supposed to be after 1 month but since they kept me in for 1/2 month we put it off for 2 months. Surgeon and cardio specialist at Hopkins were astounded at how good I look. I'm pretty much green lighted for anything I want. Can't work or bowl yet but will in 5 weeks. That's cool I'm digging being with the baby. Nothing beats Father/Son Fart games. Especially when it's with your 3 month old. I will post pics of the little angel soon.
That is great news that you got the green light! All the best to you and it is reassuring that the surgeons were pleased with everything. Nothing like spending quality time with your son. Enjoy... I won't ask whose f___ stink the most:D
CONGRATS for the good news!!!!

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 drive = Sept '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Life is a runaway train you can't wait to jump on" ... Sugarland ... 'Already Gone'