For those of you with aneurysms...

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Active member
Aug 14, 2009
Poconos, PA
How much thought do you give to it? How are you coping?
Granted I only found out about mine a month ago so it's still fresh in my mind, just wondering if for most of you if it's become something that you put off to the side for the most part or if you're still reminded daily of it.

My wife is worried about my aneurysm but I told her the main reason it gets so much hype is because it's a silent killer. Meaning that most of the fatalities are due to the lack of knowing they even have the aneurysm. I figure we're ahead of the game since we're aware of it and will be monitoring it for the forseeable future.

In all honesty, I do believe what I told my wife but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried. But then I read about members that have 5.2 cm aneurysms and up and wonder if I'm making too big a deal out of having a 4.5 cm aneurysm. what's your opinion?
Being that mine ruptured at around 4.7, I can tell you that simply having one is cause for worry. I now have a 3.6 abdominal aneurysm and I've already talked to the Doctor about taking action if it shows signs of growing. I waited for the magic number 5 before and it nearly killed me. Now, I'm hearing of people walking around with up to 6.0 and talking as if it's nothing. I assure you, if it blows and doesn't kill you, it will certainly make you very nervous to hear of anyone walking around with one.

I know while I was waiting, it was a constant nagging in my mind. I was scared beyond belief.
I found out about mine on 6/9/09.....I was not waiting around for it to blow....btw...they moved up my surgery a day, it was dissecting...
The wait for me was not so bad, I was scared s__t, every day and took Xanex (well I always took that) but my GP upped the dose because of my stress level. I probably would have given myself a heart attack if i did not have the anxiety meds. It is your choice, but waiting for me would have been just as bad. Hope all goes well for you and whatever choice you make. topic, my brother has a pizzeria in the Pocono's!
I didn't know I had one until I saw the surgeon, and he said "you have a small aneurysm, I'll just tuck that in while I am in there . . .", and that was all that was said about that! I got the impression that i was because my heart was pushing as much blood as it could through the very small aperture left in my aortic valve, and that the pressure from that had caused the aorta itself to balloon a little.
When my doctor told me I had an 5.0 aneurysm along with my .8 aortic valve that convinced me to have surgery.I was seriously considering postponing surgery when it was just the aortic valve.I had no symptoms and I was playing basketball and sand volleyball.Needless to say I gave up my sports and took it easy till I had surgery.So I guess you could say it had me a little worried but aside from giving up the sports it didn't dictate what else I did.Just want to let you know all is well after surgery with no setbacks at all.Six months post-op.Good luck to you.
Hi Bigred,

Your reaction is normal. My aneurysm is also at 4.5 and yes, it definitely worries me. I've said before in threads that I would much rather get it taken care of now, mainly because a third OHS would be risky for me due to scar tissue issues. I don't want to risk an emergency.

When are you scheduled to get it checked again? It may make you feel better if the next test shows no change. I'll have another CT in January.

Take care.

At 4.3 they were checking me once a year.
When it progressed to 4.8 they checked it 6 months later. At that point I was 5.6.
7 weeks later I was on the table.
I held 4.3 for about 5 or 6 years.

but as Ross stated everyone’s tipping point is different.
I'd be requesting that it be checked as often as they will do so.
It would be bad day to be a day late!

I worry every day. It's a constant source of nagging anxiety. I went through a major grieving process when I first found out. I got hooked on ativan in the process. I'm off them now, but addiction to them is surprisingly fast.

When my cardiologist told me the news, he said "I wouldn't think about it too much." I thought he was an insensitive ass at the time, but really, I wouldn't think about it too much if I could turn back the clock. I take major strides to pretend and attempt to feel as if nothing is wrong in my chest now.
Mine is currently at 5.2 and I am very concerned and have changed my life because of it. No more heavy excertion is the hardest one for me.

My job demands a high energy level with climbing, carrying, wrenching and stress.One of my cardios says no lifting the other says 3 sets of 30 reps. I chose to follow the latter, if I don't stay conditioned the job will kill me sooner?

For me it's a calculated risk I chose to take. I hope to have many years left to live and know that it's very likely that sooner than later, surgery will be needed.

I am doing my best to keep an active lifestyle with new precautions, but the quality of life issue is important.

Plan for tomorrow and live for today with caution.
I've posted this several times before, but Jerry's aneurysm was 5.3 at diagnosis, Jan, '05, and hasn't grown since. In fact, it measures less at times and we're told that it depends on the angle of the scan and the tech reading it.

He was told to avoid heavy lifting but just this morning I saw him pushing our "dead" riding lawn tractor backwards up an incline with what appeared to be quite a bit of effort. I didn't even ask. It had to be moved. He then showered and left for a chest CT for another issue, but the aneurysm will show up as well. Due to the frequent CTs for the lung issue we're able to have the results sent to the cardio as well and keep track of the aneurysm.

He's 72 years old and does extensive gardening, uses a chain saw to clean up storm damaged trees on our 5 acres, cuts & hauls wood for our kids who burn wood, paints apartments, works with our cattle, hauls hay, and feels fine.
I just got the results from my CT scan. My Aortic root aneurysm is still at 4.0. Someone asked me what it was before my operation, well I got the answer today, it was 4.0! No change. I do think about it everyday I just can't help myself.:) From now on I'll get a copy of all my tests!
They found mine on an echo after being followed for post Ross procedure. The aneursym was 4.7 when first found. 4 years later it was 8.0 in the operating room. How did I cope? Didnt have much of a choice.

Now my mom, she is 74, 4.7cm aneurysm with COPD who is waiting to be cleared by her pulmonologist for her heart surgery...the concern being...she doesnt want to end up on a vent and unable to get off it. Her coping mechanism is to worry, worry, worry.
I am not a big risk taker, I wanted to have it fixed waited two months and after my 50th birthday but I did it! and I do have my bad days but hey who doesn't! Get it fixed! Don't wait! is my opinion.
Please be careful, is what I say. Pay a LOT of attention to your aneurysm and the stress you put upon it. I prolonged my need for surgery for over 15 years due to care. But surgery it was, at long last.