Finger Poke Versus Blood Draw

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I was reading (great site by the way) and I saw that the preferred INR testing style is the finger poke. The lab that I currently go to here in the Cincinnati area still does it the old fashioned way (drawing a test tube of blood). Does anyone know of a listing of labs that use the finger poke method?

P.S. Even though this is my first post, I've been lurking here for about a year and you all have provided me great information, comfort and inspiration. Thanks for everything that you do.
Labs like Labcor and Quest have financial incentive to do vein draws. I get finger stick by my PCP. Many private physcians and those that are affiliated with hospital corporations do finger sticks in their office as a service. Many larger Cardio practices have in- house labs that finger stick. Many here self-test. Shouldn't be hard finding a doctor or lab that finger sticks. Its a whole lot simpler than vein draws, and just as accurate.
From what I learned early on is that a finger-stick is more accurate b/c you get the results right then. Vein-draw you have to wait for the results (at least I did) so that if you have it done on Tuesday, and get your results back a day or two later, you have Tuesday's INR level, which doesn't do you any good if you are trying to accurately manage yourself (by Wed. or Thurs. your level could have either risen or fallen and you wouldn't know). This is, of course, if you are not getting same-day results. Someone here gave me a link to coumadin clinics, where you can easily find one in your area. I have been going to one near me ever since. My PCP's office also does finger-sticks. You can also always look into getting your own machine and testing at home.
I go to a clinic and they do a vein draw. But my results are available to me in about 15 minutes and then a nurse gives me my coumadin dosage for a 2 week period. I'm only 10 weeks post-op so I thought I would let the clinic manage my INR for the first few months. I hope to go to a home test or at least to a facility that does the finger stick. According to the clinic I go to the blood draw is more accurate than a finger stick but I find that hard to beleive given all the folks that use the finger stick method.
Welcome Kozzy,

I got my own machine because I could not find any place in the Cincy area that do the finger stick testing. There might be some cardiac offices that use it my mine (Ohio Heart) does not. This area seems to be a vein draw area.
I hate having to go to Quest for blood draws. I can't wait for my machine to arrive. I will be doing one hell of a jig when the UPS man rings my doorbell


Based upon my experiences with the techs at my local hospital's lab, I'm not sure they could find a vein with a finger stick either. Those people shouldn't be allowed to play with anything sharp.

Thanks for all of the info. Geebee, I go to Ohio Heart as well. I have been trying to call of the clinics on the website with no luck so far. I will let every one know if I have any luck. I guess I'll start working on getting a home monitor.