Finally!!!! My Kidney Surgery has been scheduled!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
After many weeks of hassles, hospitalization and dealing with rude and insolent doctor's office workers, my kidney(s) surgery is schedualed for November 14th!!! Harrybaby here was reallllyyyyyy getting irritable about all the delays, and therefore opened his mouth....LOUD, LONG and WIDE!!! Sheesh...what DOES it take to get people to understand that your IN CONSTANT Pain? :eek: :mad: :confused:

Anyway, they finally got the cardiac clearance that they needed and are gonna move forward...the part that they didn't tell me is that I may have to go through the big surgery at Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital AGAIN!!! Yikes!!! Harrybaby:eek: :( :D :eek: :D
glad to hear the good news....i've slowly come to the conclusion over the past decade that he who makes the biggest noise gets seen to first rather than on need...this is in all walks of life not just what you are going through..

But sheesh mate, kidney too? the heart is bad enough without something else also.

Hope all goes well.
Harry I have been missing lots of posts lately and I don't know what they are going to do to your kidney, tho I know how ill you have been. Please tell us again. I hate that you have to go through yet another bump in life's road, but we do what we have to do. You know my prayers are yours. Blessins......
Dude I'm happy your getting taken care of, but your gonna be hurtin for a spell. Best of luck to you and as long as you don't turn into Chris, you should be fine.
I'm happy that you're happy!:p :p

Please bring me up to speed on what they will be doing, will you?
Harry, I know you have been in pain and I am sending you all my best wishes that this surgery resolves all that. Put you on the calendar- Godspeed!
Harry I'm so glad that you are finally getting something done. What exactly are they going to be doing to your kidneys? You hang in there and remember you are always in my prayers.
I am glad that you are finally getting the hep that you need. Best wishes for a successful procedure and a speedy, uneventful recovery!!
Well Gang...It's Like This....

Well Gang...It's Like This....

Because I suffer from Gout, this means my body makes too much Uric Acid, and in turn, it makes kidney stones that are made of Uric Acid...I have stones in BOTH kidneys, and they have to be removed AGAIN...What they are going to do a week from Tuesday is go up inside with a scope with a fiber optic on top and find out what is blocking the stone from passing through the stent which I have had in for 2 months, and then they will try and pulverize (smash) up the stones and suck them up with a vaccuum...if this don't work I will go through another similar procedure up at Dartmouth Hitchcock, only it wlll be a much bigger procedure.

The pain has been incredible, and there have times I have been irritable, but thankfully, people have understood why. Between the heart and lungs and kidneys and my arthritis, neuropathy and spinal stenosis, I don't think I will ever have a day without pain, but this kidney pain is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, UNQUESTIONABLY THE WORST PAIN A PERSON CAN HAVE....

I hope this goes well....Harrybaby:eek: :( :D :D :eek: :( :D :D
They do say kindney stones are like child birth. I couldn't imagine going through child birth for that long!! Hope some pain is lifted from your life after the procedure. Good luck and like Mary said "I am happy if you are happy!"
I am also a uric acid stoner so you have my sympathy.

Actually it really isn't the worse pain, what is worse is when they stick an epidural in for post operative pain relief and it hits a nerve! NOTHING touches that pain, I promise you, I wold pass a good sized kidney stone any day. :) I pass tiny stones most days, they are uncomfortable rather than painful, the big ones hurt, I grant you that. :)

Just don't let them do ESWL to you without antibiotic cover - look where I ended up!

Good luck with the treatment, and keep drinking the water.
Harrybaby666 said:
Because I suffer from Gout, this means my body makes too much Uric Acid, and in turn, it makes kidney stones that are made of Uric Acid...I have stones in BOTH kidneys, and they have to be removed AGAIN...What they are going to do a week from Tuesday is go up inside with a scope with a fiber optic on top and find out what is blocking the stone from passing through the stent which I have had in for 2 months, and then they will try and pulverize (smash) up the stones and suck them up with a vaccuum...if this don't work I will go through another similar procedure up at Dartmouth Hitchcock, only it wlll be a much bigger procedure.

The pain has been incredible, and there have times I have been irritable, but thankfully, people have understood why. Between the heart and lungs and kidneys and my arthritis, neuropathy and spinal stenosis, I don't think I will ever have a day without pain, but this kidney pain is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, UNQUESTIONABLY THE WORST PAIN A PERSON CAN HAVE....

I hope this goes well....Harrybaby:eek: :( :D :D :eek: :( :D :D

omg, Harry. That's what Richard had. He just didn't get treatment in time because he couldn't tell the right people about the pain. We will stay close to you until you get this taken care of. Push them to get it done asap! My heart especially goes out to you because I have a pretty good idea of what is happening to you.
Harrybaby666 said:
Because I suffer from Gout, this means my body makes too much Uric Acid, and in turn, it makes kidney stones that are made of Uric Acid...I have stones in BOTH kidneys, and they have to be removed AGAIN...What they are going to do a week from Tuesday is go up inside with a scope with a fiber optic on top and find out what is blocking the stone from passing through the stent which I have had in for 2 months, and then they will try and pulverize (smash) up the stones and suck them up with a vaccuum...if this don't work I will go through another similar procedure up at Dartmouth Hitchcock, only it wlll be a much bigger procedure.

The pain has been incredible, and there have times I have been irritable, but thankfully, people have understood why. Between the heart and lungs and kidneys and my arthritis, neuropathy and spinal stenosis, I don't think I will ever have a day without pain, but this kidney pain is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, UNQUESTIONABLY THE WORST PAIN A PERSON CAN HAVE....

I hope this goes well....Harrybaby:eek: :( :D :D :eek: :( :D :D

Harrybaby--will start the praying now so lots of good karma will be built up before the 14th. Too bad you don't live closer, we nurses could get together and take care of you after you get home! I've heard that kidney stone pain is worse than giving birth without drugs--but since I've experienced neither, I'll take their word for it, since I'd imagine both are horrific!

Sorry That I have been out of the loop.....

Sorry That I have been out of the loop.....

It's been kind of crazy around my house the past week, but I wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the good wishes on this surgery, as yes, I have been in ALOT.....AND I DO ME ALOT of pain while waiting for this surgery to finally happen. Thanks Carolyn for the encouraging words on the nurses, as I know I would get better treatment than in my area....

I am so sorry that Richard couldn't get treatment to take care of his, as this is absolutely the worst.....The big surgery that I had 2 years ago at Dartmouth Hitchcock was the best treatment that I have ever had from a hospital, but even so, just the frustration of another medical problem, and surgery knocked me into a horrible depression, so I am praying that this will go better this time...

Yes, I have also felt that epidural hit a nerve in my back, and I do agree that the pain is worse, but, the kidney pain, with the length of time that it lasts in comparison to the epidural was making me very nauseated....I sure hope that this is the last time for the both of us....

Anyway, I just wanted to thank yall for the support again, and I hope all goes well....:D :D :D :D Harrybaby:D :eek: :D
Harry -

Harry -

I remember Regis Philbin teasing Kathie Lee on Live w/Regis and Kathie Lee - telling her that the pain of him passing a kidney stone was worse than childbirth. They would go on and on and finally some women called in and told Regis that he was right - they had given birth and had a kidney stone and the pain of the kidney stone was far worse than giving birth.

Sorry to hear that you have had this pain! :eek:

Best wishes for a successful surgery so you can enjoy the upcoming holiday season with your precious little niece.

God bless -

Christina L