Finally getting closer to surgery

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Hi everyone -

I'm finally getting closer to having an actual surgery date. I chatted with the cardiac surgeon this afternoon and he wants me to call the office on Monday to set up a time to sign all the pre-surgery forms and for him to tell me all the risks. I came right out and asked him how much chance there is i'll get off the ventilator and he said "slim to none". He also said he didn't even quite know why he's operating on me, since i'm such a high risk patient, but without it i have zero chance, so i guess i might as well go with it. As i've said before, i've known i'm high risk since i was in the hospital in Buffalo in November with congestive heart failure. When the woman ran the pulmonary function test on me she said "be prepared for no doctor to even want to touch you". So, anyhow, at least i'm getting closer to surgery. I'll let you all know when i have an actual date. Thank you so much for all the support you have given me. It means more to me than you'll ever know, since i have no family at all who's going to be there with me, and that is going to be so hard.

You are a very brave woman and I wish you all the best with this surgery. Please contact the hospital social worker and see if they can get you some help and support through this process.
At least you can know that your VR family will be praying for you.
Oh boy, everyone here can feel what you are feeling.... It is not fun, but you are smart enough to get some things lined up. Whatever is going on, we are all here for you, pretty much day and night.:) :)
You have this family and we will be there for you. Please be sure to post your surgery date when you have it and we will keep you in our prayers.
you are so brave. My thoughts and prayers are with you. We will all be with you during your surgery and recovery. Thanks for updating us and keep us posted.
You are in our prayers. Sometimes things do work out better than expected. I had a friend that was rushed to Emory in Atlanta this week becuase his cardio told him there was nothing that could be done for him in Macon. He suggested the best course of action was a heart transplant.After reaching Emory by ambulance the doctors put the paddles to his heart, got him in normal sinus rythem and put him on medication.They told him he did not need a tranplant and would be going home shortly.I pray you have a similar blessing.Let us hear from you often.
marie said it well. Your bravery is amazing and to say that all of us are rooting for you is a ridiculous understatement. You are in my thoughts and I wish you nothing but the best.
Really hope you get a successful outcome, sending hugs and prayers, let us know when you get a date.
Your strength and fight will see you through this. You have family here, Dawn Marie, and our prayers for you continue.

I think it an excellent suggestion to contact the hospital's social worker service pre surgery and have them 'know' you prior to your admission. You seem to have found a doctor who will fight as hard for you as you are fighting and that has to be a good combination. This is a confident surgeon who has faith he has a chance of helping you. I get good vibes from a man like that.
Hi everyone -

Thank you so very much for your kindness to me. Thank you also for all the prayers...they really help a lot! I'm not really all that brave though. I live in an apartment complex for people with various disabilities. The apartment manager asked me how things were going the other day downstairs at the YMCA (which is where the apartments are located), and i just broke down sobbing and couldn't stop for several minutes. This may sound dumb, but i really worry more about what will happen to my two Ragdoll cats (Maggie and Smudgie), then i worry about myself. They're 6 years old and most people just do not want cats that old...they want cute little kittens. Since i don't have any family left, they're like kids to me and i really worry about them. John (a friend of mine) has promised me he'll find a home for them, since i want them to stay together. Of course, i'm hoping and praying i'll get better and be able to come home, but i know it's going to be a long haul to recover. At least, Dr. Strzalka knows also that i'm going to have to use my arms to turn myself in bed and he said he will just reinforce the surgery with extra stitches or staples (whatever they use) so that i can do it. He said i will really have a lot of pain though from using my arms. However, since i'm paralyzed i have no choice. He also told me he will use a tissue valve and that i won't have to be on Coumadin at all afterwards...he just has everyone take an aspirin a day. That will be good.

Mostly, i'm just trying to keep a positive outlook despite everything. I believe that doctors can give you odds about how you'll do based on experience, but i also truly believe that it is God (and no other) who decides when it is time for you to go and be with him in Heaven. So, i'll do my part to try to get better but when it comes to the day of the surgery i'll "Let go and Let God" because that is all i can do.

Thank you again for your prayers!!!

Hi again,

Forgot to thank you for the suggestions to contact the Social Work Dept. and the Chaplains at the hospital. I sure will. I've done that before when i had all the surgeries when i had cancer. It really helps!

I know you all like to laugh too, so i have to tell you a funny story (but SO embarrassing too) that happened to me when i first had surgery for the tumor in my local WCA Hosital. A few of the nurses in the ICU were my friends since we were 5 years old. Dr. Wettingfeld did not approve of the nurses having the feminine version of Playgirl at the hospital. He was not my doctor. They saw him coming and grabbed all of their magazines (15 of them) and came into my room and through them all over the bed on top of me. Wouldn't you know, Rev. Ray and Sister Rosemary came around the corner then and headed right to my room. They came in and just stopped and stared at all of the magazines and didn't say a word (and neither did i...but i could feel my face burning). Finally, Rev. Ray said "Well, it looks like you're keeping yourself entertained and having a wonderful time". Funny now, but not at the moment!! I could barely look either one of them in the face for several days, hehe!
Dawn-Marie said:
Hi again,

Forgot to thank you for the suggestions to contact the Social Work Dept. and the Chaplains at the hospital. I sure will. I've done that before when i had all the surgeries when i had cancer. It really helps!

I know you all like to laugh too, so i have to tell you a funny story (but SO embarrassing too) that happened to me when i first had surgery for the tumor in my local WCA Hosital. A few of the nurses in the ICU were my friends since we were 5 years old. Dr. Wettingfeld did not approve of the nurses having the feminine version of Playgirl at the hospital. He was not my doctor. They saw him coming and grabbed all of their magazines (15 of them) and came into my room and through them all over the bed on top of me. Wouldn't you know, Rev. Ray and Sister Rosemary came around the corner then and headed right to my room. They came in and just stopped and stared at all of the magazines and didn't say a word (and neither did i...but i could feel my face burning). Finally, Rev. Ray said "Well, it looks like you're keeping yourself entertained and having a wonderful time". Funny now, but not at the moment!! I could barely look either one of them in the face for several days, hehe!

Dawn Marie, I can picture the whole thing really clearly and have gotten a good laugh. I sure hope all goes well for you and know that you will be in many a prayer as you go through this.
Safe to say you inspire us all.... my best wishes and prayers are with you !


Sending you prayers and positive thoughts as you deal with all that you need to both before and after your surgery. You are indeed a brave woman and don't be so hard on yourself for shedding a few well-earned tears. Who wouldn't under the circumstances?
Blessings and peace to you!
Lots of prayers

Lots of prayers


You have left footprints in my heart,
Everything you posted and say is a reflection of the inner you.
All my prayers go out to you and may all go well for you,
Please let us know the date of your surgery. God strenghten you more
yet and keep up the positive thinking it will take you wherever you want to go in life and it will see you through the best and worst of times when nothing else seems to ....POSITIVE ATTITUDE happy you have that as you await your surgery. The waiting is hard. (HUGS AND PRAYER FOR YOUR COMFORT)

Dawn-Marie, I would like to send you prayers, thoughts and hugs for you to find strength and hope preparing for what lies ahead. Please let us know the date of your surgery so we can ''collectively'' offer up prayers for you. Best Wishes.
Hi Everyone -

Thanks for all of your's so kind of you all. starting to get frustrated. As i said, i talked with the cardiac surgeon on Friday and he told me we were "under the gun" to get things (surgery) going and i told him i'd call his office on Monday morning to make an appointment. I called first thing Monday to be told he's taking a 2 week vacation starting next week, and then he's decided to take the next Tuesday off (he's only in the office on Tuesdays), so he can't see me until May 27th, and then he'll do some pre-op tests and schedule the surgery date. This concerns me, since 2 cardiologists and the cardiac surgeon said it is "critical" that i replace the valve ASAP. Both cardiologists told me to wait no longer than 1 1/2 months, and that was a couple weeks ago. Sorry, i just had to vent to someone because with what they have told me, i'm wondering how safe it is to wait another month. I guess i have no choice though since he's on vacation.

At least i'll get to enjoy the beautiful weather we're having. I live about 70 miles south of Buffalo, NY and normally it's not all that warm yet. We've had 10 sunny days with a couple of them close to 80!!! From what he's telling me, even best case scenario i could be stuck in the hospital/nursing home for 2 months trying to wean me off the ventilator, so i'm going to really enjoy the next month. We're having our big Lucy Fest in 3 weeks (Lucille Ball was born and raised here in Jamestown), and that will be a lot of fun. Lucy fans from all over the world come to it. Unfortunately, less people are coming every year because younger people don't even know (or care) who she was. It's still a fun 3 day celebration though!!

Hope you're all having a nice Spring so far! I'll let you know when i hear anything further, but it won't be til May 27th. Thank you again for everything!

"Hugs" to you all,
