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Hi All,

I just registered here. I found this site by accident while surfing the net. I had AVR surgery 4½ years ago and boy I wished I knew of this site. Better late than never though.

I have always wanted to give back somehow and this is a great way of doing that. I am also now getting involved with Mended Hearts.

Thanks for a great site, even though I have only just joined it already looks great.

Thank you Stan. Please stop by often and offer your knowledge to others. I know mended hearts pretty much take you over, but if you can find the time, we'd appreciate it.
Welcome Stan. I found shortly after my surgery but as you said "better late than never". It's been very helpful post-op to hear others share similar experiences to mine as I had no idea what to expect and what should be "normal" during recovery. Any insights or experiences you wish to share would be greatly appreciated.

Hey, Stan. I found VR years ago by accident. There were less than 100 members then, corresponding in a very different format than what we have here. It was sort of like a chat room. Hundreds upon hundreds have come and gone. Lots have stayed here to support newcomers. We hope you will stay, too. I am sure you have much to add to the site. Welcome.
Welcome Stan.

I agree with you that I wish I had found before my last OHS but I am not sure it actually existed then (1994).;) :D

In any case, experience can be the best teacher and the more members there are, the more we can help those facing surgery and going through recovery.

Hope to hear a lot more from you.
Hi Stan and welcome. I am new to this but there are a few here that have good knowledge and can be very helpful.....they are easy to pick out;)

Hope you enjoy our little group.

Welcome Stan. I am one of the lucky ones that have found this site before surgery. Please stick around and offer any help to those of us in the " waiting room". This site has been a God send to me and others who are preparing for OHS. Glad you found us now!!


*Hi Stan, I just wanted to welcome you to this wont be long before you see how wonderful everyone is here !!!! :cool:
It's a great site with a fun group and a very helpful core of "regulars!"

(By the way, EireCara, which castle is that one you've posted as an avatar? It's beautiful too!)
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I will post from time to time as time allows (wow, used the word "time" 3 times in 1 sentence).



Hi Stan. I'm another one who found this site post surgery, but when I had my second I knew about it. It's very helpful. Do stick around!