Feeling lousy

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2005
formerly Beautiful Ozarks, near Branson, MO, now C
Hi all.
I need some input. I have felt lousy all day. For a while had floaters in my vision and head felt weird. Checked my BP and it was 137/83.
Just a little while later I got a terrible blinding headache, checked BP again and now is up to 157/97. Headache has eased somewhat but still feel really lousy.
any ideas ??
I wouldn't take any chances here. I would defintely get it checked out with your Dr. to rule out the possibility that something bad is going on.

It could just be a migraine. Your BP could have gone up because you were concerned about what was happening.

However, it could be indicative of something more serious. I know how annoying it can be to go to the doctor and be told "it's nothing" but, better that, than "you should have come in sooner".
thank you

thank you

thanks for the quick replies. I think I'll wait a bit and see how I feel. I hate to say it, but I no longer have insurance and no income for myself right now, so also have to consider that. Think I will go to bed early and rest up maybe.
thanks again.
when i had headaches i went to docs he found high blood pressure 158/90 but he stated it was highly unlikely to be the blood pressure as high blood pressure has no symptoms that why HB is known as the silent killer
I am experiencing the same symptoms from time to time. All these might start when looking at bright light (computer screen, strong lights, etc). My vision will clear in about 10minutes. As soon as my vision is clear then a light headache will start.
The conclusion was that this a migraine.
sounds like a migraine but if it doesn't clear very quickly, you need to get it checked. We know it's hard to make that decision when you haven't insurance nor income. You will make a good judgment when it is needed. God bless you.
Hi all.
I need some input. I have felt lousy all day. For a while had floaters in my vision and head felt weird. Checked my BP and it was 137/83.
Just a little while later I got a terrible blinding headache, checked BP again and now is up to 157/97. Headache has eased somewhat but still feel really lousy.
any ideas ??

Hope you are feeling better today. If not go get checked out. I know that money plays a big part of how we take care of ourselves, but maybe a local low-cost clinic could help. I will pray that you are better soon.