Experience with Aleve ???

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Al Lodwick and I have exchanged a couple of emails because I had a couple of experiences with elevated INRs, and my PCP and my coumadin clinic both think it was the Aleve regimen I was taking post surgery. Al reports that he has not had any patients with Aleve problems. I don't have any expertise to have an opinion, but would welcome comments from those who have had Aleve related INR problems. I'm now off Aleve and will retest soon- obviously I'm wondering if its not the Aleve, what is it. Chris
I don't know if it's worth mentioning or not, but it's on my list of "Do Not Use" drugs from my Coumadin Clinic. I don't know Chris, it must do something. Looking at the drug interactions list, it appears that it can thin the blood more, so maybe there is something to it.


Why were you taking Aleve after your surgery?For Pain? Why not Tylenol?..I'm still looking for a fresh possum..for that post-op dinner. :D :D Bonnie
Granbonny, what does possom taste like?
I've always wondered. Is it similar to some other kind of meat?


Pork..Greasy so you have to make a bread dressing to stuff inside. Do you want one too when I Fed-Ex Chris's?:D :D :D Bonnie
Why Aleve ?

Why Aleve ?

Hi Bonnie-I was taking Aleve for pain that seems to come after I push too hard during the day, and I tried it because it doesn't metabolize in the liver. With all the other stuff I'm taking, I thought it would be a good choice, but I'm back on Tylenol until I get a better answer to the INR mystery. An INR of 6.9 is a little too scary for me. Chris
What are you doing..that you are pushing too hard during the day? Bird-hunting?:D :D Stay in touch with Al..he'll help with your INR..:) :) :) Bonnie
Aleve is in the NSAID's class of drugs.

Yes, a major no no while taking anticoagulants!
It's a shame because some of us have to turn to RX's for pain. I can't stand it, but what other choice do I have?

Tylenol does not work EVER. Suffering is not high on my list.
Boy, I agree! Tylenol does nothing for pain! Sometimes I would give my right arm for 2 Excedrin!
It's terrible, I took a percocet last night just so I could sleep through the pain in my abdomin(adhesions from c-sections), and it made me high, and that didn't go away until this morning, BUT it did nothing for the pain. It was sort of nice sleeping though. very deep! ARGH!
Hey Chris,

I was told by my surgeon that I could only take Tylenol.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Aortic Valve Replacement with a St. Jude with graft sleeve.
Poudre Valley Hospital, Heart Center of the Rockies
Not meaning to pile on here, but I was also told to stick with Tylenol. I argued with them that it didn't touch the migraines at all. Well, we'd have to figure something else out for the migraines then, because Aleve and Advil were NOT an option.

As luck would have it, I haven't had a migraine since my surgery, so it seems moot for me, at least for now.
Johnny, you might want to talk to your doctor about midrin which has acetominephen in it if you have any more migraines.
Hi All

Hi All

I was told to keep away from tylenol also, it's metabilized in the liver, so I'm told, I do however take a low dose when a migraine hits, it's safer then the NSAIDs.

This summer's going to be tough, I love salads and since the warm season is here, I can't keep away from them.
I got tested today, I'll be anxious to hear my results, I'm willing to increase my current dose of 62.5 a week to more if necessary!



I have taken Tylenol Extra Strength several times a week..for the past 15 months since my vr...mainly for old age :p aches. My INR was 3.0 yesterday and 3 weeks before that, too.Normal is around the 2.8 range. I have always been in range 2.5-3-5.. I took 4 500mg of Amoxicillin today before my dental cleaning. And am not going to test in 3 days. Why..because I feel like Al says, it will come back into range soon...Will test again in 2 weeks. Again, for newbies on coumadin. Stayed on my coumadin and ask dentist. Did I bleed. No, she said.:) :) :) :) I have such pearly whites tonight:D :D :D bonnie


Wow - A lot of good replies and I hope Al is monitoring this for mental updates to his book. I also talked to my former Coumadin clinic mgr (I got my own Protime) and she recommended Tylenlol # 3 , Tegretol (prescription) Ultram-if titrated to work, and Lortab in small amounts. So far I have gotten by on Tylenol. My Lipitor gives me dandy headaches in the AM and the Tylenol seems to works. If you take a lot of them, however, it has been my experience that the INR will take to the skies.
I just turned down a request from an attorney to be an expert witness in a lawsuit against a doctor who prescribed naproxen to a patient taking warfarin and the person died.

I did so because there are a lot of lists that say to avoid this combination, but I just checked again and cannot find one case in any medical journal indexed by the National Library of Medicine that ever carried one report of anyone ever being harmed by this combination.

If they get an expert witness to say that someone they cared for was harmed, then the defense will ask why they never published any report.

It would be much easier to defend the doctor because all these "no-no" lists are derived from two reports of lab tests in the 1970s that say something could theoretically happen.

I hated to turn down the money, but i want to keep my record of never losing a lawsuit intact.
Al - The following may sound like I'm picking on you, but I'm really not, its just that the question is important. You have not included Aleve in your book as a no-no because you have had no definitive proof that it accelerates the effect of Coumadin. What would it take to convince you to add it to the book ? Would the results of the trial you discussed be enough ? You know I think Aleve or Naproxen is a no-no, and there are several others who share that belief from their experience albeit we did not do a clean clinical trial. Doctors rarely can be counted as experts in the world of Coumadin because there are too many things Coumadin interacts with. My cardio is up front with me on this, and refers me to their coumacin clinic. He has also erred in the past by prescribing pain killers that interact, but I caught the problem before it got serious. Its a sticky issue, but I guess I'd rather see a message that says "This not totally proven, but be very careful if you use Aleve and Coumadin together" Chris