Ernie's back in hospital.

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
Auckland ,New Zealand
Hello there to you all,
After doing so well with his recovery almost 7 weeks on, Ernie woke up today feeling peculiar.
We noticed that his legs and face were very swollen.
Anyway, after having an ECG and blood cultures he was told to go immediately back to hospital.
Apparently he has Atrial fibrillation.(The specialist said that it is very common after valve replacement) they were also concerned that there may be an underlying infection.

He will be having cardioversion tomorrow morning, that will hopefully sort things out.
I'm not too happy about him having another anaesthetic. Hated leaving him back at the hospital again. ( Thought that that was all over now.)
Wish us Luck !!

Kindest regards
I am sorry to hear this, Wendy. I hope it gets sorted out speedily and that he is back on the mend in no time!

Take care.

P. J.
my brother had cardioversion - it's not bad.

If the decide to put Ernie on amiodarone, check it out first.

I hope he gets better really soon and they can get this a-fib under control
"Been there, done that" Wendy.

I went into A-Fib while still in the hospital, then again at 5 and 6 weeks post op. I was fortunate in that each event converted back to Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR) after 3 hours regardless of whether they treated me or not. As others have said in previous posts, the heart is 'not happy' having been cut on and may act up for a while until everything 'settles down'.

My cardiologist put me on a low dose Beta Blocker (Toprol XL) which worked well for a couple of years until another condition caused A-Fib on exertion. Then he put me on a different type of Beta Blocker that specifically targets A-Fib (BetaPace - generic form is Sotalol) which prevented further occurances.

Taking Ernie back to the hospital was EXACTLY the right thing to do. They have lots of 'tools' (medications and procedures) to control heart rhythm. Hopefully his fluid retention will subside after they get his rhythm back to normal. I am a little surprised you did not mention them putting him on a diuretic (usually Lasix) to drain off some of the excess fluid.

Best wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
So sorry to hear the news. Please send him our very best. He'll be in my prayers.
Question for everyone:
Can someone explain why he has the fluid retention? Is it due to the heart's not beating efficiently enough to the A-fib?
Sorry , didn't mention that they put him on a diuretic soon after he was admitted.
I'm off to the hospital now to see Ernie berfore he goes in.
He is really nervous.
