Ernie update

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
Auckland ,New Zealand
Hello to you all,
Ernie is having to have an MRI on Friday at the Auckland University.He had an echo last week.
The cardiac specialist still cannot understand why Ernie is still having to have so many diuretics to keep his fluid under control.
The cardio feels that at this stage (7 months post op ) the diuretics should not be required.
Ernies GGT is still elevated.
Besides that he has a bad throat and is on anti-biotics at the moment.
Needless to say Ernie is a bit nervous about Friday, and so am I.
Plus apparently the valve is leaking.
So please, say a few prayers and send positive thoughts for him on Friday.
Thank you for reading
Best wishes to you all
Wendy sorry to hear Ernie is still having problems. Hopefully after Fridays MRI the Cardio will be able to get to the bottom of the problem. It is most concerning that the new valve is leaking after only 7 months.
Sending you best wishes for friday, hope things get sorted out soon. all the best of luck
Ernie has my prayers. I hope they can locate the problem and fix it. Sometimes one of us has a less than perfect recovery. Please give him a hug and assurance that we are right here sending good thoughts.
Best wishes to Ernie on Friday. Hopefully you will get the answers you need to get on with a complete recovery.
Hang in there, my friend!!

Hang in there, my friend!!

Hi Wendy, even though we've just had a chat, I just wanted to say once more that you're always in my prayers even when things are going well for you and your family. Ernie's a very nice person too and I'm sure that God will see to it that he's ok. This site has worked wonders for everybody and there'll be a big chain of prayers going all the way to NZ on Friday! And everybody's fingers will be crossed for Ernie and you! Talk to you again tomorrow!
I'll cross my fingers and hope that everything goes well for Ernie. Please let us know the results of the MRI as soon as you can.


I am so anxious for y'all. You know you stay in our prayers. Is it Friday there yet (I'm timezone challenged.)? Do y'all know anything? I am so praying for good results and some answers involving simple cures. P.S. Katie rotates her favorite stuffed animals out each's the green bunny's night..........Katie would be quite miffed that I have forgotten her name! Reminds me of a King and his harem...........heehee! :D It's green bunny's lucky night.........) All my love. Janet
Thanks for all the concern and best wishes from you all.
Ernie had the MRI and they seem to have just confirmed what the echo said.
There is large amount of coagulated blood and fluid aroung his heart.
The valve leaks a bit ( in that, when it closes, some blood goes back ) but the specialist says that this can happen with mechanical valves and is nothing to worry about ?? ( I still worry though )
He said that the old fluid etc is of concern though.
We will only know the outcome of everything next week after the results have been seen by both the surgeon and the cardiac specialist.
So we are still waiting.............
I'm just wondering if they took out his drains too soon after the op ? They were taken out 1 day post op ?
He had a similar problem last year after an inguinal hernia repair, and ended up having to have fluid aspirated off the area.
I wonder if anyone else has had this problem post AVR ??
Anyway, I will keep you posted on any news.
Thanks to you all
Thought you'd get rid of me!!?? LOL!!

Thought you'd get rid of me!!?? LOL!!

I know that it would have been much better if there was nothing at all going on, but at least it seems to be something that can be fixed without another surgery. I hope you and Ernie can get to talk to his cardio soon and solve this problem once and for all. Your whole family deserves a break now after having been through so much already this year.
Chat to you later! Have a good night sleep now!!
Where are the experts??

Where are the experts??

:confused: Hi there!! My friend wendy is very anxious about Ernie and I thought I'd remind you guys that if you think you can add anything else to what's already been said, that would help put her mind at ease.?? Have any of you ever experienced that kind of thing or know of someone who has? Thanks in advance!
There have been a good number of people who have had fluid around the heart and had to have it removed. Sometimes several times. It's a shame they've let this go so long, though.

I've not personally gone through that. I hope it is quick for Ernie's sake, and he feels better very soon, Wendy.

Some mechanical valves (and tissue valves) leave a small plume when they close and are still fine. The term used in the US for this type of minimal regurgitation/insufficiency is trivial leakage. It doesn't affect the heart negatively, and since the doctors have been carefully over the rest of the valve's functionality, you shouldn't be concerned about it at all.

Best wishes,
Thanks for updating...............

Thanks for updating...............

whew! I think this is fairly good news, all things considered. Don't get me wrong. I hate that Ernie has the fluid accumulation, but at least this should not involve major surgery. Someone on here posted not too long back about having to have fluid drained. It happens fairly frequently in the ped's world. I dunno if you remember, but when Katie was in the hospital, one little girl was about to be released to go home when they discovered all the fluid on her discharge echo or x-ray one. Next thing you know, she is staying put and getting a chest tube reinserted. She only had to stay a couple of extra days, and then got to go home. And like Bob said, trivial residual leakage is common, so here's praying that it is indeed trivial. You stay in our prayers. Sending hugs and please keep us posted on how things go next week. J.'s Ernie?'s Ernie?

Did y'all find out anything this week? I hope that y'all got good news and are just too busy celebrating to post an update. Keeping y'all in my prayers until I get the good word. Much love and many hugs. J.
Go to Pre Surgery from now on!

Go to Pre Surgery from now on!

Hi janet, I started another thread about Ernie last night under Pre Surgery called Unnexpected News (WendyD). I did that because unfortunately he'll need to get the blood and fluid removed surgically. Wendy's quite lost just now, but once she gets over the shock of the news, she'll be writing about it herself. We chat every day and as she tells me, I'll let you all know what's going on. Go there and you'll be able to see the E-mail she sent me telling me about it all. They really need us now!!
Thank you!